Amol, why do you like U2? And does it really matter whether most think they're bland or middle-of-road?
You're going to regret asking me this
I remember when 'All that you..' was released their music was played all the time on the telly. A band i'd never seen before singing on a runway with a plane flying over their heads and they seemed to know they were good. And i was interesting in giving them a shot. There must much else to shout about in the music scene then.
After under the unfluence of my elder brothers choice in music, having spent a childhood listening to Michael Jackson and other embarassing and cringe-worthy pop acts, i then somehow escaped that and eventually got into the whole rock scene, immersing myself in it. My formula was picking an artist i thought was interesting (from the past obviously) and getting right into them.
With U2 i fell in love with that album right away. I was looking forward to it despite not knowing what to expect and due to the dire state of current (at the time) music. I mean everything i listen to is 'old' music.
But of all the bands i went through and love till this day, they were the one that hit me deepest. Their lyrics connected, i love their sound, i like the fact that i they had something relevant with every song. As much as i love the genre, a lot of bands, even the great ones, have tons of songs on their albums where they're just bashing instruments to death or screaming, and tend to forget about the music. U2 never forgot about the music. Back in the day they were more raw, 'War' for me was a brilliant album with them at their raw best. Then came U2 and Bono at the peak of their powers with Johua Tree, Achtung Baby etc and finally they've aged like few bands i know have. Their peak in terms of popularity has come this decade which is quite awesome.
The creative rebelious nature of 'Like a song..', 'Sunday bloody Sunday', the tenderness of 'the ground beneath her feet', 'With or without you' that connects with me on some level that i can barely explain, 'Beautiful Day' which just seems to make me smile like a spastic every time, the ode to a father in 'Sometimes you cant...', the pure edgy fun of 'Vertigo', and i'm thats just a snippet.
I cant think of another band who IMO have so many brilliant albums with terrific songs, one after another. Even near 50 they're doing a great job of it.
And as for the latter, its only here that people dont like them. Everyone i know absolutely loves U2.