Boycott The Qatar World Cup?

Everyone crying about this world cup should simply boycott it. Hypocrisy at its best. Every country has its own custom and traditions and the West should not impose its belief and rules on others.

Piss off. Abusing workers to put on this spectacle is not a legit value that can be argued. And Qatar have moved the goal posts several times, straight up lying to the world about the tournament they could put on. These cries about respecting culture are absolute nonsense.
A World Cup happens once every 4 years and is owned by everyone, not just the country that gets to host it.

Telling people they should boycott it if they don't like people being murdered/oppressed/discriminated is not the valid argument some seem to think it is.
A World Cup happens once every 4 years and is owned by everyone, not just the country that gets to host it.

Telling people they should boycott it if they don't like people being murdered/oppressed/discriminated is not the valid argument some seem to think it is.
It's amazing how some think just because Qatar bought it from a hand full of fifa electors the entire world should suddenly defer to their whims.
Not sure if it counts as a boycott for me. I'm just not interested in watching it. Usually I would count down the days till the world cup kicked off. Now I'm just apathetic to the whole thing.
Piss off. Abusing workers to put on this spectacle is not a legit value that can be argued. And Qatar have moved the goal posts several times, straight up lying to the world about the tournament they could put on. These cries about respecting culture are absolute nonsense.
Workers went there by choice in their thousands. So obviously better off than their than their home countries. Not excusing any of the alleged offences however there was no compulsion for them to go and continue to go, in their thousands.

Cries about respecting culture isn't nonsense, but crack on.
Workers went there by choice in their thousands. So obviously better off than their than their home countries. Not excusing any of the alleged offences however there was no compulsion for them to go and continue to go, in their thousands.

Cries about respecting culture isn't nonsense, but crack on.

Not excusing, just placing some blame on the victims? They didn’t entirely know what they were in for, I’m sure a number of them were surprised to find their travel documents confiscated, and rent and whatnot deducted from their measly salaries.

If you think all this (and more) should be respected because it falls under cultural differences then I have nothing to say to you.

Incidentally, you can’t hide behind culture on the points of them straight up lying about arranging it in the summer, and now this shifty decision to go back on the agreed upon alcohol regulations.
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This thread has some spectacular takes. The whole 'human rights is a human construct so not quite as important as what God says' angle is particularly amazing.
Workers went there by choice in their thousands. So obviously better off than their than their home countries. Not excusing any of the alleged offences however there was no compulsion for them to go and continue to go, in their thousands.

That's the dumbest thing I've read today. It's like saying: well, those people deserved to drown, they got on the dinghy after all. Desperate people do desperate things (not to mention the lies told to lure them there).
Not sure if it counts as a boycott for me. I'm just not interested in watching it. Usually I would count down the days till the world cup kicked off. Now I'm just apathetic to the whole thing.
You say that now, but once it starts and we get to see the brazils, germanys, argentinas etc play I’m sure you'll be there watching it.

but I completely agree with you in that I have struggled to get myself excited about it too. Usually i’d be doing getting my World Cup fantasy football ready weeks in advance and changing it daily, not bothered at all this year because the whole Qatar thing just stinks!
Workers went there by choice in their thousands. So obviously better off than their than their home countries. Not excusing any of the alleged offences however there was no compulsion for them to go and continue to go, in their thousands.

Cries about respecting culture isn't nonsense, but crack on.

Nope. Nope. Nope. That's so ignorant that it's not even wrong.

They went so their family back home can be better off. For a better future for their children despite them not getting to experience growing up around their parent.

None of this means they deserve to have any of their human rights taken away the moment they land in these countries.
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You say that now, but once it starts and we get to see the brazils, germanys, argentinas etc play I’m sure you'll be there watching it.

but I completely agree with you in that I have struggled to get myself excited about it too. Usually i’d be doing getting my World Cup fantasy football ready weeks in advance and changing it daily, not bothered at all this year because the whole Qatar thing just stinks!
I was the same with the last World Cup and euros too. Wasn’t all that fussed about it till it started. As England for further into the tournament you get hooked in and prepped before the utter devastation!
The fan village which is organised in Brussels every tournament has been cancelled this time due to lack of interest and extremely low ticket sales
I'll be watching games featuring Utd players merely hoping they do well and don't get injured. First world cup I can recall I've no real genuine interest in. I'm actually already talking with mates about plans to go the 2026 world cup in North america, yet we've one right now about to commence and I couldn't give a flying fcuk to be honest. Shame, this should be the highlight of international football, instead its turning into a farce.
Imagine there will be lots of fans with bottles of Budweiser zero with something stronger inside.
My guess is the thinking is some Qatari has thought "who are these MFs to try and impose on us and infringe our values? Get it together lads"

Sad times when people are unable to enjoy themselves nor socialise without getting sh*tfaced.

Probably explains some of the weird takes people have on matches, perhaps watching a game whilst lucid will make one aware of what is actually happening.

And don't get me started on the fans at OT who run off at 40mins and then come back at 55mins so they can have a few bevvies, wasted tickets.

Someone's got an axe to grind...
This thread has some spectacular takes. The whole 'human rights is a human construct so not quite as important as what God says' angle is particularly amazing.
You can always trust the cultural relativists to post the dumbest shite.
Not sure if it counts as a boycott for me. I'm just not interested in watching it. Usually I would count down the days till the world cup kicked off. Now I'm just apathetic to the whole thing.

If you don't watch something that you have no interest in, of course it's not a boycott.
The fan village which is organised in Brussels every tournament has been cancelled this time due to lack of interest and extremely low ticket sales

That will have a lot to do with it being inwinter thought wont it ffs :lol:
Has to be player led - I think if England stay totally focused they could win it - any country with a inch of self respect will wonder aimlessly around the pitch and show the whole world what an absolute charade this tournament is. Plus beer is sold in corporate areas of each stadium - unreal. Fans should storm the corporate areas and get feckin pissed. Talk about the top 1%. Its the end of days folks. You heard it here first.
That's the dumbest thing I've read today. It's like saying: well, those people deserved to drown, they got on the dinghy after all. Desperate people do desperate things (not to mention the lies told to lure them there).
if i were you i would you stay away from the Daily Mail comments sections!
Depending on the number of fans travelling to this I feel Qatari police/stadium security are in for a huge shock In trying to actually police this event.

I mean if Argentina and Brazil travel like they usually do then it’s going to be very rowdy, it’ll be like nothing they’ve experienced before from Qatari people.
Hopefully the same energy is carried over to the American WC
Depending on the number of fans travelling to this I feel Qatari police/stadium security are in for a huge shock In trying to actually police this event.

I mean if Argentina and Brazil travel like they usually do then it’s going to be very rowdy, it’ll be like nothing they’ve experienced before from Qatari people.


Probably a good thing that booze has been banned

Probably a good thing that booze has been banned
It's not fully banned, they can get it in the fanzones (and hotels I think). You'll have the uneasy situation where fans will be getting hammered before the match as they can't get it at the stadium.
It's not fully banned, they can get it in the fanzones (and hotels I think). You'll have the uneasy situation where fans will be getting hammered before the match as they can't get it at the stadium.
i couldn’t think of anything worse, getting hammered in that heat then going to watch a match as your hangover kicks in. I’d be really ill.
Crime and poverty weren't government enforced in South Africa.

If you genuinely think all countries are basically the same, ask yourself if you mind who won WWII or if Ukraine would be just as well off under Russian rule.

Basically, just try for a moment to look beyond the tip of your own nose.

I wanted to reply but I think we are singing from different hymn books.
In my memory SA was welcomed by the vast majority. Japan & Korea too.

I’d like to think it was the case. The stranglehold had to be broken and fans all over the have a right to see the tournament closer to home.
Football or sports should be a unifier but am sick of it being hijacked with agendas.

It’s the time of the Middle East, let’s see what’s on offer and stop looking for reasons why we are better than them.
Workers went there by choice in their thousands. So obviously better off than their than their home countries. Not excusing any of the alleged offences however there was no compulsion for them to go and continue to go, in their thousands.

Cries about respecting culture isn't nonsense, but crack on.

I don't think the level of poverty in countries like Bangladesh and India has any relevance to Qatar's horrendous labour laws.

I'm living in a country in the Middle East. Like many other Middle Eastern countries, this is a place where sexual harassment and violence is very common, and where women have much less social freedoms than men. When women talk about this, men usually say they should respect the culture they were born into. Do you agree with them?

I think there is a difference between respecting culture and accepting discrimination, and that it's possible to do one without the other.