Bernardo Silva | Man City Player

On Friday, Guardiola vowed Silva learned his lesson in another impassioned defence.

‘People judging Bernardo don’t know him,’ the City boss said. ‘He is an exceptional personal. Exceptional. It was just a joke.

'It’s a cartoon and the face is quite similar. The same happened a thousand million times with white people.

‘If people think it’s the opposite then Bernardo and City are open. Bernardo is maybe going to take a lesson and it won’t happen again.’
I am black and I don't agree with you :lol: Is this what we're gonna resort to ?
Being black doesn't give one pore validity when it comes to talking about this subject

I agree with you on this point Kouroux, I am also black and can see why such a cartoon figure can cause offence. Also is it just me but I can't see the resemblance between the cartoon figure and Mendy. The Cartoon figure has exaggerated big red lips, and exaggerated wide eyes ( which is of course defines it as a caricature like golliwogs in the past) where in my view the child picture of Mendy does not.

and as you I do not believe Silva was being racist or should be punished but to apologise (as he has done) and the FA to tell him off and give hm a warning.
I am black and I don't agree with you :lol: Is this what we're gonna resort to ?
Being black doesn't give one pore validity when it comes to talking about this subject

Of course it does. Stop being obtuse. Because being black, i face this in on a regular basis. Ive been through many occasions when ive gad to bite my tongue at work, from having a golliwog named after me (yes this happened) to being called all sorts of monikers. I'm sick of it. I'm tired. Im not being hysterical, im not exaggerating, im not being too sensitive. This is what we, as black people gk through. It saddens me that i have to bare this all out, people dont get it. Humanity is fecked.
I will say, by and large, our resident Portuguese posters are by far the most patriotic lot I've seen on this website. They truly defend their countrymen tooth and nail no matter what. The Ronaldo threads, the Jose threads and now this thread.
This has nothing to do with patriotism. Is common sense really. Actually there are a lot of patronising posts here defining what’s offensive or not, but that’s a matter of opinion. I would have the same opinion if he was white/black/yellow, Arab/Chinese whatever. Honestly if this is reason to punish with suspension I don’t know, for me it isn’t but I don’t know exactly the rules. Anyway don’t want to say much more regarding this because it’s a matter of opinion for any individual.
I’ve only just caught up with the news, but I don’t find it remotely racist. I think Leslie David Barker looks like Cleveland Brown and yet astonishingly I hold no prejudice or discrimination against black people at all.

Even if Leslie David Barker himself was to take offence to the above then it doesn’t make it racist. What a waste of time.
Mendy has supported one of his best mates in Bernardo to the FA.

6 game ban being talked about which would rule Silva out of the Liverpool game.

Lack of reporting on last week's criminal activity of hacking at City and nothing from the FA.

No agenda though.
Mendy has supported one of his best mates in Bernardo to the FA.

6 game ban being talked about which would rule Silva out of the Liverpool game.

Lack of reporting on last week's criminal activity of hacking at City and nothing from the FA.

No agenda though.

Was Salah or any of the other players the hacker?
Mendy has supported one of his best mates in Bernardo to the FA.

6 game ban being talked about which would rule Silva out of the Liverpool game.

Lack of reporting on last week's criminal activity of hacking at City and nothing from the FA.

No agenda though.
Quite honestly I had some disagreements here, but don’t see why Liverpool is related to this. 6 games is ridiculous, but I don’t know the rules for that.
My girlfriends mother was dating a Portuguese man earlier this year; I can’t tell you if he was racist but apparently he was a huge coke head.
And your point is? Really, I guess that’s a Portugal problem, never happened anywhere else. Talk about generalisations.
So as long as it is mocking a white person it's OK? This is my problem with 'racism' it's one rule for one race and another for another.

I am white/caucasian and if someone said I looked like a cartoon character I wouldn't find it offensive or racist at all. For that matter neither did Mendy, he realised that 1) he did look like the character and 2) it was just a joke.
Dont be intentionally dense. Black caricatures have historically been used as a tool to promote racism. Whether or not he didn't mean to be rascist or not doesnt matter once he decided to make such a joke public. Its like they explain these things multiple times and people refuse to listen.
Man just reading this thread and Im actually shocked at some of you. I wouldn't be surprised if I kept on reading and saw a post comparing a black person to a monkey and claiming it isnt rascist because we are in 2019.

Very easy concept to grasp with historical racism and why you should be more sensitive on the subject and the connotations behind it. Specific images have been used in the past regarding black people mocking their appearance. It so happens that the image bernardo used was very similar or the same. Why you dont understand how that could be offensive to the public really just says more about you as a person. Please try to do better and educate yourself in the future on those subject matters.
Man just reading this thread and Im actually shocked at some of you. I wouldn't be surprised if I kept on reading and saw a post comparing a black person to a monkey and claiming it isnt rascist because we are in 2019.

Very easy concept to grasp with historical racism and why you should be more sensitive on the subject and the connotations behind it. Specific images have been used in the past regarding black people mocking their appearance. It so happens that the image bernardo used was very similar or the same. Why you dont understand how that could be offensive to the public really just says more about you as a person. Please try to do better and educate yourself in the future on those subject matters.
Hope you apply the same standard for nationality generalisations. We’re reaching a point here where you see a nationality associated with being a coke head. This is the level this topic is reaching. And I know what xenophobic comments are.
So as long as it is mocking a white person it's OK? This is my problem with 'racism' it's one rule for one race and another for another.

I am white/caucasian and if someone said I looked like a cartoon character I wouldn't find it offensive or racist at all. For that matter neither did Mendy, he realised that 1) he did look like the character and 2) it was just a joke.

Most of the time when someone says something like this, they’re racist.
My girlfriends mother was dating a Portuguese man earlier this year; I can’t tell you if he was racist but apparently he was a huge coke head.
What does your girlfriend's mother life have to do with Bernardo Silva or this case?
Hope you apply the same standard for nationality generalisations. We’re reaching a point here where you see a nationality associated with being a coke head.
is there some racial connotations about Portuguese people being cokeheads? Even then why are you so defensive in a thread trying to explain why what bernardo did was rascist?
What does your girlfriend's mother life have to do with Bernardo Silva or this case?
Perhaps nothing, but if he is portuguese he probably is a coke head. High standards really. Some people here might need some mandatory education.
is there some racial connotations about Portuguese people being cokeheads? Even then why are you so defensive in a thread trying to explain why what bernardo did was rascist?
Well if he is associating a nationality with that I can see at least a stupid generalisation here. At least. But maybe I am wrong. But I guess there’s nothing wrong for you. And he isn’t racist. Live with that.
Well if he is associating a nationality with that I can see at least a stupid generalisation here. At least. But maybe I am wrong. But I guess there’s nothing wrong for you.
Dont be a WUM. It is one person that is calling a portugese "cokehead" not a whole nation historically. One person cant be used when generalizing. Do you see the difference or you just want to keep messing around?
Dont be a WUM. It is one person that is calling a portugese "cokehead" not a whole nation historically. One person cant be used when generalizing. Do you see the difference or you just want to keep messing around?
Ok messing around here is insinuating a guy with a certain nationality is a coke head, but hey he didn’t knew if the guy was racist. High level post that. Keep going then.
So as long as it is mocking a white person it's OK? This is my problem with 'racism' it's one rule for one race and another for another.

I am white/caucasian and if someone said I looked like a cartoon character I wouldn't find it offensive or racist at all. For that matter neither did Mendy, he realised that 1) he did look like the character and 2) it was just a joke.
I’m confused, do white people have a history of being racially oppressed?

A call to all mods, even though the other thread on this matter was rightfully locked. I think it’s probably better to have a separate thread about this where people can argue (although I don’t know why there’s an argument) about racist jokes and racism in general. This thread should be about Bernardo as a player, an annoyingly good player at that.
That video, in my opinion, was much more offensive than the tweet and at the very least paints him as an insensitive and ignorant prick. Though I also get the argument about it not being necessarily racist as racism implies a belief in racial superiority.
For instance, I am a dark-skinned Indian who spent his childhood in North India (majority fair-skinned). I was frequently ribbed by friends about being invisible in photographs clicked in dark or comparisons to Cheshire cat if I smiled in a photograph with low light. I wouldn't class this as racism per se because people making the joke were of the same race as me. This was more comparable to jokes aimed at a thin man about getting blown away on a windy day. Or say jokes about a bald man's shiny pate being compared to the moon. Or a hairy man being called a grizzly bear. etc. etc.

Anyway, spare some thoughts for the marketing/design manager of Conguitos who was fairly neutral color-wise back in the '60s when he came up with the caricature.


That video, in my opinion, was much more offensive than the tweet and at the very least paints him as an insensitive and ignorant prick. Though I also get the argument about it not being necessarily racist as racism implies a belief in racial superiority.
For instance, I am a dark-skinned Indian who spent his childhood in North India (majority fair-skinned). I was frequently ribbed by friends about being invisible in photographs clicked in dark or comparisons to Cheshire cat if I smiled in a photograph with low light. I wouldn't class this as racism per se because people making the joke were of the same race as me. This was more comparable to jokes aimed at a thin man about getting blown away on a windy day. Or say jokes about a bald man's shiny pate being compared to the moon. Or a hairy man being called a grizzly bear. etc. etc.

Anyway, spare some thoughts for the marketing/design manager of Conguitos who was fairly neutral color-wise back in the '60s when he came up with the caricature.



That's more of a colorist joke. Colorism also plays a part in institutionalized rascism. Its also not comparable to jokes about a thin man getting blown by the wind. However I dont want to negate your experiences as Im not an Indian man so i dont know if colorism does affect you as it might affect a black person (even though I do think it does given you are dark skinned which is my personal opinion).
That's more of a colorist joke. Colorism also plays a part in institutionalized rascism. Its also not comparable to jokes about a thin man getting blown by the wind. However I dont want to negate your experiences as Im not an Indian man so i dont know if colorism does affect you as it might affect a black person (even though I do think it does given you are dark skinned which is my personal opinion).
Well never really affected me but there are specific reasons for that. And I get it that it absolutely can effect someone. India does have a huge colorism problem. Like it is deeply ingrained in the culture and institutionalized.
But all this is for some other thread :)
I’ve only just caught up with the news, but I don’t find it remotely racist. I think Leslie David Barker looks like Cleveland Brown and yet astonishingly I hold no prejudice or discrimination against black people at all.

Even if Leslie David Barker himself was to take offence to the above then it doesn’t make it racist. What a waste of time.

Of course you dont find it racist. Are you black by any chance? Do you know why a black person would find it racist? If not, do you care? Doesn't seem so. This thread is so depressing. You can see the ignorance reeking out of some posters on here, especially the Portuguese on here. Theyll defend their countrymen youd think even if theyd shot someone. Racism must be such a normal part of their society that they dont even see it as problem. And apparently, they're experts on racism that black people face. Go figure.
Most of the time when someone says something like this, they’re racist.
If believing in equality for every race whether a person is White, Latino, Asian or Black makes me racist then I'm guilty as charged.
I agree with you on this point Kouroux, I am also black and can see why such a cartoon figure can cause offence. Also is it just me but I can't see the resemblance between the cartoon figure and Mendy. The Cartoon figure has exaggerated big red lips, and exaggerated wide eyes ( which is of course defines it as a caricature like golliwogs in the past) where in my view the child picture of Mendy does not.

and as you I do not believe Silva was being racist or should be punished but to apologise (as he has done) and the FA to tell him off and give hm a warning.
Yes, that's exactly how I see the whole thing now.
Of course it does. Stop being obtuse. Because being black, i face this in on a regular basis. Ive been through many occasions when ive gad to bite my tongue at work, from having a golliwog named after me (yes this happened) to being called all sorts of monikers. I'm sick of it. I'm tired. Im not being hysterical, im not exaggerating, im not being too sensitive. This is what we, as black people gk through. It saddens me that i have to bare this all out, people dont get it. Humanity is fecked.
I'm sorry you faced these things. I really am. I have faced racism and islamophobia, even left an entire country for it. Still think my opinion is mine, my experience is mine.
I don't think what I faced is nearly the worst what one could face and I don't see myself as a victim. I have seen some worse treatment done to other races than black currently in 2019. So yeah being black doesn't give you nor myself more validity when talking about the subject. It doesn't necessarily make us experts, it doesn't necessarily make what we say any less wrong or any more right than someone else.
So as long as it is mocking a white person it's OK? This is my problem with 'racism' it's one rule for one race and another for another.

I am white/caucasian and if someone said I looked like a cartoon character I wouldn't find it offensive or racist at all. For that matter neither did Mendy, he realised that 1) he did look like the character and 2) it was just a joke.

FFS, I can’t believe people still come out with this tripe! It totally disregards black history and the oppression suffered for centuries at the hands of white people! The historical context is key and is why tweets like Silva’s are deeply offensive
Footballers or any public figure are opinion drivers. B Silva needs to understand this. Even if his intentions weren't racist, his actions were ignorant and irresponsible. His equation with Mendy might allow such jokes between them but putting such things on twitter normalizes such behavior and might encourage hundreds of other fans who would use such jokes without understanding the context and cause trauma to people in the name of 'harmless fun'. That, I believe, is the real damage caused.

In my opinion, banning is not an effective solution. Instead, FA should mandate some compulsory training which would make him understand such nuances and help him avoid such behavior in the future.
That video, in my opinion, was much more offensive than the tweet and at the very least paints him as an insensitive and ignorant prick. Though I also get the argument about it not being necessarily racist as racism implies a belief in racial superiority.
For instance, I am a dark-skinned Indian who spent his childhood in North India (majority fair-skinned). I was frequently ribbed by friends about being invisible in photographs clicked in dark or comparisons to Cheshire cat if I smiled in a photograph with low light. I wouldn't class this as racism per se because people making the joke were of the same race as me. This was more comparable to jokes aimed at a thin man about getting blown away on a windy day. Or say jokes about a bald man's shiny pate being compared to the moon. Or a hairy man being called a grizzly bear. etc. etc.

Anyway, spare some thoughts for the marketing/design manager of Conguitos who was fairly neutral color-wise back in the '60s when he came up with the caricature.

Not really, the white chocolate was made afterwards. If you watch that advert video, it's derived from an African tribe. It's a really racist visual identity, no way around it
Not really, the white chocolate was made afterwards. If you watch that advert video, it's derived from an African tribe. It's a really racist visual identity, no way around it
Ohh. Did not know that. My apologies for jumping the gun then.
Not really, the white chocolate was made afterwards. If you watch that advert video, it's derived from an African tribe. It's a really racist visual identity, no way around it
I've seen some images were the stereotypical mascotte seems to have been changed to a normal little black boy.

What's the story behind this? They figured it out and started to change it? Or is that just for certain international markets or something?
FFS, I can’t believe people still come out with this tripe! It totally disregards black history and the oppression suffered for centuries at the hands of white people! The historical context is key and is why tweets like Silva’s are deeply offensive

Look up the Ottoman Empire. Whites have also been victims of imperialism. Or look up the Irish. They have been victims of British imperalism yet I do not see Britain's Irish population constantly whinging about imperialism.

Hint: 'White' covers a huge geographical span that contains different histories and cultures. Also, blacks were enslaving other blacks in some cases, the Kingdom of Kongo had slavery before the arrival of the Portuguese. Or are you only interested in oppression when whites do it to non-white people?
Look up the Ottoman Empire. Whites have also been victims of imperialism. Or look up the Irish. They have been victims of British imperalism yet I do not see Britain's Irish population constantly whinging about imperialism.

Hint: 'White' covers a huge geographical span that contains different histories and cultures. Also, blacks were enslaving other blacks in some cases, the Kingdom of Kongo had slavery before the arrival of the Portuguese. Or are you only interested in oppression when whites do it to non-white people?

Why have you posted pretty much the same thing again and completely disregarded the differences in enslavement in these cases to the enslavement and segregation of black people. Again. Why are you so determined for everyone to know that it isn’t just black people that have been enslaved? That’s twice now. Yet when challenged you leave profile posts instead of publicly defending it. I don’t understand. There is a huge difference.
Without wanting to tell the moderators what’s their job, it’s clear this topic has been contaminated with things that have nothing to do with Bernardo Silva the player. If anyone wants to discuss politics, history, patriotism, coke heads, slavery or something else better move the subject to somewhere else.

It will be the last time I will post here for a few months at least, this week this subject made me lose my patience. Maybe my fault, but reading some posts here, some people should demand the same ethics for their life’s as they demand for public figures.

One day we will talk again, hopefully with more tolerant views regardless of our beliefs. Enough for now.
Without wanting to tell the moderators what’s their job, it’s clear this topic has been contaminated with things that have nothing to do with Bernardo Silva the player. If anyone wants to discuss politics, history, patriotism, coke heads, slavery or something else better move the subject to somewhere else.

It will be the last time I will post here for a few months at least, this week this subject made me lose my patience. Maybe my fault, but reading some posts here, some people should demand the same ethics for their life’s as they demand for public figures.

One day we will talk again, hopefully with more tolerant views regardless of our beliefs. Enough for now.
Of course you dont find it racist. Are you black by any chance? Do you know why a black person would find it racist? If not, do you care? Doesn't seem so. This thread is so depressing. You can see the ignorance reeking out of some posters on here, especially the Portuguese on here. Theyll defend their countrymen youd think even if theyd shot someone. Racism must be such a normal part of their society that they dont even see it as problem. And apparently, they're experts on racism that black people face. Go figure.

Yes the burden of 'white guilt' seems to solely fall on the shoulders of English white folk, a lot of the times people from Iberia and white people from the Americas(South) are completely oblivious to racism in their society to the point they think it doesn't exist, this is very dangerously and leads to some of the posters on here from these backgrounds or Guardiola Silva and the likes espousing racist views they don't even understand is racist, there is a big problem with race relations in these communities, England always get highlighted but the Portuguese actually started the slave trade and get half the backlash from it, would hate to be a black person in these countries, England by comparison is a much better place for ethnic miniroties from my experiences.
You haven't been segregated from society and enslaved due to your skin colour. It's pretty simple.

There is no comparison to make here. White never faced the kinda racism, slave trade and general discrimination that blacks have endured throughout history.
What you said displays some concerning ignorance
Berber and Ottoman slave trades?

Not to be a dick but maybe be careful about throwing the word "ignorant" around while not even knowing about things like that.
Berber and Ottoman slave trades?

Not to be a dick but maybe be careful about throwing the word "ignorant" around while not even knowing about things like that.
Its ignorance. Of course all races have a history of be enslaved. But the event of millions of africans forced to the new world as slaves, to build the economy of the colonies, is so relevant in the human history, that your comparison is just silly.

Also, you and some of the portuguese posters are not fooling nobody here with this "white slaves" talk. Everybody can recognize that primitive racist line of thought, it comes from alt right trolls like Stefan Molineaux and others.
It seems like "much ado about nothing", in a way due to cultural differences and mostly due to the extreme magnifying glass that football is. Lets be real, things get enlarged and exagurated far more in the world of football because it's all "part of the drama".

Blackface is just wrong and especially apparently so perceived in the USA and the UK, but it did surprise the dutch when there started to be a large controversy regarding a long tradition of having "black Pete's" for example in as helpers of a child friendly saint. I think though that this controversy foremost happened due to a relative proximity of these cultures in the age of globalism. Westeners might for example easily fall into behaviour that would be considered taboo or indecent in Asian cultures like say Japans respect oriented culture. Western individualism could easily clash with asian norms, otherwise said it might not be difficult for a person of Europe to play in Japan and unwittingly trigger some controversy's due to cultural sensitivity', however because the distance is so large Japanese often also tend to simply ignore it when it comes to westeners.

It's not really fair imho to laden upon Bernardo Silva all the bad associations of that symbol the more so because they arn't so associated with his culture nessecarily. With other words, it wasn't Iberians afaik who made Blackface a thing of racism, Bernardo Silva might not have been aware of the controversy and it should be explained to him whats wrong with it but he's in no way to be confused with the connotation of racism that is behind that imho.
Its ignorance. Of course all races have a history of be enslaved. But the event of millions of africans forced to the new world as slaves, to build the economy of the colonies, is so relevant in the human history, that your comparison is just silly.

Also, you and some of the portuguese posters are not fooling nobody here with this "white slaves" talk. Everybody can recognize that primitive racist line of thought, it comes from alt right trolls like Stefan Molineaux and others.
"White people have never been enslaved by another race."

"They have."

"Nice try, alt-right troll"
