Average bang
Don't get too wrapped up in the word 'personality'. This is a popularity contest and nothing more.
Yea, bloody wankers not liking a homophobic misogynist.'The petition, 50,000 strong'
'50,000 wankers'
Yea, bloody wankers not liking a homophobic misogynist.
One fight away. That fight will never get made though. Too many fecking organisations and belts.He's unified, he's just not undisputed (which is near impossible with the current state of boxing).
At least he's not racist though. What with being a gyppo and all.
I keep reading comments like this and I don't get it.I hope Fury wins it just so I can lap up all the false indignation.
I keep reading comments like this and I don't get it.
He's a bigot, why is it so outlandish for people to dislike him?
People supporting him just because other people don't like him is the stupidest thing ever.
tbf, he's been called so many names in the media lately that the only logical hipster response is to take his side for no apparent reason.
A scourge on the modern world, I tell ya.Damn hipsters.
tbf, he's been called so many names in the media lately that the only logical hipster response is to take his side for no apparent reason.
Because I find him funny rather than offensive. It's obvious that the guy is a product of his upbringing, but it's as politically incorrect to say that as it is many of the things he has said. He even says himself that he's backward because he hasn't had a good education. I like his honesty, even if his sense of humour is as "rough" as it comes. The comment about his wife needing an uppercut, when he obviously loves her to bits, is a plain example. I am not saying this to be nasty to Fury, but his lack of an education leads to his inability to rise above the inarticulate in interviews.
It's quite obvious in some of his interviews that he is just making it up as he goes along. It's quite child like the way he banters. He just needs someone to advise him to maybe tone it down a tad. He's genuine and rough and infinitely more palatable than the sanctimonious cnuts out to trash him.
It's quite obvious in some of his interviews that he is just making it up as he goes along. It's quite child like the way he banters. He just needs someone to advise him to maybe tone it down a tad. He's genuine and rough and infinitely more palatable than the sanctimonious cnuts out to trash him.
I like him a lot more than those who just try to say whatever is most popular at a specific time. The perception of people like Fury is generated by the media game, which loves controversy. Our political classes then look to score points on the back of it. The exposure and petition signatures comments like these receive is completely disproportionate when you consider there are online petitions against the imprisonment/beheading of individuals in Saudi Arabia that struggle to get into the tens of thousands.
The media would have you believe there are power lines crashing down onto rain-slicked streets, while panic-stricken drivers swerve to avoid the next pileup, while the reality is that the local farmer has left a gate open, and bovine have wandered out onto a tranquil country lane in the heat of the day. Granted, they are eyeing a late-for-work and horn-blasting driver with the sort of upper-class disdain only the landed gentry can muster for the niceties and aspirations of the middle classes. Infuriating to some, positively hilarious to the unaffected.
The 'educated' media should possess the emotional intelligence (and responsibility) to know better quite frankly. Shameful.
Is there anyone who doesn't believe Fury should win on sporting achievement alone?
My wish is Fury wins and punches Lineker in the face.
I'd argue Jess Ennis winning the hepatgalon gold in multiple sporting events is far more rewarding. That's after having a baby, imagine having your body go through all that change yet still come back to be the best.
What exactly did Fury say about gay people anyway, because some are making out he said they're the same as pedo's which from what I understand he never actually said.
He said this...
"‘There are only three things that need to be accomplished before the devil comes home: one of them is homosexuality being legal in countries, one of them is abortion and the other one’s paedophilia."
I've never heard the idea that those three things being becoming legal would bring back the devil.
Hamilton won't win it, he isn't there. Boxers usually do quite well in this right?