Boycott The Qatar World Cup?

.....with spineless members. On twitter they were all brave last few weeks but one fecking yellow card was enough for teams to back down.

True but I've never heard of Fifa before threatening teams with yellow cards before the game before which given two yellows is still a one match ban throughout the tournament is an issue.

The nations were ready to take whatever fine came their way before the last minute change which blindsided them.
It really sucks when you live in a country which has laws and have "laws".
Tbh, i would be shit-scared to even go as a tourist to countries with those type of laws. Not to mention to live there.

Yeah, compiain as I do about the shithole I live in it's grand. It suffers the same as any vulgar capitalist country but there is quite a lot of liberty within that.
You don't understand the uproar? Really?

So you're not really brimming with empathy for the LGBT community?

Nobody complaining poked the Bear, which is one point of contention, 15 of the 22 who voted for it have either been
investigated or banned from football.

Personally I think it's a bad look and very telling that you would frame hunan rights bssed protests as toy throwing.
When you know that this is how they roll, you have what one would call "cultural competency". When you understand that this is how they are, these are their laws, draconian or otherwise, why are you surprised when they decide to uphold their laws?

I'm not framing human rights as anything, it's not about that.
It's so obvious that they are not going to tolerate certain behaviours or causes, so when there is a consequence to an action that will incur a well publicised reaction why the surprise?
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When you know that this is how they roll, you have what one would call "cultural competency". When you understand that this is how they are, these are their laws, draconian or otherwise, why are you surprised when they decide to uphold their laws?

Don’t say things like this in this thread. Stop speaking sense.
Absolutely. But for challenge you will get ban. It is how it is.
Today action should have been rainbow armband. Reaction on that should have been yellow card. Kane, Van Dijk and others said; "No way. It is not worth it".

Iranian players though...those are already biggest heroes of this World cup. For me at least. RESPECT!!

I mean the guy wearing a rainbow shirt wasn't even really a challenge to be fair. As up until a few days ago Fifa/Qatar were both on the same page about rainbow flags etc being welcome in the stadiums.
It's like they've decided to just let the mask fall completely: "Oh, you thought we were trying to charm people? Nah, mate, think again! We're cnuts and we're proud of it!"
A lot of talk of Homelander Ronaldo but these guys are basically the country version of it.

This is what happens when the world runs on money first and the tyrants are aware of it.
When you know that this is how they roll, you have what one would call "cultural competency". When you understand that this is how they are, these are their laws, draconian or otherwise, why are you surprised when they decide to uphold their laws?

So no empathy with the LGBT community then? Answer that and it might shortern our interaction.

They have laws about foreign footballers wearing coluted armbands? You know this? Are you sure it wasn't pressure they put on Fifa? In thaf case I doubt its codified.

Also a lot of the uproar this week is reneging on what seemed to be agreed.

Be it legal or cultural its irrelevant to me if the issue is a human rights issue. Laws and cultures that oppress need to be smashed. To pieces. Always.
Well, you can obviously:wenger:.
Look, every action has reaction. And reaction is not based on what is right and what is wrong.
They are hosts. They have laws. These laws are morally shit but those are laws in their country. If you don't follow them, you will be punished. It is simple logic.
You either don't go there or you follow those laws. Same as with booze or some other shit which is normal in other countries.
You're right, it's not like societies have evolved with people challenging unfair laws. The job of those outside the situation is to support those challenging the laws, not going "oh well, law is law, what are you gonna do".
Would you use your own logic to iranian government killing protesters, russians imprisoning journalists or chinese putting muslims in camps? I mean, these are national laws, it doesn't matter if it's right or wrong, right? Just follow the law.
When you know that this is how they roll, you have what one would call "cultural competency". When you understand that this is how they are, these are their laws, draconian or otherwise, why are you surprised when they decide to uphold their laws?
How about of having the cultural competency to not invite the world when one doesn't want to be visited by the world?
How about of having the cultural competency to not invite the world when one doesn't want to be visited by the world?
Is that their fault? Blame fifa not them. I don't know how the bidding process works, backhanders or due process but those lot in fifa will have done their due diligence and they facilitated it
@moses I say live and let live I empathise plenty, don't make assumptions. But what I can't tolerate is people trying to impose their will on people as it never ends in anything pretty
True but I've never heard of Fifa before threatening teams with yellow cards before the game before which given two yellows is still a one match ban throughout the tournament is an issue.

The nations were ready to take whatever fine came their way before the last minute change which blindsided them.

Exactly, I think people attacking the Captains and calling them "spineless cowards" etc are misplacing their anger.

For example Bale picked up a booking in the first half of the game today which would have seen him sent off (handicapping Wales today) and suspended for the next game just because FIFA disagreed with the armband.

God knows what's been threatened in terms of funding etc.
True but I've never heard of Fifa before threatening teams with yellow cards before the game before which given two yellows is still a one match ban throughout the tournament is an issue.

The nations were ready to take whatever fine came their way before the last minute change which blindsided them.

They used to be very harsh on all “political manifestations”, but Infantino said previously that Human rights slogans will be tolerated.
Is that their fault? Blame fifa not them.
@moses I say live and let live I empathise plenty, don't make assumptions. But what I can't tolerate is people trying to impose their will on people as it never ends in anything pretty

They bought the world cup. Obviously fifa gets the blame for selling it but Qatar shouldn't have bought a football world cup if they're too timid to accept the world visiting.
Exactly, I think people attacking the Captains and calling them "spineless cowards" etc are misplacing their anger.

For example Bale picked up a booking in the first half of the game today which would have seen him sent off (handicapping Wales today) and suspended for the next game just because FIFA disagreed with the armband.

God knows what's been threatened in terms of funding etc.

Taking a yellow (especially one that leads to a red) for the cause could have excused the abysmal football they're producing. And it would give Wales participation in this WC some meaning.
You're right, it's not like societies have evolved with people challenging unfair laws. The job of those outside the situation is to support those challenging the laws, not going "oh well, law is law, what are you gonna do".
Would you use your own logic to iranian government killing protesters, russians imprisoning journalists or chinese putting muslims in camps? I mean, these are national laws, it doesn't matter if it's right or wrong, right? Just follow the law.
Damn man. I know that my English is not top of the pops but still, i think that i was clear.
I am not talking that you need and that you must follow laws blindly. And that you don't need to fight for cause. Ffs, i am from country which fought for indepedence 25 years ago.
I am saying; if you brake a law (no matter how shit that law is) you will suffer consequences. And that is it. I really don't know how to explain it anymore.
@moses I say live and let live I empathise plenty, don't make assumptions. But what I can't tolerate is people trying to impose their will on people as it never ends in anything pretty

Utter nonsense. Literally no sense. It's what ended slavery, but to it's also just to highlight what a nothing statement it is, what caused slavery.

It's what you are willing that is key.

They bought the world cup. Obviously fifa gets the blame for selling it but Qatar shouldn't have bought a football world cup if they're too timid to accept the world visiting.

That's reasonable logic but the ultimate blame lies on FIFA and whoever didn't protest at the time, in my opinion
I thought Qatar would take this opportunity to advertise their country to the world, isn't that what sportswashing is all about? Instead, from my perspective they are doubling down on their controversial laws/beliefs and are actively discouraging tourism from a large percentage of the world. I just don't understand the logic.
Utter nonsense. Literally no sense. It's what ended slavery, but to it's also just to highlight what a nothing statement it is, what caused slavery.

It's what you are willing that is key.
Try telling that to Afghanistan
Taking a yellow (especially one that leads to a red) for the cause could have excused the abysmal football they're producing. And it would give Wales participation in this WC some meaning.

Of course but I find it bizarre that so much responsibility is put on their shoulders rather than the people who actually make the decisions.

Id argue that you should be more upset that your national side agreed to participate in the world cup , rather than the loss of the armband (which they had to remove because the governing body planned on punishing the participants).

It's kind of like fans were pinning their own excuses for watching the games on the armband.

"We are going there to raise awareness" etc

We should all be boycotting this but we all make our own reasons / excuses not to.
Exactly, I think people attacking the Captains and calling them "spineless cowards" etc are misplacing their anger.

For example Bale picked up a booking in the first half of the game today which would have seen him sent off (handicapping Wales today) and suspended for the next game just because FIFA disagreed with the armband.

God knows what's been threatened in terms of funding etc.
Meanwhile, Iranian players stood against their government which could cause jail or death penalty.
But yeah, that second yellow, rather give me jail time or chop my hand off. Just not THE yellow card.
This has nothing to do with Afghanistan. Don't do that.
My premise does though. I said "when you try and impose your will on people it doesn't end in anything pretty".
I thought Qatar would take this opportunity to advertise their country to the world, isn't that what sportswashing is all about? Instead, from my perspective they are doubling down on their controversial laws/beliefs and are actively discouraging tourism from a large percentage of the world. I just don't understand the logic.
I've thought the same many a time but
I didnt expect them to go full on Dubai though. Maybe they're not willing to give enough flex as they originally thought or one of the shotcallers has pulled rank
Is that their fault? Blame fifa not them. I don't know how the bidding process works, backhanders or due process but those lot in fifa will have done their due diligence and they facilitated it
@moses I say live and let live I empathise plenty, don't make assumptions. But what I can't tolerate is people trying to impose their will on people as it never ends in anything pretty

FIFA didn't force them to bid for hosting.
I thought Qatar would take this opportunity to advertise their country to the world, isn't that what sportswashing is all about? Instead, from my perspective they are doubling down on their controversial laws/beliefs and are actively discouraging tourism from a large percentage of the world. I just don't understand the logic.
Maybe they wanted the geopolitical protection? Who would mess with a country that's preparing to host a World Cup?
That's reasonable logic but the ultimate blame lies on FIFA and whoever didn't protest at the time, in my opinion
It is, in fact, their fault. Nobody forced them to apply to the World Cup. This is a truly ridiculous line of argumentation.
Meanwhile, Iranian players stood against their government which could cause jail or death penalty.
But yeah, that second yellow, rather give me jail time or chop my hand off. Just not THE yellow card.

Well yeah and the bad guy in both of those scenarios are the government/ governing bodies who are handing out the punishment right?

I would say that the English/Dutch etc participation in the World Cup is far far worse / harmful than their fear of the sanctions for wearing an armband.
My premise does though. I said "when you try and impose your will on people it doesn't end in anything pretty".

It depends on your will. Your weekends are the unions imposing their will on industrialists. In fact pretty much all of your rights were just someones will at some point.

But you're not actually saying anything in any of your posts so I'll leave you to it.
The “yellow” card thing really reminds me of small methods of fear used in concentration camps. All the time we appease FIFA because of fear of missing small “little things”, yet the big european countries sit with real power if they stand together. The big picture gets overlooked because we use our rationality and believe it when Qatar before the world cup says it’ll all be jolly well with lgbt and human rights under the World Cup itself.

Its all these small naive things that we accept along the way.

First it seemed like corruption was just a part of the game we needed to accept, then a couple of migrant deaths, then it was all of a sudden way more deaths on a different scale, now FIFA completely sides with Qatar. If any more of this shit, please just pull the teams the feck out of the tournament so they get the message. Form a new FIFA with a structure that fits football and not the moneymen - make the World Cups not be corruption bidding wars.
Some on here would have loved the 1936 Berlin Olympics. I mean the Nazis had laws and stuff, but that's just how they rolled.
Meanwhile, Iranian players stood against their government which could cause jail or death penalty.
But yeah, that second yellow, rather give me jail time or chop my hand off. Just not THE yellow card.

I’m not sure how true this is.
FIFA calls it the beautiful game and the world game. They should never have given it to Qatar because the anti same sex marriages law sits outside FIFAs so called ethos. FIFA are at fault here, Qatar are fully entitled to run their country as they see fit but if FIFA want to project this image of inclusion and progress then they should be ethically brave enough to say, thanks but no thanks to countries that have laws that dont fit their image.
Of course FIFA are a massively corrupt organisation so that would never happen.
Lots of lovely new members commenting. Lots of interesting results on the field. All good.
This has nothing to do with Afghanistan. Don't do that.

The LGBT issues at hand has no correlation with slavery either. It is seclusion and segmented which has roots to discrimination. Slavery was an extremist action that became legislated as a result of racism for over a century.
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Tbh I’ve yet to watch any games. Watched a few vlogs to see what the infrastructure is like for the average fan and had the tifo podcast on in the background. But overall haven’t been that arsed about tuning in.
Tbh I’ve yet to watch any games. Watched a few vlogs to see what the infrastructure is like for the average fan and had the tifo podcast on in the background. But overall haven’t been that arsed about tuning in.

That's fine, but was your phone made in china?