I actually dread talking about immigration so I would rather just bury my head in the sand tbh, rightly or wrongly. It's such a complicated issue with no easy answer. It seems like a rabbit hole that takes you into the fundamental problems with the world in general and the various failings of humanity.
Re the BBC being impartial, I don't have an illusions about the BBC being impartial, I think such an idea is ridiculous. It's a broadcaster that is an arm of the state. In terms of propaganda it's hardly Russia Today but there is a clear flavour to most of the content on the BBC that doesn't strike me as particularly impartial. I'm not much of a fan of the BBC really, which is a shame because I think it used to be such a great institution. If I say I feel like it has a progressive liberal agenda that makes me uneasy it is generally the recipe for some furious reaction from a section of the Internet so it's best to not say much. I was trying to just stick to the Lineker thing because I saw both things as needless: a) what he said being politically loaded and ott and then b) being censored and deplatformed which I don't like even more.
It feels like everyone is falling over backwards these days to say and think the right things all the time and it makes me feel uneasy because in my opinion being a good person is about having kindness and empathy and that kind of thing and not necessarily making sure you have used your speech acceptably in a hyper scrutinised and hysterical environment.
In terms of immigration, I don't personally think either party can truly fix it to satisfaction of a clear majority. Its more of a global scale issue rather than one which can truly be resolved domestically in my opinion. I don't think politicians help by making it an us v them scenario though.
As for BBC bias there is certainly a counter argument to be made on some points. There are people who feel it was bias in its reporting on brexit and with covid too. I don't agree with all their points but I can understand why some would feel that way and accept that the bbc on ocassion is probably impartial to the left at times.
You mention pushing a progressive Liberal agenda. Again not sure what you mean but just taking a guess maybe you mean by stuff such as brexit, covid, trans rights, blm, climate etc.. And typically being more Liberal with their reporting on those subjects.
Again I'd probably be inclined to actually agree that on the whole alot of their reporting would be more Liberal in these areas.
Where I have issue though is with some of the stuff Alan Sugar, Andrew Neil or Jeremy Clarkson have said which is much worse than Gary Linekar in my opinion. Again happy to disagree if you think otherwise. One thing we could both say though is that all three have said stuff which could cause offence. I don't believe they should have been treated like Gary but I feel all should be treated equally.
And my biggest issue in terms of impartiality is that judge and jury is very much the Conservative party as there are about three directors/chairmen now all linked to the party in different ways. You can't be impartial when the people marking your homework are previous candidates, donors and financial facilitators to the party in government.
Now if you truly wish to influence the BBC you cannot be bias to the conservatives in every subject because it will get called out very quickly. So it makes sense for there to be a bias there that swings both ways.
Whether or not you can agree with me that there is also a Conservative bias in some instances I don't know. What I will say is that I feel its been used as a weapon to promote a culture war and to create division. Would you agree with that?
Everything gets labeled these days and you're one side or the other. If someone feels there is a political motive behind blm but still supports the underlying message, they get called a racist. If someone supports adults to be able to change gender but opposes it for children in Scotland. Or if they oppose trans people going to prisons of their new gender, they may be labeled anti trans. I think these are very complex subjects and you can't categoroze people into 2 boxes based on their views.
And I don't think that helps. You're this side or that side. Nobody can be 100% one or the other.
With regards to your last paragraph, I completely agree. I think when it comes to speech that words can be intereperted in 10s of different ways and we're all guilty of saying something at one stage which was received differently from how we intended. We need to be more understanding and respectful of others opinions and promote sensible discussion.
And I'll just finish by saying. While we're all here debating immigration, NHS, housing and whatever other political topics. The top 10 billionaires doubled their wealth during covid. There is alot of inequality right now and out of all new wealth generated in the last few years 2/3rds have went to the top 10. If we want to solve problems then the billionaire one should be top of the list.