Bernardo Silva | Man City Player

You're not seriously comparing what Bernardo has done to two footballers using racial slurs directly against an opponent on the football pitch, are you?

Yes, why aren't you?

Is racism only offensive if its direct?

As I said before Silva isn't racist (neither is Suarez) however if two players have committed an act deemed as being racist then why wouldn't the punishment be the same?

Suarez said a word that was deemed as being acceptable in his own culture. Silva has made a joke based on something that seems to be deemed acceptable in his own culture.

Of course Guardiola and Sterling will stick up for Silva, just as Dalgish and Glen Johnson stuck up for Suarez.
Yes, why aren't you?

Is racism only offensive if its direct?

As I said before Silva isn't racist (neither is Suarez) however if two players have committed an act deemed as being racist then why wouldn't the punishment be the same?

Suarez said a word that was deemed as being acceptable in his own culture. Silva has made a joke based on something that seems to be deemed acceptable in his own culture.

Of course Guardiola and Sterling will stick up for Silva, just as Dalgish and Glen Johnson stuck up for Suarez.

Just out of curiosity, where does this conviction come from that Bernardo and Suarez (because youve just mentioned him) aren't racist? Im not saying they are mind you, i dont know. Have you met these 2 people before? Do you know their characters personally? Do you know whats in their heads? Yes, they may have black friends but so what? Racism is complex and is not all Klan and Nazi members running around. Many racists hide in plain sight, many times they just seem like normal people doing normal jobs. You never really know.
Yes, why aren't you?

Is racism only offensive if its direct?

As I said before Silva isn't racist (neither is Suarez) however if two players have committed an act deemed as being racist then why wouldn't the punishment be the same?

Suarez said a word that was deemed as being acceptable in his own culture. Silva has made a joke based on something that seems to be deemed acceptable in his own culture.

Of course Guardiola and Sterling will stick up for Silva, just as Dalgish and Glen Johnson stuck up for Suarez.

Suarez used an indisputably racist slur with the intent of causing distress and abusing an opponent. Bernardo made an ill-judged joke to a friend on social media. The two are not comparable, and you're being disingenuous for pretending that they are and you're also bizarrely still peddling the lie about the nature of what Suarez said.
This has nothing to do with patriotism. Is common sense really. Actually there are a lot of patronising posts here defining what’s offensive or not, but that’s a matter of opinion. I would have the same opinion if he was white/black/yellow, Arab/Chinese whatever. Honestly if this is reason to punish with suspension I don’t know, for me it isn’t but I don’t know exactly the rules. Anyway don’t want to say much more regarding this because it’s a matter of opinion for any individual.

Come on Man. If it wasn't a Portugese player you wouldn't even be in the thread.
Just out of curiosity, where does this conviction come from that Bernardo and Suarez (because youve just mentioned him) aren't racist? Im not saying they are mind you, i dont know. Have you met these 2 people before? Do you know their characters personally? Do you know whats in their heads? Yes, they may have black friends but so what? Racism is complex and is not all Klan and Nazi members running around. Many racists hide in plain sight, many times they just seem like normal people doing normal jobs. You never really know.

I don't know either of them personally, I am basing this on a number of people such as their teammates and managers saying that they aren't racist. I don't believe that Sterling, Mendy and Glen Johnson would have supported them if they had any reason to think that they were racist.

Suarez used an indisputably racist slur with the intent of causing distress and abusing an opponent. Bernardo made an ill-judged joke to a friend on social media. The two are not comparable, and you're being disingenuous for pretending that they are and you're also bizarrely still peddling the lie about the nature of what Suarez said.

I'm not going in to this at length, but the word Suarez used has different interpretations in different languages and cultures. I remember discussing this at the time with a lot of Liverpool fans and my view was always that if a word can be interpreted in different ways then Suarez should be punished and he was.

You can't realistically say that Silva should receive a lesser punishment because he was less racist? What sort of message does that send out?
You can't realistically say that Silva should receive a lesser punishment because he was less racist? What sort of message does that send out?

That's how punishments tend to work. It depends on the severity of the offence. It's not a novel concept. If two players commit an act that is deemed to be racist, why on earth would they automatically receive the same punishment? You'd have to assess what they've actually done and the context of the act.
Fair play to you for being honest...I think your post is indicative of the real issues surrounding racism that is a lack of education about what racism actually means.

As you mentioned why isn't racsim on the same level as being fat, ginger or bald. One of the answers lies in history which MANY individuals don't know about. In recent history, yes, recent history, as in there are still people walking around who have seen or witnessed some of the worst types of behaviours and discrimination that human beings can dish out on another human being simply for being black.

When have masses of fat, ginger, bald people been physically, mentally and emotionally persecuted for being what they are? When has that ever happened in history? When has a bald person been put in chains, sent have way across the world, separated from their family, beaten, branded, denied access to basic human care and murdered just for being bald...when has that ever happened? You can put baldness, being overweight or being bald next to the issues that black people have had to and still go through.

Then there is the "yeah but all that happened eons ago! Its not like that now" argument. Many white people dont understand that racism is about "power". Because of the historical element mentioned above the average white person has more power than the average black person. This power can be re-inforced by negative stereotypes, such as black people look like monkeys, golliwogs, prehistoric man etc. This is why we have to be conscious of the stereotypes.

You're born black, you cant change your skin colour, you cant wake up and say oh, I think ill be white today! A bald man can wear a hat or a wig, an overweight person can lose weight and someone who has ginger hair can dye their hair...totally different to being born black.

I'm not trying to attack you with my post, I generally think a lot of decent white people just don't understand because they havent been educated properly and that is the fault of society and the education system specifically. We should be learning this at the school level that there is more to being racist than just saying the N word. In my experience that what I have been realized that many white people only think they are being racist if they mention the N-word or similar words. But its also the negative stereotypes too.
I think the Silva situation should be taken in context. His reply was definitely insensitive more than his initial post. You can't even joke with a friend? He could have been more sensitive especially as it had been pointed out. He could have just apologized and admitted he was ignorant.
Will probably get a suspended sentence, something like 2 games ban + 4 suspended that will take effect if he gets into another situation like this.
I think the Silva situation should be taken in context. His reply was definitely insensitive more than his initial post. You can't even joke with a friend? He could have been more sensitive especially as it had been pointed out. He could have just apologized and admitted he was ignorant.
He didn't joke with a friend though, he joked on a public forum that millions can see.
He had to be charged, you can't complain about racism on twitter and let this go no matter how much we pretend to know Bernardo
He didn't joke with a friend though, he joked on a public forum that millions can see.
He had to be charged, you can't complain about racism on twitter and let this go no matter how much we pretend to know Bernardo

And as they've stated before the intention doesn't come into it. This is to counteract the 'it's just banter' defence.
Joking like that on a public forum was obviously intended by him for the public to see,laugh and comment. It wasn’t a private joke between mates.

His not racist, but his an idiot.
While I think he meant no harm at all, in the current climate, maybe he should've showed it to him privately rather than so publicly and also if it was a random member of the public done it many people wouldn't see it as "banter". So I think the FA is trying to set a precedent here that no matter who you are or who it is towards those type of posts won't be tolerated on social media.
While I think he meant no harm at all, in the current climate, maybe he should've showed it to him privately rather than so publicly and also if it was a random member of the public done it many people wouldn't see it as "banter". So I think the FA is trying to set a precedent here that no matter who you are or who it is towards those type of posts won't be tolerated on social media.

yep, FA need to take a stand, I won't complain if he gets a 3 or 4 game ban but I don't think it'll be that much of a sanction, 2 game ban at worst I'd imagine.
Should be sent to mandatory anti-discrimination training or something akin. I'm not sure what banning him achieves.
Not sure what banning him would really achieve at this point. Fine him, send him on a course, donate the fine money to a charity, that sort of thing.
How any player is dumb enough to write anything that is even in the slightest bit risqué these days I do not know.

If this turns out to be a ban, it's really starting to get ridiculous now in terms of City v Pool.

Sane, Laporte, Stones, De Bruyne and now him!

Whereas Liverpool, as usual have had next to nothing. Their keeper out for a few weeks!
Not sure what banning him would really achieve at this point. Fine him, send him on a course, donate the fine money to a charity, that sort of thing.

It would do more than giving a millionaire a shitty fine, which his sympathetic billionaire employers would cover.
:confused: Ummm maybe because bald people haven’t faced hundreds of years of dehumanisation and discrimination which has lead to things like slavery, being segregated, being denied jobs, facing police brutality etc.
Head shaving has long been a means of retributive humiliation though. So what does that say about society's underlying attitude to the hairless? At the end of that world war people who'd collaborated with the wrong army were forced into baldness and it was also done in one of the Irelands, cant remember which. Its precisely BECAUSE bald people have never got their shit together organizationally like the races have that we just brush off "you stupid fecking slaphead" remarks as decent banter. Youre just another example of normalizing such stereotypes.
He deserves it.

Sending racist joke to a very close teammate, his mate is okey about it.
He gets (probably 2) match suspension, it is a loss to him, to his team, to his close mate's team.
Thinking about that, match ban actually is not fair punishment.
You're not seriously comparing what Bernardo has done to two footballers using racial slurs directly against an opponent on the football pitch, are you?
Mental init.

He's a bit naive, but for god sake he was having a laugh with his mate. Give him a fine or something. Giving him a six game ban would be a complete joke.

When do they play Liverpool? FA will make sure he's banned for that one. They'll probably dig up an old Sterling tweet from years ago and ban him too.
Mental init.

He's a bit naive, but for god sake he was having a laugh with his mate. Give him a fine or something. Giving him a six game ban would be a complete joke.

When do they play Liverpool? FA will make sure he's banned for that one. They'll probably dig up an old Sterling tweet from years ago and ban him too.

Of course you think its a joke. You obviously see nothing wrong with putting a joke on a public forum that black people (not all, but a lot) find offensive. Sad times we live in.
Quality control
A lot of black people find it racist.
You can't punish someone because some offended people who bitch about everything and can't take a joke that's not even directed to them. It's their problem, let them cry about every little bit un-pc comment and laugh at them or ignore them, but don't let them influence anything... FA is a joke.
Stupid thing to do, absolutely. But the state of affairs when we see charges for this but often actual racially motivated comments, chants, and the like go by. Not saying that this shouldn’t be looked at, but priorities need to be set straight.
You do see a bit of a continental divide in this thread, seems a lot of Spanish and Portuguese seem to think this sort of behaviour is alright, just shows the different approach around Europe. As much as "PC culture" can grate at terms for me, I'd much rather have our view, and be looking to stamp this filth out of society.
You do see a bit of a continental divide in this thread, seems a lot of Spanish and Portuguese seem to think this sort of behaviour is alright, just shows the different approach around Europe. As much as "PC culture" can grate at terms for me, I'd much rather have our view, and be looking to stamp this filth out of society.
It's far from alright. However, I think to ban him from playing would be a bit silly to be honest.
It's far from alright. However, I think to ban him from playing would be a bit silly to be honest.
They can vary the length. It would be double standards to not do anything.
The world has gone mad. Banning him for that. Seriously, people need to get a life.
It's far from alright. However, I think to ban him from playing would be a bit silly to be honest.

I agree, he needs educating, much like posters in this thread, not a ban. This isn't the sort of offence that should be punishable with a match ban, context is important.

But honestly if he gets banned fair enough, if it helps thickos learn this stuff isn't acceptable, fair enough.
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You can't punish someone because some offended people who bitch about everything and can't take a joke that's not even directed to them. It's their problem, let them cry about every little bit un-pc comment and laugh at them or ignore them, but don't let them influence anything... FA is a joke.
It was shared in a public forum and it has nothing to do with being PC. Don't be dense.