Postmodernism and Marxism are inherently conflicting idealogy. A reconcillation between the two is absurd. Postmodernism is against grand narratives, and Marxism is based on the grandest narrative ever. If you're a postmodernist you cant be a Marxist and vice versa. Marxists likewise have been dismissive of postmodernism and claim its not a valid philosophy and more of a cultural thing. There have been multiple books written on the subject-
David Harvey- The Condition of Postmodernity
Alex Callinicos- Against Postmodernism: A Marxist Critique
Yes, a connection between postmodernism and Marxism does exist, many famous thinkers were involved in leftist politics at one point in their lives but its purely genealogical.
The Cultural Marxism bs is basically the Nazi propaganda of "Cultural Bolshevism" which the Nazis claimed was the degeneration of German culture. Sound familiar? Womens rights, being accepting of homosexuality, abstract art all were signs of a plot by the Bolsheviks to take over German society.
Lets not forget people are quick to point out the Frankfurt school, which consists of a of Jewish thinkers, being part of this plot to take over the world. So add in a dash of anti-semitism as well.
I dont think Peterson is a Nazi btw, he's an ultra consertviive Christian who sees postmodernism as a threat to religion as postmodernism breaks down meaning and points to a world devoid of God. His lectures are based on very superficial readings of Marxism and Postmodernism. i would urge you to actually read the works and decide for yourself.
Thanks, great post. There are so many reasons to be skeptical of "Cultural Marxism". One which hit hard at home was when the far-right terrorist of the 22 July attacks specifically referred to Cultural Marxism as perhaps the reason de'tre in his manifesto. I read the manifesto at the time, and initially found it to be the craziest thing I'd ever read. Of course, later it became clear that he had basically plagiarized almost all of it, but that's neither here nor there.
Amazingly there are still right-wing politicians in Norway who will refer to Cultural Marxism, usually on Facebook.