Let's make it like a real life auction, or players transfer. You know who's available, and what's the starting bid.
How? The mods are listing ALL available players with their minimum starting bid price. Then the mods divide them into 3 rounds, and let every managers know which players listed in each round. First round could last, lets say, 2 days where managers should bid and win 4 players. Then the 2nd round for another 4 players, etc.
The point is to increase competition by keeping the pool small. An ALL player split by 3 rounds is still too big.
I'm still inclided to managers nominating 2 players each with their opening bids. This is how I can see it progressing:
Key: Tournament organizer does not play
Player Submission (with inital bids):
Balu bids: 15m for Muller & 15m for Schweini
anto bids: 10m for Muller & 10m for Lahm
VJ bids: 25m for Laudrup & 30m for Nedved
EAP bids: 20m for Schweini & 20m for Sammer
Annah lists all in OP. Anto's bid for Muller and Balu's bid for Schweini are discarded and Annah chooses 2 new players with minimum bid to be added to the pool.
Annah: 25m for Cafu & 30m for Messi
Bid Pool will be:
15m for Muller (balu)
10m for Lahm (anto)
25m for Laudrup (VJ)
30m for Nedved (VJ)
20m for Schweini (EAP)
20m for Sammer (EAP)
25m for Cafu (Pool)
30m for Messi (Pool)
Inital Counter bidding : This should take place
blind with only results announced at end of 12 hrs
Minimum 5m bid increase rule.
Cannot submit a equal bid. Bid has to be greater than visible Pool price.
Balu: 20m for Lahm, 35m for Messi, 30m for Cafu
anto: 25m for Muller & 25m for Sammer, 35m for Cafu
VJ: 40m for Messi, 25m for Sammer
EAP: 40m for Messi, 25m for Lahm, 30 for Cafu
Results announced with new bid pool as:
25m for Muller (anto)
25m for Lahm (EAP)
25m for Laudrup (VJ)
30m for Nedved (VJ)
20m for Schweini (EAP)
25m for Sammer (anto + VJ)
35m for Cafu (anto)
40m for Messi (VJ + EAP)
Final Counter bidding : This should also take place
blind with only results announced at end of 12 hrs
Minimum 5m bid increase rule.
Cannot submit a equal bid. Bid has to be greater than visible Pool price.
** If no counter bid received. Players in bid pool will get allocated to managers listed within () in bid pool
Balu does not have any winning bids. He knows who all are after his players (Muller, Schweini, Cafu and Messi) in pool now decides if he needs to up the money or leave it for next round
anto realizes that balu and EAP are after his players. what would he do?
VJ already has 2 at the moment, Should he take a gamble to see if noone picks them up and/or bid for additional players?
EAP lost Sammer (his favourite player). What would he do?
Balu: 35m for Muller. 35m for Schweini, 35 for Sammer
anto: 30m for Muller, 30m for Lahm, 35 for Sammer
VJ: 40m for Cafu and 50m for Messi
EAP: 40m for Sammer, 40m for Cafu, 45m for Messi, 35m for Lahm
Final results announced as:
35m for Schweini (balu)
30m for Lahm (anto)
25m for Laudrup (VJ)
30m for Nedved (VJ)
50m for Messi (VJ)
40m for Sammer (EAP)
Tie breaker
40m for Cafu (VJ + EAP)
35m for Muller (balu + EAP)
Here, both managers have a choice of sending one final up-bid to Annah or withdraw from the bid.
If both send counters with up bids, whoever bid highest will get the player. If both up-bids are equal again, the bid will be cancelled and the player will be returned to pool with his final value
If both withdraw player will be returned back to pool with final value.
Cafu: EAP counter with 50m, VJ counter with 50m
Muller: balu counters with 40m, EAP withdraws
Final Results of the round
35m for Schweini (balu)
40m for Muller (balu)
30m for Lahm (anto)
25m for Laudrup (VJ)
30m for Nedved (VJ)
50m for Messi (VJ)
40m for Sammer (EAP)
Added to pool for next round
40m for Cafu (pool)