Television Better Call Saul | Includes Breaking Bad Spoilers

Someone’s in the cartel is surely going to whack her?
The writing on the show is unpredictable, but she revealed herself just in time of war escalation between Gus and Salamanca so somebody definitely geting whacked, Nacho or Kim... or they fake their death and head for Alaska to live with Pinkman in a shack.
Can someone explain why Mike/Gus is helping Salamanca get his money?

Also I’m forgetting but did Saul ever have scenes with Mike and Gus in BB? I think they’re mentioned by Walt and/or Jesse through conversations with Saul, but can’t recall them knowing each other explicitly.
Can someone explain why Mike/Gus is helping Salamanca get his money?

Also I’m forgetting but did Saul ever have scenes with Mike and Gus in BB? I think they’re mentioned by Walt and/or Jesse through conversations with Saul, but can’t recall them knowing each other explicitly.
Mike and Saul did in BB. I don't think he and Gus had a scene.

Mike threatens Saul a few times in Breaking Bad IIRC.
Can someone explain why Mike/Gus is helping Salamanca get his money?

Also I’m forgetting but did Saul ever have scenes with Mike and Gus in BB? I think they’re mentioned by Walt and/or Jesse through conversations with Saul, but can’t recall them knowing each other explicitly.

Mike and Saul had a number of interactions in BB, but Gus didn’t cross with Saul directly.
Cheers @Berbaclass @Rado_N

So why is Mike (I’m assuming he’s been directed by Gus) helping Salamanca get his $7 million? Is Gus worried about the cartel thinking he stole his money?

Gus wants Lalo out of jail.

The idea is that he cannot kill him in the USA as cartel will assume it's him. However, he now must run to Mexico upon release and, once he is there, Gus can kill him.
Kim's fate is closer than ever, isn't it ? :(

Last two episodes were almost the essence of good old BB.
I preferred that last episode more than any episode in BB. Had Pine Barrens (incredible Sopranos episode) vibes
I preferred that last episode more than any episode in BB. Had Pine Barrens (incredible Sopranos episode) vibes
The snowy forest episode ? That's actually one of the best comparisons, in both cases great writing and suspense.
Gawd dangit, I love me some Kim Wexler. Her performances and character are incredible!

Credit to Vince Gilligan. Writer and creator of Breaking Bad, and following it up with a second GOAT-tier show. It's almost unheard of. Absolute genius.
G’wan Kim!

That was brilliant, you just know next weeks episode is going to end in a real cliffhanger and we’ll have to wait a year for season 6.
That really was a great episode.

How the writers continue with such suspense when we already know the fate of a lot of the characters is remarkable.
Incredible stuff, it's a really rewarding show if you stick with it after all the slowness of the early seasons.
I was laughing my head off at Saul struggling, burnt like a lobster with those fecked up lips. Knew he'd eventually have to drink the piss :lol:

Great show, so much fun
This show is incredible, absolutely A+ in every aspect. Tony Dalton is going to hit the big time after this, surely. He has me captivated in his every moment as Lalo, don’t even want to blink. That last scene was 16 minutes long but felt a third of that.
I really struggled to get through seasons 1 to 3 as I didn't enjoy it them at all, found them too slow and boring (especially season 2 and season 3) but I kept with it because I liked Breaking Bad that much.

I have no idea why, but I watched season 4 a few months ago despite having given up on the show and to my surprise I really enjoyed it.

Up to date with season 5 too, which I think has been excellent as well.
Kim Wexler is an absolutely incredible character, one of my favourites in television. Rhea Seehorn's performance is perfect.
Looks like they've been setting Nacho up to get whacked over the last few episodes but its harder to see how Kim goes.
This show is incredible, absolutely A+ in every aspect. Tony Dalton is going to hit the big time after this, surely. He has me captivated in his every moment as Lalo, don’t even want to blink. That last scene was 16 minutes long but felt a third of that.
I agree. It's a shame he didn't have a bigger part from earlier on because he's great.
A superb female co-lead character, a deeply unnerving villain with his mix of faux bonhomie and intimidation and a brilliant turn from the main character as he descends into hell. I’d say that, judged in terms of how much you get emotionally involved in the fate of its characters, it is better than its predecessor. The rise and fall of Walter White was compelling viewing as we saw the wolf take off its sheep’s clothing but I don’t remember being that invested in what happened to him (other than in the sense of “how does he get out of this scrape?”).
That was one tense scene! Kim with that home run, it was simply perfection. What a character development all across the board in this show.

A bit contrary to all of this though , the Mike character has to be the most unrealistic along both series. We are supposed to believe he is a retired Chuck Norris.
A bit contrary to all of this though , the Mike character has to be the most unrealistic along both series. We are supposed to believe he is a retired Chuck Norris.

And he’s “currently” 5 years younger than when he first appeared in Breaking Bad.
this is my favourite season by far

I'm gonna be gutted if they off Nacho and/or Kim next week though, both great characters