After a month of contemplating I've made the decision about the PC I'm going to order. It's the most bland and unexiting build you can imagine, but it'll do the job for the next 6-18 months. After which hopefully at some point there's some good value to be had in upgrading the GPU (and possibly the CPU as well).
One thing I was hoping to get some advice on from someone is the PSU.
For what I'm ordering 550W would be sufficient. But the exact same brand has a 650W version for 13 euros more so that's the better choice. However there's also a 750W that's another 40 euros more. Which one would be the best buy for say the next 3-5 years? I read that for the RTX 3080 750W is already recommended by NVIDIA, so I figured I perhaps might as well get one now, at the same time if it's pointless overkill...
Another thing I'm still switching back and forth about is the GPU. I can get a Saphire Pulse 5600XT for 320 euro, but I think I'm going to get a PNY 1660 Super for 238 euros instead, since I'm probably buying a proper GPU somehwere in the next 12 months anyway. Wouldn't mind an RTX 3060, but the ones available in the 340 euro price range all have shitty reviews in terms of heat and sound (fan noise) and the better rated ones go for around 400 euro which is ridiculous. But then again we're living in times where they're casually charging 500 euros for 3060 Supers

. Figured I might as well get the cheapest thing that does the job, since I have to buy shite like a facecam for the work at home during the pandemic era and a nice monitor and stuff and I'm upgrading quite soon, plus I have no idea how much resale value a 5600XT would have when the new generation GPUs become readily available in 2021.
650W or 750W (or even more), which would you guys reckon to be the best value PSU for the next 4-5 years?
and less importantly,
Sapphire Pulse RX 5600 XT for 320 euro vs. PNY GeForce 1660 Super OC Gaming XL8 dual fan for 238 euro?