Did you see the article about the parasites in the permafrost, entirely alive, after tens of thousands of years? By definition two things: one, we can assume that such organisms (moon/mars) can survive for incredible periods of time even after "life" is said to have disappeared (if it was present in Earth-like form); two, we cannot have any immunity, like-for-like, to that which has been kept out of the foodchain for such a vast period of time. Forget about Mars or the Moon, when that Permafrost starts melting, you have to wonder what kinds of virals and microbials, the second being among the most abundant of all lifeforms on the planet, have survived from previous geological eras. What was the Mammoth carrying? Or extinct bird species? All kinds of weird bacteria definitely exist, in-vitro (cryogenic), beneath that layer. One more reason we do not want it to melt. Aside from us all being dead when it does.