Barcelona: Charged with corruption .... again!

During the years of the payments:
79 matchdays without a penalty against, 59 without a red card, record number of penalties awarded (19)

La liga would have to denounce and then the affected teams. Personally, I would say that absolutely nothing will happen.

I dno, tebas absolutely hates them for not signing that cvc deal, he might take this as a chance to get more revenge
Everyone in Spain (bar Barca's fans) knew this was coming.
The refereering they have received these past years is outrageous. Noone that truly follows La Liga can be surprised about these recent allegations. it was famously called “Villarato” in Spain, due to Miguel Angel Villar being the Spanish FA president at the moment.

The referee payments allegedly happened between 2003 and 2018. The following image shows the penalties and red cards awarded to and against each La Liga teams throughtout all those years (spanish but easily understandable):
It seems interesting that Barcelona has 48 net red cards in all those years. No other team is above 24, and only two above 20. Real (a somewhat comparable team in La Liga) has -4.

For those who desire to read more about Barca´s affairs:
-There was a recent investigation around Albert Benaiges. He was the coordinator of grassroot football for Barca for 20 years during 2 spells. The last one until 2021 when he resigned the moment the scandal became public. He was accused of sexual abuse of children. There were more than 60 testimonies of his abuse during the 1980s and 1990s on a school from Barcelona (where he was also a PE teacher). Before Laporta re-hired him he was terminated in Mexico and Dominican Republic also with allegations to minor abuse. 19 people denounced him. The case was closed as the crimes had prescribed. You can still can read some of the victims testimonies online. Proof:

-Another interesting case is Barca´s more than possible doping. I will just give you a few glimpses:
-UEFA fined Barca 30.000€ in 2010 for not notifying anti-doping officials of a change in their training schedule. This training change led to UEFA not being able to do their doping test that day. Proof:
-UEFA did a surprise doping testing on Barcelona players the 23/02/2011. They did not test Xavi, Valdés, Puyol and Messi as they were injured that day. Funnilly enough Messi was able to play the full 90 minutes 3 days before the test (20/02/2011) and 3 days after the test (26/2/2011). Either the injury appeared and disappeared magically or… he just avoided the doping test just like Barca did the year before, although this time “legally”.
Proof of the testing:
Proof that Messi, Xavi, Valdés and Puyol did not train with the rest of the team that day:
Full game played by Messi 3 days before doping test:
Full game played by Messi 3 days after doping test:

Barca is just full of shady guys. More examples:
-Agustí Montal Costa, who stopped being president in 1977 is the last Barca´s president to have not gone to a court to testify as defendant.

-Piqué was in cahoots with Luis Rubiales (president of Spanish FA) while he was a player and the captain of Barcelona. Basically he took part in the negotiations of the newest format of the Spanish Supercup that takes place in Saudi Arabia and therefore gets (and is still getting) a big cut for every edition of the tournament (6M€ each and every single year). Piqué resigned quietly in the middle of this season when all this surfaced and now everyone has forgotten about it. Rubiales never resigned and still holds the job. Proof:
Sadly, this corrupt Luis Rubiales who is getting rich along with Piqué while he was a player, was the fresh-blood that was supposed to change things for the better when he replaced Miguel Ángel Villar, the previous Spanish FA president of whom I talked about in the very first paragraph.

It is of course known that Piqué wants to be president of the club some day. He will probably get there, he really has the moral character needed for the position.

-Pep: the bald hypocrite fraud was Barca´s manager all those times the club managed to evade doping tests. And just watch him nowadays defend the obviously illegal actuations of City while of course playing the victim card.

-Speaking about victim cards. Barca´s fans love to reinforce the idea that their club was harassed by Franco´s regime. On the other hand, Franco pardoned Barca´s debt twice, which explains why Barca awarded him with two Medals of Honor. You can easily search for pictures of these on google if you want.

TL;DR: Barca is an inmoral, filthy club full. The true MVP is the PR team that somehow shielded all of this from public opinion and made them look like a reasonable club.
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Jesus, it seems Bartomeu really did everything shady that's possible. Probably the worst president in the history of football?
During the years of the payments:
79 matchdays without a penalty against, 59 without a red card, record number of penalties awarded (19)

La liga would have to denounce and then the affected teams. Personally, I would say that absolutely nothing will happen.

Payments are since 2001. It would be interesting to put the statistics from that year and not a biased period of time with statistics that match a narrative.

So let the guy return money because Barcelona refereeing errors took away several leagues.

Capello's, Mourinho's and Zidane's first were a disgrace.
League arbitration balance - 04/05 - 17/18

Penalties for and against:

Real Madrid 118 - 60
Barça 122 - 51

4 penalties more than Real Madrid and that Barcelona had the times of Rijkaard, Guardiola and Luis Enrique. With super offensive football and Madrid very defensive teams. Curious the general fact.
Payments are since 2001. It would be interesting to put the statistics from that year and not a biased period of time with statistics that match a narrative.

So let the guy return money because Barcelona refereeing errors took away several leagues.

Capello's, Mourinho's and Zidane's first were a disgrace.
Narrative is if a few madridistas say that Barcelona gets a lot of penalties.
This goes beyond that, it is an investigation by the prosecutor's office, with the vice president of the referees admitting payments of more than a million "to make sure everything was neutral" and for verbal reports.
It sounds very shady. It seems normal to take a look at the data during those dates.
When we find out who Laporta and Gaspart paid in the past, we will look at the statistics too
Payments are since 2001. It would be interesting to put the statistics from that year and not a biased period of time with statistics that match a narrative.

So let the guy return money because Barcelona refereeing errors took away several leagues.

Capello's, Mourinho's and Zidane's first were a disgrace.

League arbitration balance - 04/05 - 17/18

Penalties for and against:

Real Madrid 118 - 60
Barça 122 - 51

4 penalties more than Real Madrid and that Barcelona had the times of Rijkaard, Guardiola and Luis Enrique. With super offensive football and Madrid very defensive teams. Curious the general fact.

Interesting that you criticise other people for using what you claim are "biased statistics" but then do the same thing to justify whatever point you are trying to make.
Article by Rubén Uria, one of the best journalists in Spain.


For three years, a group of journalists -it is a generous euphemism- more and more numerous, has launched a crusade that places Real Madrid as a victim of the referees. His proposal consists of petty debates where the audience rules and where it is cheap to throw the stone while hiding the hand. Where the sewer sells more than rigor, Barça is accused of having the favor of the referees. The curious thing is that, despite hours and hours of unbearable gatherings, the crusaders of the conspiracy still have not provided a single proof that the referees row in favor of Barça. To this day, no one has been able to prove that Victoriano Sánchez Arminio, a bad manager, was a player, member, supporter or director of the Barcelona Football Club.

It must be frustrating for the media puppets who write and speak at the dictation of their master( Florentino Perez, in case some clueless person does not know who he is referring to)
, who have not yet been able to certify that the Spaniard has or has had links with Barça, an alleged arbitration protégé. On the other hand, the newspaper archive of the newspapers of the time, added to the archive of the magnificent historian Bernardo Salazar, reflects a very different reality: a necessary and hygienic reality that unequivocally concludes the record of the National College of Referees. Come and read:

Alfonso Albéniz Jordana, first president of the National College of Arbitrators.
He was a Real Madrid player (1911-12), a member from 1912 and also a director of the Chamartín club for eight years, from 1913 to 1921.

Carlos Dieste Vega, second president of the National College of Arbitrators. Real Madrid player in the 1914-15 campaign and later merengue manager from 1914 to 1921.

Luis Colina Álvarez, third president of the National College of Referees, after its refoundation due to a serious crisis. (1924-26). Don Luis was a director of Real Madrid 1919-20 and at the time, a member and supporter of the Madrid club.

Antonio de Cárcer, fourth president of the CNA (1926-28). Partner of Real Madrid and also a manager. His brother Juan was the first coach of Real Madrid and his brother Fernando, vice president of the Santiago Bernabéu in the forties.

Luis Iglesias Gracia, fifth president of the CNA (July 1928). He barely lasted two months in office, being an interim president who barely made decisions.

Julián Ruete Muniesa, sixth president of the CNA (September 1928-November 1928). Only two months in office. He was a player for Real Madrid (1904-10) and Atlético (1910-11), secretary of the merengue board and also became President of Atlético de Madrid (1912-23).

Alfonso Albéniz Jordana, seventh president of the CNA (1928-29). He returned to the position to be the first president of the first edition of the professional League. He was a player (1911-12), a partner (since 1912) and also a director of Real Madrid (1913-21).

Antonio de Cárcer y Disdier, eighth president of the CNA (1930-36). Once again, he was once again the highest referee, as in 1926. He was a partner and manager of Real Madrid, as well as the brother of the Madrid club's first coach.

Eulogio Aranguren Labairu, ninth president (1939-46). After the Civil War, the Central Committee of Referees was created, with Don Eulogio being its president. He was a Real Madrid player, a member since 1911 and also vice-president of the Spanish Football Federation.

Manuel Álvarez Corriols, tenth president (1946). Former referee of the Castilian Federation. Barely eleven months in office. No known "colors".

Emilio Suárez Marcelo, eleventh president (1947). He only spent a year in office, but before reaching the armchair he was a member of Real Madrid since 1922 and also a prominent member of the Organizing Committee for the Golden Wedding Anniversary and the White Club's Economic Commission.

Ramón Echarren Sanzmagaray, twelfth president (1947-48). From the College of Referees of Navarra. It was said that he was a partner and supporter of Osasuna. He held office for a single campaign.

Pedro Escartín Morán, thirteenth president (1948-51). Former referee of the Colegio Castellano. His term lasted up to three years. He was a player for the Royal Gymnastics Society, although he always confessed privately that he was a fan of Real Madrid. He received an offer from Barça to be technical secretary, but due to his merengue status, he declined it. Later he was a writer, journalist and chronicler, among others for the newspaper "Marca".

Luis Saura del Pan, fourteenth president (1951-52).
He came to the referee's chair after having played for Real Madrid for nine years and having been registered as a Real Madrid member for almost 50 years, since 1905. Don Luis, a lifetime linked to Real Madrid, was also President of the Spanish Football Federation.

Eulogio Aranguren Labairu, fifteenth president (1952-53). He commanded the arbitration estate for 11 months. He came to the position after being a Real Madrid player for ten years (1911-21), apart from being a partner since 1911.

Emilio Álvarez Pérez, sixteenth president (1953-56). There is hardly any documentation referring to this president of the CNA. Nivario de la Cruz Hernández, seventeenth president (September 1956-November 1961). A former referee for the Castilian Federation, he never hid his friendship with members of the Real Madrid board of directors, such as Muñoz Lusarreta.

Manuel Asensi Martín, eighteenth president (1961-67). Former referee of the Castilian Federation, attached to the Valencian College, he came to whistle in Fairs Cup matches and international competitions, such as the 1954 World Cup.

José Plaza, nineteenth president (1967 to 1970). He resigned out of solidarity with Guruceta, that referee challenged by Barcelona after having whistled a penalty in favor of Madrid that was two meters outside the area. Plaza was the great "patriarch" of arbitration. In addition, this phrase is imputed to him: "While I am president, Barça will not be league champions." Plaza denied these words over and over again. He was a former referee for the Castilian Federation, but played for the Real Madrid subsidiary, Plus

José Fernández de la Torre, twentieth president (1970). He came to office after belonging to the Andalusian College and after the resignations of Plaza, De la Fuente and Morales were accepted. He was also president of the FAF Coaches School since 1949. From 1960 he was adviser to the National Committee of Referees.

Juan Francisco Pardo Hidalgo, twenty-first president (1971-72). Former referee of the Castilian Federation. He advocated for professionalism, for putting a "cap" on the age of the referees and for stopping the clubs in their "recusals" to various referees.

José Plaza, twenty-second president (1972-1990). After resigning due to the "Guruceta case", he returned to office. Plaza was a former referee for the Castilian Federation and previously played for the Real Madrid subsidiary, Plus Ultra.

Fernando de Andrés Merino, twenty-third president (1990). He was president of the Management Board of the arbitrators. He became famous when he claimed to be unaware of the fact that Barcelona did not win when he was refereed by Ramos Marcos, a referee whose information file was opened for commenting on a Barça-Real Madrid match for Telemadrid. Linked to the Territorial Committee of Referees of Castilla y León.

Pedro Sánchez Sanz, twenty-fourth president (1990-93). Elected by the Central Board, although the Supreme Court annulled his election by a judicial order of 1992. He was the beneficiary of the "mysterious" resignation of the Catalan collegiate Albert Giménez, who withdrew his candidacy for the presidency. Sánchez Sanz acceded to the position "by hand", having whistled only in the Regional Preference, to later take the "big leap" and be an informant for the CNTA and become a member of the Madrid College of Referees in 1984, as reported by the ABC newspaper in 1991.

(*) The position was also held by Arturo López Espinosa-the twenty-fifth president-, but on an interim basis. Don Arturo was a member of Real Madrid.

For a century, 26 presidencies decided who and how they should arbitrate in Spain, applying the system of "fingercracy". An overwhelming majority of those presidents came to those positions after being players, partners or managers of Real Madrid. Masks out.
Interesting that you criticise other people for using what you claim are "biased statistics" but then do the same thing to justify whatever point you are trying to make.

The payments were from 2001 reportedly until 2018. And that statistic is from 2004-2018. I found those figures on one page.
The previous 3 years would be missing but that would hardly change the statistics.

The interesting thing is that you criticize a statistic much more truthful to reality than a biased one.
Interesting that you criticise other people for using what you claim are "biased statistics" but then do the same thing to justify whatever point you are trying to make.
It’s shameless and relentless. I can only imagine if this involved Madrid instead of Barca.
The payments were from 2001 reportedly until 2018. And that statistic is from 2004-2018. I found those figures on one page.
The previous 3 years would be missing but that would hardly change the statistics.

The interesting thing is that you criticize a statistic much more truthful to reality than a biased one.

Pretty pathetic excuse, considering you did not extend the same courtesy to the other poster.
Narrative is if a few madridistas say that Barcelona gets a lot of penalties.
This goes beyond that, it is an investigation by the prosecutor's office, with the vice president of the referees admitting payments of more than a million "to make sure everything was neutral" and for verbal reports.
It sounds very shady. It seems normal to take a look at the data during those dates.
When we find out who Laporta and Gaspart paid in the past, we will look at the statistics too

Obviously the whole thing sounds weird. It must be investigated and there must be punishments if the law was finally broken.

But putting statistics of certain moments along the entire trajectory does not help to see reality.

It's like I take the statistic of this league 22-23.
Real Madrid 8 penalties in favor and Barcelona 1. And I say that the referees favor Madrid.
We must analyze each play and draw conclusions carefully.
Pretty pathetic excuse, considering you did not extend the same courtesy to the other poster.

Any arguments? No, obviously. Now you call an excuse for a statistic much more accurate to reality.
I need the TL:DR - any chance of an actual punishment here, or just another case of shady folks doing shady things and getting away with it while claiming innocence and superiority?
Obviously the whole thing sounds weird. It must be investigated and there must be punishments if the law was finally broken.

But putting statistics of certain moments along the entire trajectory does not help to see reality.

It's like I take the statistic of this league 22-23.
Real Madrid 8 penalties in favor and Barcelona 1. And I say that the referees favor Madrid.

We must analyze each play and draw conclusions carefully.

I did that during those years. I probably have posts in la liga thread rambling on about why no one ever gets sent off for Barcelona, and what about penalties, but obviously if I don't have anything solid to hold on to it remains just that, subjective delusions.
In this case a referee hierarch has been paid to avoid erroneous decisions, and he has admitted it himself!
Imagine if that happens to Madrid, we would already be with the "así gana el Madrid".
In the same way I think:
-It's going to come out even more shit
-Nothing is going to happen, first because it would have to be proven that this money produced specific arbitration decisions; second, because Tebas is a barking dog but little biter; third, the current board will wash their hands and unless there are documents that incriminate Laporta everything will focus on Bartomeu, and fourth because Florentino goes hand in hand with Laporta(for now) and I bet he prioritizes the war against la liga / UEFA to all this.
I did that during those years. I probably have posts in la liga thread rambling on about why no one ever gets sent off for Barcelona, and what about penalties, but obviously if I don't have anything solid to hold on to it remains just that, subjective delusions.
In this case a referee hierarch has been paid to avoid erroneous decisions, and he has admitted it himself!
Imagine if that happens to Madrid, we would already be with the "así gana el Madrid".
In the same way I think:
-It's going to come out even more shit
-Nothing is going to happen, first because it would have to be proven that this money produced specific arbitration decisions; second, because Tebas is a barking dog but little biter; third, the current board will wash their hands and unless there are documents that incriminate Laporta everything will focus on Bartomeu, and fourth because Florentino goes hand in hand with Laporta(for now) and I bet he prioritizes the war against la liga / UEFA to all this.

When Laporta entered in 2003, these payments were already being made. Therefore he cannot blame Bartomeu.

If there is evidence, Barcelona will obviously be punished. With the desire to punish the independentists, they will not lose that opportunity.
Just look at the 2 years in jail that Sandro Rosell spent innocent and the words of corrupt commissioner Villarejo ( The Prosecutor's Office reduces Villarejo's jail request to 80 years in his first major trial).
You’re on here acting as if statistics matter and my stats are better than yours .
Only stat that matters is you secretly paid the head of your referees for many years. Whether you got value for money doesn’t matter a feck
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Everyone in Spain (bar Barca's fans) knew this was coming.
The refereering they have received these past years is outrageous. Noone that truly follows La Liga can be surprised about these recent allegations. it was famously called “Villarato” in Spain, due to Miguel Angel Villar being the Spanish FA president at the moment.

The referee payments allegedly happened between 2003 and 2018. The following image shows the penalties and red cards awarded to and against each La Liga teams throughtout all those years (spanish but easily understandable):
It seems interesting that Barcelona has 48 net red cards in all those years. No other team is above 24, and only two above 20. Real (a somewhat comparable team in La Liga) has -4.

For those who desire to read more about Barca´s affairs:
-There was a recent investigation around Albert Benaiges. He was the coordinator of grassroot football for Barca for 20 years during 2 spells. The last one until 2021 when he resigned the moment the scandal became public. He was accused of sexual abuse of children. There were more than 60 testimonies of his abuse during the 1980s and 1990s on a school from Barcelona (where he was also a PE teacher). Before Laporta re-hired him he was terminated in Mexico and Dominican Republic also with allegations to minor abuse. 19 people denounced him. The case was closed as the crimes had prescribed. You can still can read some of the victims testimonies online. Proof:

-Another interesting case is Barca´s more than possible doping. I will just give you a few glimpses:
-UEFA fined Barca 30.000€ in 2010 for not notifying anti-doping officials of a change in their training schedule. This training change led to UEFA not being able to do their doping test that day. Proof:
-UEFA did a surprise doping testing on Barcelona players the 23/02/2011. They did not test Xavi, Valdés, Puyol and Messi as they were injured that day. Funnilly enough Messi was able to play the full 90 minutes 3 days before the test (20/02/2011) and 3 days after the test (26/2/2011). Either the injury appeared and disappeared magically or… he just avoided the doping test just like Barca did the year before, although this time “legally”.
Proof of the testing:
Proof that Messi, Xavi, Valdés and Puyol did not train with the rest of the team that day:
Full game played by Messi 3 days before doping test:
Full game played by Messi 3 days after doping test:

Barca is just full of shady guys. More examples:
-Unsurprisingly, 2 of Barca´s ex-presidents ended up in jail:
-Josep Luis Núñez (spent 2 years and a half in prison)
-Sandro Rosell (spent 21 months in prison)
Will they be soon followed by Bertomeu? We will see. Agustí Montal Costa, who stopped being president in 1977 is the last Barca´s president to have not gone to a court to testify as defendant.

-Piqué was in cahoots with Luis Rubiales (president of Spanish FA) while he was a player and the captain of Barcelona. Basically he took part in the negotiations of the newest format of the Spanish Supercup that takes place in Saudi Arabia and therefore gets (and is still getting) a big cut for every edition of the tournament (6M€ each and every single year). Piqué resigned quietly in the middle of this season when all this surfaced and now everyone has forgotten about it. Rubiales never resigned and still holds the job. Proof:
Sadly, this corrupt Luis Rubiales who is getting rich along with Piqué while he was a player, was the fresh-blood that was supposed to change things for the better when he replaced Miguel Ángel Villar, the previous Spanish FA president of whom I talked about in the very first paragraph.

It is of course known that Piqué wants to be president of the club some day. He will probably get there, he really has the moral character needed for the position.

-Pep: the bald hypocrite fraud was Barca´s manager all those times the club managed to evade doping tests. And just watch him nowadays defend the obviously illegal actuations of City while of course playing the victim card.

-Speaking about victim cards. Barca´s fans love to reinforce the idea that their club was harassed by Franco´s regime. On the other hand, Franco pardoned Barca´s debt twice, which explains why Barca awarded him with two Medals of Honor. You can easily search for pictures of these on google if you want.

TL;DR: Barca is an inmoral, filthy club full. The true MVP is the PR team that somehow shielded all of this from public opinion and made them look like a reasonable club.
POTY contender and I don't even hate Barca that much.
When Laporta entered in 2003, these payments were already being made. Therefore he cannot blame Bartomeu.

If there is evidence, Barcelona will obviously be punished. With the desire to punish the independentists, they will not lose that opportunity.
Just look at the 2 years in jail that Sandro Rosell spent innocent and the words of corrupt commissioner Villarejo ( The Prosecutor's Office reduces Villarejo's jail request to 80 years in his first major trial).
Desire to punish? The government that has eliminated the crime of sedition?
You are mixing everything from the list of arbitration officials to Rosell and Villarejo. And the next thing will be to turn the tables and look for plays where Barcelona was harmed and Madrid was helped. We are expecting weeks of videos on twitter.
Desire to punish? The government that has eliminated the crime of sedition?
You are mixing everything from the list of arbitration officials to Rosell and Villarejo. And the next thing will be to turn the tables and look for plays where Barcelona was harmed and Madrid was helped. We are expecting weeks of videos on twitter.

Because the elections are approaching and the government needs the support. But they're still going to lose them.
I'm not mixing anything.

Sandro Rosell spent two years in jail unjustly and now the Spanish state has to pay him millions in compensation.

And Villarejo said in an interview that everything pro-independence had to be destabilized and Barcelona was a target among those things.

And to say that Barcelona benefited from the referees is to be far from reality when the first League that Zidane won is known as the League of Shame 2.

That those from Madrid complain about the arbitration is as if those from Juventus did it.

I would like to see those arguments as to why Barcelona were not awarded penalties and other things. Because the year that Zidane won the League was the most embarrassing thing I've ever seen in my life.

Madrid benefited every two games and Barcelona does not get a goal that enters a meter (Granada 1-1), a very clear penalty (Vs Villarreal 1-1) and they cancel a goal for offside that is not. (Malaga 0-0). Summary: Barcelona was screwed 6 points and in Madrid they gave them countless of them mainly offside goals. A league that they should have won without refereeing errors, Barcelona by 10 points of difference loses it by three.

And Zidane's second league will also have to be ignored after the stoppage due to the pandemic, the embarrassing Var penalties that were painted in each game in favor of Madrid that were not.

And this year it is also normal for Madrid to take 10 penalties and Barcelona only one. And Barcelona have five red cards against them and one in Madrid.
Believe what you want. I don't spend my time trying to provide information anymore. Everyone who believes what he wants.
Article by Rubén Uria, one of the best journalists in Spain.

That article is from 2011.

The same author has written an article today, saying that this sounds very bad, that the news is not coming out of Madrid, that people should not shoot the messenger or imagine conspiracies against Barcelona where there aren't any. I suppose this valuable advice from "one of the best journalists in Spain" (an insane thing to say about anyone covering sports) is best discarded.
The newspaper El Mundo has had access to the documents that Barcelona handed over to the National Fraud Investigation Office (ONIF) under its investigation of the club for payments to the company Dasnil 95, owned by José María Enríquez Negreira, the one who by then (2016-2018) was the vice president of the Technical Committee of Referees. The 33 invoices accredit a payment of 1,685,142.8 euros."
"The Tax Agency asked the club for documentation on the agreement that both parties maintained, which officially showed: "Elaboration and sending of technical videos to the club" or "technical video advice"."
"The first payment of Barcelona to Dasnil 95 dates from January 12, 2016, with an amount of 45K euros. The other 32 invoices keep an almost monthly periodicity, although not dated on specific days. The rest of invoices are practically identical in concept and elaboration and the main difference between them is the payment."
"The Tax Agency insisted for the club to provide details about the work that the company performed and the offices of the Camp Nou sent: "These correspond to those described in the invoices that have been provided. That is to say, to the elaboration and sending of technical videos to the club".
"Barcelona also had to face explanations about who were the specific people in charge of carrying out this activity for the club; "As for the identity of the person or persons who materially carried out the provision of services, that is, the material preparation of the reports and videos, the club does not know it as it is an internal matter of the company,"
"As part of the protocol, the Tax Agency asked Barcelona for evidence that the payment corresponded to a real service and not a fictitious billing, with a similar answer to the one issued previously: "Regarding the place where the reports and videos were made, the club is also unaware of it as it is an internal matter of that company".
"The contact that Barcelona gave as its link with the company Dasnil 95 was Javier Enríquez, son of Enríquez Negreira and with no known position in the Technical Committee of Referees. The son was doing coaching work with the then First Division referees and was in charge of picking them up from the hotel and accompanying them to the stadium in the most important matches of the league."
And Zidane's second league will also have to be ignored after the stoppage due to the pandemic, the embarrassing Var penalties that were painted in each game in favor of Madrid that were not.
Niemans do you honestly think anyone is going to buy the idea that Barcelona were "robbed" of a league in which they fired their manager for poor performances, replaced him with someone the players clearly hated, and that culminated in a historical 8-2 obliteration by Bayern Munich? C'mon.
Barca are not guilty. @Niemans has proof that Real Madrid were awarded a lucky penalty in 20/21 which nullifies the payments Barca made from 2003 to 2018.
That’s so damning it’s untrue

I know it hurts you when Barca does well but this really is a nothing story.

  1. Tax Agency asked Barça for documents on agreement between Dasnil & Barça, which was: "Elaboration & sending of technical videos".
  2. Dasnil got paid monthly.
  3. Barça claim they don’t know which people produced it, it was up to Dasnil.
  4. Link to Dasnil was son of Negreira who has no committee position
The post about RM's stolen leagues is truly bizarre. Just complete and total nonsense. Basically just trying to gaslight Redcafe.

Real Madrid won the 19/20 league with 87 points. Next season they got 84 points. The one after they got 86 points. This one they are on track for 87 points. In the same period they have reached CL semifinals twice and won it once. Real Madrid are clearly, objectively, a solid if unspectacular team. Meanwhle Barcelona have seen point decreases since 17/18 (93-87-82-78-73), which tracks with the lower quality of their squad and managers over this period. And yet we are supposed to believe that the only explanation for Real Madrid winning a league title over a decaying, malfunctioning team was "refs." Ridiculous.

The situation is similar for Zidane's first league, in 2016/2017. Real Madrid finished 2014/2015 with 92 points, 2015/2016 with 90 points, and 2016/2017 with 93 points; fairly consistent results. Barcelona meanwhile finished 2014/2015 with 94 points, 2015/2016 with 91 points, and 2016/2017 with 90 points. Also consistent. This consistency translated to each team winning 1 league title and then Barcelona winning another one by a narrow, 1 point victory. The most mundane, normal thing in the world. Yet apparently Real Madrid winning this league (in the same season in which they won the CL and were clearly the best team in Europe) was "the most embarassing thing Niemans had seen in their life."

You'd think a person who witnessed Barcelona's European results since 2017 would have the common sense not to bring up "most embarassing things they've witnessed."
Barca are not guilty. @Niemans has proof that Real Madrid were awarded a lucky penalty in 20/21 which nullifies the payments Barca made from 2003 to 2018.
Wait till we hear from CruyffMaradonaMessi . They obviously are an inmaculate club that wouldnt harm a fly.

I know it hurts you when Barca does well but this really is a nothing story.

Tax Agency asked Barça for documents on agreement between Dasnil & Barça, which was: "Elaboration & sending of technical videos".
Dasnil got paid monthly.
Barça claim they don’t know which people produced it, it was up to Dasnil.
Link to Dasnil was son of Negreira who has no committee position

You do realize this means Barca paid monthly for three years to a company founded by the former vicepresident of the refereering technical comitee (while he was active). Also these payments were not audited in Barcas accounts...
And we ignore what payments took place on the previous years, as this has been going since Joan Gaspart days (2001-2003)
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I know it hurts you when Barca does well but this really is a nothing story.
  1. Tax Agency asked Barça for documents on agreement between Dasnil & Barça, which was: "Elaboration & sending of technical videos".
  2. Dasnil got paid monthly.
  3. Barça claim they don’t know which people produced it, it was up to Dasnil.
  4. Link to Dasnil was son of Negreira who has no committee position

Well, if it was Real Madrid that did this, would you have the some response?

A nothin' burger? Paying a former ref 30-40k a month for technical videos? Couldnt RM's staff have done the video compliations themselves considering that every kick or movement is now recorded as a statistically data by companies?
If someone calls you a horse, you call them a jerk, if a second person call you a horse, you punch them in the mouth, if a third person calls you a horse, well, you better go buy yourself a saddle...

...or get @Niemans to defend you in Farca's case.
So do we get 2 more Champions Leagues as well as Premier League titles awarded to us by default or what? Otherwise who cares. Can tell by their on field antics they're a bunch of cheating tw*ts
Well, if it was Real Madrid that did this, would you have the some response?

A nothin' burger? Paying a former ref 30-40k a month for technical videos? Couldnt RM's staff have done the video compliations themselves considering that every kick or movement is now recorded as a statistically data by companies?

If Real Madrid had done this I’d be fuming and there is no question Barca have done scummy/shady things in the past.

But when you look into it, there really isn’t much here. Plus, if we don’t hear a word from other clubs in la liga the way we did when man city made a mockery of the PL then even other la liga teams know there isn’t any basis for match fixing or whatever it is people think happened.

If there was in fact match fixing or paying off refs to help influence matches I’d be all in favor of a massive point reduction or relegation to the second division.

But let’s see how this plays out, feels like something that will be forgotten about a week from now but since it’s Barca people will love to pile it on.

There are people who still think the club won’t exist in 2 years despite attendance being by far and away the highest in Europe.
So do we get 2 more Champions Leagues as well as Premier League titles awarded to us by default or what? Otherwise who cares. Can tell by their on field antics they're a bunch of cheating tw*ts

You lost to the much better team. No ref was going to save you from that 2011 drubbing.
Will be interesting to see if anything actually comes out from it, but at this stage it is just another thing that makes Barcelona such an unlikable club to me.
Season 16-17 - Season in which Barcelona did not whistle a penalty against.

- A linesman denounces pressure to harm Barcelona in the classic.
- The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office has already received the letter.
- He accuses the Technical Committee of Referees of wanting to favor Madrid.


1. Betis 1-1 Barça. Hernández Hernández does not see the clearest phantom goal in the history of football. He enters 57 centimeters, but they do not give it as a goal.

2. Betis 1-1 Barça. In the same play, the "culé" Hernández Hernández, in addition to not seeing that goal, does not see a penalty on Neymar who entered alone to finish after winning the position and is caught. It was a penalty and expulsion.

4. Malaga vs Barça. Only 10 minutes later with 1-0 on the scoreboard, Gil Manzano who is in front of the play, points out of the box this clamorous penalty on Sergi Roberto. It was 1-1 with 15 minutes left. After winning this match, Barça were league champions.

5. I add another image of the penalty so that it is seen that Gil Manzano is in front of the play, the penalty is clear 1 meter inside the area, he signals a foul outside the area to hallucinate even the Malaga players.

6. Winning that game, Barça was champion draw 93, we would win by goal average (without against 2 stolen points in Betis), but IN ADDITION MADRID ADDED UP TO 10 GOALS IN OFFSIDE IN LEAGUE 2016/2017 that you can see here (also of course 5 goals offside in Europe).
2 of them in extra time against Bayern Munich.

12. Villarreal 1-1 Barça (2 points stolen) Bruno's clear penalty for stopping a dangerous Messi shot in the front, not indicated 2016/17 season. They STOLE THE LEAGUE, and they talk about "helping Barça"...

Thanks to these accounts for saving me hours of searching. To say that Barcelona was helped in the 16-17 season is the most shameful and despicable thing that can be said. Or not wanting to see the truth for whatever reason.