Citys success is obscuring the grim nightmare of life in Abu Dhabi for many people who are political prisoners, the very poor and the oppressed.
Of course, football owners have rarely been held up as saints, but it's one thing to have a gangster views in the boardroom, quite another to be in a position to enforce them on a whole state. The league champions are autocratic rulers of a country whose wealth comes through the continued consumption of the fossil fuels which is destroying our planet.
Most of the league's owners are part of the 1% whose greed is a defining issue of our time, spending money with impunity while national exchequers are emptied and the public realm gets degraded in an age of austerity even in places such as the UAE where school children lack basic facilities.
Man citys cheerleaders will urge us to ignore these mere trifles, and focus on the drama; escapism has always been part of its appeal. But English football, is taking its place on the wrong side of the key dividing lines of our century, and we can't– and shouldn't – escape from that.