Film Blade Runner 2049

Obviously they have a different opinion to you then. If it were a focus-group-tested annual Disney shitshow that they were calling a masterpiece then you could complain but this was a quality movie that was clearly crafted by professionals at the top of their game, confident in the material and ready to let scenes breathe.

I don't see how you can say it's a sad indictment of the industry for it to be appreciated?

There's a big difference between appreciation and masterpiece. I appreciated it. Hey, the original is one of my favourite films and I desperately wanted to love this, but the original is far from being a masterpiece and has oodles of flaws. I suppose it's a question of semantics seen many, many times on here when people are discussing 'legendary' or 'world class' footballers. But the same reviews that are declaring Jared Leto's performance a low mark (I didn't have a problem with it), the poor cgi character which is on a par with the dreadful Peter Cushing appearance in Rogue One (I agreed) then declare it a masterpiece, well that doesn't make a great deal of sense to me and is why I think we're so desperate for a slice of brilliance that we'll take any little crumb.
I really enjoyed it. I didn’t mind the pacing except in the scenes with Ana de Armas. .
I loved the scenes with her. Thought the agency theme surrounding her was great and the billboard scene drove that question more. Most people kind of just concluded how human she was after that reveal, but I think it left it open to interpretation and I think it also asks if it even matters whether or not she was programmed.
Ok but not an actual Director's Cut as Scott was too busy so it was edited according to his instructions more or less. The Final Cut isn't that different but it is an actual Director's Cut with a few extra/different scenes and it has also been digitally remastered. It is beautiful.
Ahh okay, cheers.
Yeah I don't get all the Jared Leto hate. Seems like he's just the obvious target to hate on. He's in like what, 3 scenes? He was fine imo.

I'd agree that the needless CGI character was a bum note. Christ, you wouldn't get the eye colour wrong would you either if you went to all that trouble.
Obviously they have a different opinion to you then. If it were a focus-group-tested annual Disney shitshow that they were calling a masterpiece then you could complain but this was a quality movie that was clearly crafted by professionals at the top of their game, confident in the material and ready to let scenes breathe.

I don't see how you can say it's a sad indictment of the industry for it to be appreciated?

Yeah I don’t get his post at alll.

Loved the original, loved this.
I loved the scenes with her. Thought the agency theme surrounding her was great and the billboard scene drove that question more. Most people kind of just concluded how human she was after that reveal, but I think it left it open to interpretation and I think it also asks if it even matters whether or not she was programmed.
Oh ok, I took it the opposite way. That she was just following her programming.... Fair enough.

Robin Wright, that uniform and hairdo
She seems to look the same in everything I've seen her in recently...
Did it say anything significantly more profound than iRobot?

The more I think about it, the less it sticks with me.
Did it say anything significantly more profound than iRobot?

The more I think about it, the less it sticks with me.

I feel the same way.

It all took a slight turn for the worse when Ford showed up imo, some truly awful interactions between him and Gosling. Instead of getting all wrapped up in nostalgia about the events in the first film and tying the loose ends of what happened between the films I would liked to have seen it go forward in it's own way, somehow..and not just be, well, a sequel.
Oh ok, I took it the opposite way. That she was just following her programming.... Fair enough.

She seems to look the same in everything I've seen her in recently...
I meant that most people concluded it in the same way you did, my mistake. I think it's left open to interpretation. Much in the same way that replicants can have agency it's possible the AI did. We never really got to see another Joi to really compare K's Joi. It could have gone past its programming. The billboard slams it home that she's programmed to do exactly what she did and that could still be correct. However, much like real love, how do you know their love was real? You believe in it based on experiences with said person and I'm sure K felt that way too. It's up to him or the audience to believe whether or not what you saw is real.

I like that it was left open (my interpretation), though most would disagree and that she was just programmed to do exactly what she did.
'Masterpiece' is moot. I mean, I'm a Welles admirer yet, for me, Citizen Kane - so often voted the greatest film - is virtually soulless; it's only interesting if one assumes that's how Welles intended it to be...which might be a reach too far, not to mention special pleading.
Well you can say that about the original too tbf.

Oh yeah, but it was a lot more interesting in 1982, or even 1992, than after decades of people riffing and expanding on the same themes. Blade Runner was always more about its influential themes and aesthetic than it's rather plodding noir story (even with what I still personally maintain is a dumb twist, that doesn't really make sense, and is more about Scott M. Night Shyamalaning himself*) which does tbf raise the question of whether being so slavishly faithful to these themes in a 2017 film can ever have anything like the same impact, and thus be worthy of being a 'masterpeice'.


I did like that they didn't explicitly confirm or deny said 'twist' in this, but they still kinda did. Which again basically makes the whole franchise a story about some robots talking to some other robots about what it means to be a robot, without learning anything from any prominent humans, or any prominent humans learning anything from them. Which for a story that's essentially all about 'what it means to be human' seems a little weird, and ultimately pointless to me. But hey, whatever, SYYYYNNNTHHH!!!
Hope that an Ana de Armas Emanulator is built in my life time.
Just back from watching it. Will take a while to process but first impressions are that it’s pretty fecking awesome. In the true sense of that word. So many scenes filled me with awe. Could quibble about plot but meh, it was atmospheric, beautiful and at least a little bit profound. And it managed not to besmirch the memory of one of my all-time favourite films. Job done.
While I'm nit picking (and I did like the film, honest) going back to what @R.N7 was saying, and the whole CGI issue...

I didn't find the scene with Rachel-bot bad because she looked a bit Uncanny Valley (though she definitely did, and they probably shouldn't have played a clip of her from the original moments earlier, just to highlight the difference) but more 'cos the whole Deckard - Rachel romance was the very worst and least convincing part of the original (which was really all about Rutger Hauer, in truth) The two actors had no chemistry, hated each other, and the scene where they get together is horribly rapey in retrospect and best forgotten. So watching them play it up like some epic all time love story for the ages was more transparently cliche than earnestly poignant. Way before we got to the daftness of them making a physically perfect replica with the wrong eye colour, after the film had already established they had voight kampff recordings that were literally just close up footage of her eye!

It's a good, smart, properly made film, and probably the best sequel you could possibly make for Blade Runner, but shit like that is just as naff fan service as anything from Force Awakens or Jurassic World. And for stuff that was never any good in the first place!

Also, Harrison definitely just turned up in those clothes and refused to work unless they shot him as is, right? There's no way such a pristinely designed film intended it's secondary lead to look like he'd just stumbled out of the gym. We can all agree on that, yeah?
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Just got back seeing the film.....fecking awesome....a proper wasn't a rehash of the first a la Forcec Awakens, but it was it's own story while tying in the first. I can understand the criticizisims of the film but I can get past most. Not a perfect film but very good.

I thought the actress playing Angel was superb! There were some scenes they could of left out and ending was just right. I have a soft spot for the original so maybe I'm overstating how good the movie was but I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Also, Harrison definitely just turned up in those clothes and refused to work unless they shot him as is, right? There's no way such a pristinely designed film intended it's secondary lead to look like he'd just stumbled out of the gym. We can all agree on that, yeah?

If you like blade runner you'll enjoy this movie. The only thing that disappointed me was the music.
It looks like the movie will struggle to make its money back. Audiences are funny. Even the mystique of the original and great reviews for 2049 can't persuade people to like something contrary to their natural taste.
I think it's a genuine 10/10 masterpiece which significantly improves upon the first Blade Runner in every way except the soundtrack. Especially in the context of modern cinema, this was an incredibly refreshing treat.
See, now I'd give this an 8/10, just. It's good but I'd have happily watched it at home. Do not think the missus would have liked it at all, glad I left her at home. Good sequel, in the style of the first.

I'm wondering if public opinion will trend away from 'masterpiece' over time.... I need a few more viewings.
Hope that an Ana de Armas Emanulator is built in my life time.

I thought she was absolutely fascinating as a character and concept, the humanity that she had as a holographic construct was stunning, as well as the very simple, subtle, effects used for her.

I thought the best scene of the movie was the "sex" scene with her syncing with the hooker. I was just mesmerised by the whole scene. The subtle effects with the two overlapping each other and blending together left me awe-struck (seeing it in IMAX definitely helped).

In terms of the whole movie I did wonder what the point of
the replicant uprising army bit
, it just seemed a bit redundant as the main story (to me) didn't necessarily need it.
Never saw the first one, saw this. It was better than average for me. Maybe i am missing the nostalgia that others have with the old one. 6.5/10 for me. It did lose some attention from me. Also it was well a bit slow paced. They could have finished the movie 10 mins early. They just stretched it a bit.
Thought it was brilliant, easily as good as the first one. Also might be first time I've liked a Zimmer score :nervous:
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Never saw the first one, saw this. It was better than average for me. Maybe i am missing the nostalgia that others have with the old one. 6.5/10 for me. It did lose some attention from me. Also it was well a bit slow paced. They could have finished the movie 10 mins early. They just stretched it a bit.

You’re not missing the nostalgia. You’re missing the first part of what is a 2 part movie. It’s a sequel, not a remake.
Just got back from watching it. The reviews are unwarranted to say the least. I thought it was a drab soulless try hard attempt at a half decent sequel.

The original is one of my favorite films but this was really garbage. I mean what are the reviewers watching to be calling it a masterpiece?

I was falling asleep half way through waiting for something to happen that I actually cared about. Most dissapointing film I've ever seen.
It looks like the movie will struggle to make its money back. Audiences are funny. Even the mystique of the original and great reviews for 2049 can't persuade people to like something contrary to their natural taste.

Meh. Not everything has to make a fortune. It'll make money. If that's just a dollar, it was a success.

It has low female appeal (my anti sci-fi girlfriend loved it however).
It has zero attendance from kids.

That's a recipe for a small box office.

Fabulous movie though. It will make money over time.
Just got back from watching it. The reviews are unwarranted to say the least. I thought it was a drab soulless try hard attempt at a half decent sequel.

The original is one of my favorite films but this was really garbage. I mean what are the reviewers watching to be calling it a masterpiece?

I was falling asleep half way through waiting for something to happen that I actually cared about. Most dissapointing film I've ever seen.
Yea I wouldn't go as far as you but I'm leaning more towards your interpretation than those calling it a masterpiece.
This movie won't make it's money back because it's not geared towards the avg movie goer...most won't like it if they haven't seen or are not a fan of the first. It's to bad because its a lot better than most of the bullshit garbage blockbusters that come out,
Felt there was a lot of "atmospheric" scenes that are good for first-time viewing but that are completely needless for when you watch it the next times.
Also very disappointing that they couldn't/didn't bother to tie up all plot-lines in 2 hours and 40 minutes, that's insane.

Apart from those nitpicks (after all, everyone wants to make a line of movies within the same universe), I found it a great movie. Absolutely stunning visuals, and I believe people who don't have anything like my brain-damage (sensitive to high volume and high-frequency sounds) are likely to find the sound also quite stunning, at least that's the experience I got from my girl & our cinema-buddy's reactions.

Thought that the plot-twists were good, and I'm glad I didn't read up on them or get unlucky spoilered from youtube reviews. If i were to roll a dice I'd probably give it a 5. If they tied all the knots and took away some of the "visual representation of landscape filler rounds" I'd bump it to a 6, assuming they continued the quality it had with the last plotline(s). (not going to get into spoilers as I'm sure people are best off seeing this movie without any.
Has there ever been a cyberpunk movie that was a box office success?

Its more that the people who love the genre really love it
Very curious to finally see it eventhough I would say the combination of superlative reviews and divided opinion from moviegoers suggests disappointment
Very curious to finally see it eventhough I would say the combination of superlative reviews and divided opinion from moviegoers suggests disappointment

Just go prepared to watch a movie that is slow-moving to the point of being ponderous and you’ll be fine. There was always going to be a backlash after all the five star reviews and if you expect to be on the edge of your seat for 3 hours you’ll definitely be disappointed.

Regardless, it’s head and shoulders above the vast majority of big budget movies and you owe it to yourself to watch it on the biggest screen possible.
I cannot watch 3d. So no. 3d is not a must. :p
I've only really been to one movie where I felt it enhanced the experience significantly. It's more of a distraction in most cases but I see a lot of comments about the visuals here, so...