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You can accomplish much the same thing by making everyone wear hats though in fairness

You can accomplish much the same thing by making everyone wear hats though in fairness
OK listen you hatless bumwits, I'm not saying dave is the second coming or the greatest thing since sliced Jesus in a sombrero, but (in response to all the posts that have now been deleted - thus making this post seem incredibly out of place and slightly nonsensicle in retrospect) that I'm far more willing to cut a sensible oppo fan some slack on here, and a degree of respect than I am a tardy (Adverb: to be a 'tard, or particularly tardish - usually in a hatless capacity) United fan acting billy big bollocks on a United board.
I find it a bit rich that posters like Pogue rubbished my other post by claiming to find dave (and Glaston's) "agenda's" annoying, when posters like Pogue are often the chief proprietors of the "I'm going to rebuke every criticism of our inconsistent fringe players with scorn and patronising authority" school of red biased agenda posting ....Which is perfectly understandable on a United forum, and wholeheartedly needed in an internet world replete with knee-jerk hatless gimps, but which never the less is a very biased United heavy "agenda" of it's own, which if taken to an opposition board would come across just as, if not far more annoyingly biased and agenda driven than nationalhealthdave and Glastonspaz do on here...(I realise i seem to have been singling you out a lot recently Pogue, this isn't actually intentional, you just seem to be taking stances I disagree with quite frequently, plus I have a deep rooted suspicion you despite hats)
Now, you could all respond by saying "well yes, but I wouldn't go on an opposition board cos I have no interest in it"...and that would be exactly my point. You wouldn't. I wouldn't. Most of us wouldn't, so I actually find myself having a greater deal of respect for these oppo fans who do spend a considerable amount of time on here debating the merits of their clubs against a sea of opposed thinking, than I do for a United fan in the same position, being biased and agenda driven in the safe haven of a sea of biased and agenda driven (and often it must be said, deeply humourless) posters. They're swimming against a tide, and leaving their comfort zone and are essentially the ethnic minorities of the forum, and I'll stick up for them anyday over their white-middle class 18-35 year old male counterparts laughing at them for being "not from round here" whilst comfortable in their likeminded surroundings.
.....Some might well then say "well they should at least respect the forum they're on and accept our way of thinking, and deserve everything they get if they come here and tell us differently" which I'd reply "Hello Richard Littlejohn, would you mind awfully fecking off and dying painfully"
In short, I actually prefer chatting to oppos, and wouldn't post on here nearly as much if there were less of them. I often think we have far too many fans who've no idea what it's actually like to be a football fan at all. We've had so much success that some people really don't understand what it's like to be a regular fan of a regular club. Some of the crowing at other fans of clubs who don't have the same constant stream of success as we do (which is pretty much every fecking club) and how they react to that often strikes me as a bit sad and pretty classless (Rafa poetry notwithstanding, cos that's just fecking funny) and I will doth my cap and offer my respect to any fan of any club that takes an interest in the history of other clubs and other teams and generally seeks out knowledge and understanding of football and it's fandom and stirs debate.... Rather than just thinking being the most militant "my way or the highway" red (or blue) makes them some kind of uberfan, when all it is really is the mentality of a hooligan....
..And hooligans never looked good in hats.
EDIT: Now of course having said that, my first cursory look at that site and everyone on it's chronic inability to go half a sentence without using the word rag or being farcically insulting reveals they're clearly a pretty spasticated bunch....Which is what happens when your attitude is so insular...The irony being their singling out of Allforone, when pretty much every alternate poster in that thead seems to share his mentality.
mcfcliam wrote:
I reckon you're from Redcafe.
Bye bye.Viva Rivaldo wrote:
I'm not "from" there but I post on there.
Why? Does that warrant an instant banning on these forums?
mcfcliam wrote:
You're not wanted here, by me anyway, I'm not a mod so don't decide.
I don't give a feck if you think it's bitter, childish or whatever...the fact is, we fecking hate the lot of you and nothing will ever change that.
Redcafe spews bile all over the place....'City fans aren't loyal' - hahahahahahahahaha!
Would you be interested in consolidating all your posts into one easy manageable monthly post?
Would you be interested in consolidating all your posts into one easy manageable monthly post?
You don't have to. I'd rather you just put a hat on.
Though you're welcome to consolidate all your existing hats into one easy manageable monthly hat...if you like.
Which is what happens when your attitude is so insular...The irony being their singling out of Allforone, when pretty much every alternate poster in that thead seems to share his mentality.[/i]
Did Mockney really play the race card in the middle of that rant? Blimey.
It read like an analogy to me.
OK listen you hatless bumwits, I'm not saying dave is the second coming or the greatest thing since sliced Jesus in a sombrero, but (in response to all the posts that have now been deleted - thus making this post seem incredibly out of place and slightly nonsensicle in retrospect) that I'm far more willing to cut a sensible oppo fan some slack on here, and a degree of respect than I am a tardy (Adverb: to be a 'tard, or particularly tardish - usually in a hatless capacity) United fan acting billy big bollocks on a United board.
I find it a bit rich that posters like Pogue rubbished my other post by claiming to find dave (and Glaston's) "agenda's" annoying, when posters like Pogue are often the chief proprietors of the "I'm going to rebuke every criticism of our inconsistent fringe players with scorn and patronising authority" school of red biased agenda posting ....Which is perfectly understandable on a United forum, and wholeheartedly needed in an internet world replete with knee-jerk hatless gimps, but which never the less is a very biased United heavy "agenda" of it's own, which if taken to an opposition board would come across just as, if not far more annoyingly biased and agenda driven than nationalhealthdave and Glastonspaz do on here...(I realise i seem to have been singling you out a lot recently Pogue, this isn't actually intentional, you just seem to be taking stances I disagree with quite frequently, plus I have a deep rooted suspicion you despite hats)
Now, you could all respond by saying "well yes, but I wouldn't go on an opposition board cos I have no interest in it"...and that would be exactly my point. You wouldn't. I wouldn't. Most of us wouldn't, so I actually find myself having a greater deal of respect for these oppo fans who do spend a considerable amount of time on here debating the merits of their clubs against a sea of opposed thinking, than I do for a United fan in the same position, being biased and agenda driven in the safe haven of a sea of biased and agenda driven (and often it must be said, deeply humourless) posters. They're swimming against a tide, and leaving their comfort zone and are essentially the ethnic minorities of the forum, and I'll stick up for them anyday over their white-middle class 18-35 year old male counterparts laughing at them for being "not from round here" whilst comfortable in their likeminded surroundings.
.....Some might well then say "well they should at least respect the forum they're on and accept our way of thinking, and deserve everything they get if they come here and tell us differently" which I'd reply "Hello Richard Littlejohn, would you mind awfully fecking off and dying painfully"
In short, I actually prefer chatting to oppos, and wouldn't post on here nearly as much if there were less of them. I often think we have far too many fans who've no idea what it's actually like to be a football fan at all. We've had so much success that some people really don't understand what it's like to be a regular fan of a regular club. Some of the crowing at other fans of clubs who don't have the same constant stream of success as we do (which is pretty much every fecking club) and how they react to that often strikes me as a bit sad and pretty classless (Rafa poetry notwithstanding, cos that's just fecking funny) and I will doth my cap and offer my respect to any fan of any club that takes an interest in the history of other clubs and other teams and generally seeks out knowledge and understanding of football and it's fandom and stirs debate.... Rather than just thinking being the most militant "my way or the highway" red (or blue) makes them some kind of uberfan, when all it is really is the mentality of a hooligan....
..And hooligans never looked good in hats.
EDIT: Now of course having said that, my first cursory look at that site and everyone on it's chronic inability to go half a sentence without using the word rag or being farcically insulting reveals they're clearly a pretty spasticated bunch....Which is what happens when your attitude is so insular...The irony being their singling out of Allforone, when pretty much every alternate poster in that thead seems to share his mentality.
A mixture of nonsense and testicles sums it up well.OK listen you hatless bumwits, I'm not saying dave is the second coming or the greatest thing since sliced Jesus in a sombrero, but (in response to all the posts that have now been deleted - thus making this post seem incredibly out of place and slightly nonsensicle in retrospect) t[/i]
Gotta love it when the white middle-class turn on the white middle-class.
You were drunk when you wrote this, right? Right?
Your being unfair on AFO, yes when he gets the bit between his teeth especially when it comes to winding up opposition fans he can go on a bit to much (I enjoy it though, I know the lad, and he is doing it purely for the wum, theres no anger or hate there, just a big shit eating grin that he's winding people up), but he is very good with regards to his understanding of the game and tactics and his posts can be very insightful.
Hats are gay. They are used by insecure people who have something to hide, or wimps who are afraid of their cranium getting a bit cold.
A mixture of nonsense and testicles sums it up well.
Is that an analogy, or you playing the victim card?
As in I know the guy.When you say "I know the lad" you actually know the lad? or were you "in the newbies with him", which isn't really at all the same thing..
If that is the case though, then fair play to him, he's done it well (Aside from the Brian Kidd slagging off, which was just molto retardo). He'll take this with good grace then.
As in I know the guy.
I'm sure he will, wether his posts will reflect that are a different matter.
Kind of. Although being white and middle-class myself, I'm probably playing the victim and the aggressor. Which muddies the waters a bit.
I think you'll find Jews wear hats too....and that Jehovahs witnesses also want to kill them, gays, gypsies, eastern europeans and each other (through deliberately obstinate bloody transfusion dogma) too...And they don't wear hats.
Are Jehovah's Witnesses really worse than the Nazi's is what I'm saying here.....And I think the answer is pretty obvious
Once again protecting your Nazi secret..
Have posts been deleted in this thread? I'm sure I posted yesterday, but it's not here...
Edit: I see they have, yes. That's the last time I use the word "plank", apologies for anybody who was offended.
I'm keeping it under my hat.
Hall of Fame
See also: List of Manchester City F.C. players
* 1990s: Republic of Ireland Niall Quinn (1990), Germany Uwe Rösler (1994)
Kinkladze can find himself hard done by!
* 1960s: England Neil Young (1961), England Mike Summerbee (1965), England Colin Bell (1966), England Tony Book (1966), England Francis Lee (1967), England Joe Corrigan (1967)
I remember when City were asking for suggestions to rename a stand a few years ago, loads of United fans were trying to get it called 'The Bell End'.
Remember him, used to think he was alright...
He actually won, but they called it the Bell Stand (which is quite a feat, given how hard I find it to do a hand stand).