Baseball Playoffs

So it is back to Turner Field for game 5! Lets go Braves! :)
St Louis are gonna win the series this year.
Jacqueline_S said:
for me i'd rather see Roger clemens vs. the Cardies

Yes I guess that would be something to watch. Clemens is always fun to watch, and he is still a very good pitcher. They were up 5-2 when he left the game yesterday. Actually it is weird that pitching is probably the main weakness for the Braves. Year after year with magic pitchers - Maddux, Glavine, Smoltz - but today they have other qualities. I must say that I can't see them losing at home against the Astros. I can't see them beating the Cardinals either but it would be nice to see them try
I just wanted LA to lose. :angel:

Now that they're out, it's academic for me. I still see the Cardinals winning it all, though -- they really have been the best team in baseball all year.
Vesa said:
Yes I guess that would be something to watch. Clemens is always fun to watch, and he is still a very good pitcher. They were up 5-2 when he left the game yesterday. Actually it is weird that pitching is probably the main weakness for the Braves. Year after year with magic pitchers - Maddux, Glavine, Smoltz - but today they have other qualities. I must say that I can't see them losing at home against the Astros. I can't see them beating the Cardinals either but it would be nice to see them try
it will be a very big news if the Astros beat the Cardies *to me it's just like watching the boosox beating the yankees.. can't be happening :D* and i don't think the Astros are going to win the series. cardies vs. Yankees in the WS and the Yankees are going to win again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again!!! :devil:
Jacqueline_S said:
it will be a very big news if the Astros beat the Cardies *to me it's just like watching the boosox beating the yankees.. can't be happening :D* and i don't think the Astros are going to win the series. cardies vs. Yankees in the WS and the Yankees are going to win again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again!!! :devil:

I don't remember the Yankees being successful in last years' world series.
uh oh... the Boosox scored 7 in 2 innings...:nervous:
why did Torre send Gordon out...:mad:
MrMarcello said:
Can't win it every year, as Boston and St Louis fans are quite aware of.

Little history lesson the cardinals are the most successful national league franchise with 9 world championships. Yes the last one was in 1982 but aside from the Yanks we are the most prolific team in major league history
Jacqueline_S said:
uh oh... the Boosox scored 7 in 2 innings...:nervous:
why did Torre send Gordon out...:mad:
i guess he didn't want to overplay rivera..he played more than usual this he's not as efficient as previous seasons..anywayz..rivera saved the day as usual..
MrMarcello said:
Can't win it every year, as Boston and St Louis fans are quite aware of.

Which was my point. "Again and again and again" (post above mine) just isn't true.
manufanatic said:
Little history lesson the cardinals are the most successful national league franchise with 9 world championships. Yes the last one was in 1982 but aside from the Yanks we are the most prolific team in major league history

No way. :rolleyes:

I knew that anyway, the last was 1982 against Milwaukee, having lost in 1985 and 1987 as well (and who can forget the choke against Atlanta in 1996 NLCS). Just found it amusing that someone posts crap about the Yanks losing last year's WS when their team hasn't won a championship in decades.

Course, I still think the Cards were robbed in 1985, but they still had a game 7 to win and didn't get the job done.
I lucked out. A friend of mine has an extra ticket to the Yankee game tonight. I'll be there yelling at Pedro. Tomorrow will be a very long day.
then kennyj did you shout 'WHO'S YA DADDY'?!?!?!
it's so cool to hear that chant on telly! that was SO cool :lol:
Yankees' leading the series 2-0, Brown gets the ball for the Yankees in the next game.
they said 'SHELLing won't be ok until game 5' hmmm.... game 5 huh, dream on!!! :devil:
Jacqueline_S said:
then kennyj did you shout 'WHO'S YA DADDY'?!?!?!
it's so cool to hear that chant on telly! that was SO cool :lol:
Yankees' leading the series 2-0, Brown gets the ball for the Yankees in the next game.
they said 'SHELLing won't be ok until game 5' hmmm.... game 5 huh, dream on!!! :devil:

I just got back from the game and then a celebratory stop at a bar. I was there for both game 1 and 2...great atmosphere as usual, *VERY* scary when the Sox came back in game 1 and last night.
I just got back from the game and then a celebratory stop at a bar. I was there for both game 1 and 2...great atmosphere as usual, *VERY* scary when the Sox came back in game 1 and last night.
i got my money down for Rivera!!! he's God :D but i was a bit nervous to see Tom Gordon on the mount, i'm serious.... :nervous:
I read that Schilling is done for October. He has a torn tendon and will undergo off-season surgery to repair the injury. Not sure who the Sox turn too in game 5, if there is a game 5...Tim Wakefield? Derek Lowe, or is he starting game 4?
Jacqueline_S said:
then kennyj did you shout 'WHO'S YA DADDY'?!?!?!

Of course :lol: I was near Manny in left field. The series is far from over, but it's great being up 2-0.
MrMarcello said:
I read that Schilling is done for October. He has a torn tendon and will undergo off-season surgery to repair the injury. Not sure who the Sox turn too in game 5, if there is a game 5...Tim Wakefield? Derek Lowe, or is he starting game 4?
no they kept saying shelling will be starting in game 5 :wenger:
kennyj said:
Of course :lol: I was near Manny in left field. The series is far from over, but it's great being up 2-0.
u were in the game right, then did you buy one of those '1918, yankee's still your daddy' t-shirt???? :lol: :cool:
Chris Berman was talking about the signs at the Pats game when they won number 19 in-a-row. At one point, fans had various signs with 18 and 19. Berman spun it saying fans holding up two signs in close proximity read 1918. Hmmm...last time Boston won the World Series.
Jacqueline_S said:
u were in the game right, then did you buy one of those '1918, yankee's still your daddy' t-shirt???? :lol: :cool:

I bought a hat that said '1918'. Believe it or not, a couple of people (from Florida) in the section thought that meant I was rooting for the Sox. Street vendors were selling shirts that said "Who's Your Daddy" on the front and "Pedro Sucks" on the back but I didn't buy one. Major League Baseball yanked the authentic "Daddy" shirts from stores because the Red Sox complained.
19-8!!! FINAL SCORE!!! :D :devil:
413 pitches tonight, 22 hits for the Yankees, 15 for the Boosox,
Matsui, A.Rod and Bernie set 3 new records :devil:
and btw, see how empty the stadium was during the 9th bottom??haha... i know it was 12:20 already, hmm... part time supporters :D
even stephen King's there tonight :angel:
Jacqueline_S said:
19-8!!! FINAL SCORE!!! :D :devil:
413 pitches tonight, 22 hits for the Yankees, 15 for the Boosox,
Matsui, A.Rod and Bernie set 3 new records :devil:

You stole my thunder, ( 19 - 8, teen) Anway I'm gettin my broom out of the closet right now :lol: :lol: :lol: