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I'm in dire straights. I'm dying. Is their anyway that the caf could help me
Sorry to hear. All we can do is try to make your time here enjoyable and hope that you'll be around for many years to come.

If your prognosis is getting you down, we do have a thread for you to vent in and release your worries that you wouldn't be comfortable with voicing to members of your family etc:

On the medical side of things there's nothing we can do unfortunately but wish you well.
Hi I can't start threads in general, I have the create thread button, but when I try to post it a message comes up saying "The following error occurred: Sorry you are not allowed access to that page"

Any help gratefully received!
Hi I can't start threads in general, I have the create thread button, but when I try to post it a message comes up saying "The following error occurred: Sorry you are not allowed access to that page"

Any help gratefully received!
Sounds like a server error (we upgraded a few months ago and some have had varying issues since). Post here:

Why is @Ban showing as a New Member? Is it a temporary ban or something?
You know that link at the bottom of a thread where you can go back to the Forum which that thread is posted in?

Can you move it a bit further away from the Contact us link? Helps for late night, slightly drunken browsing.

Do you get a lot of messages at 2/3 in the morning saying, "oh sorry, I'm a bit pissed :) "
@dwd @Niall for some reason the other thread wont load for me at all when logged in on mobile. The banner changes sound good. As for Twitter, I sent a message to Niall last night before the update asking if he could update the cover image and avatar as the only logo image I had was too low res to look good when blown up (would also like versions for the Facebook page too... not that we really used it). I'm sure it'll be updated when things are a bit less manic. Great work with everything Niall.
@dwd @Niall for some reason the other thread wont load for me at all when logged in on mobile. The banner changes sound good. As for Twitter, I sent a message to Niall last night before the update asking if he could update the cover image and avatar as the only logo image I had was too low res to look good when blown up (would also like versions for the Facebook page too... not that we really used it). I'm sure it'll be updated when things are a bit less manic. Great work with everything Niall.

Odd that you can't access that thread. What kind of error are you getting?

I just realised that login was broken again after the recent style changes. That's the trouble with having two copies of the style (one local, one live) and making changes to both at the same time. Stuff gets missed in one or the other. Login is fixed again.

I'll look at the banner stuff in due course. Time for some shut eye, been up nearly 24 hours :eek:
Odd that you can't access that thread. What kind of error are you getting?

I just realised that login was broken again after the recent style changes. That's the trouble with having two copies of the style (one local, one live) and making changes to both at the same time. Stuff gets missed in one or the other. Login is fixed again.

I'll look at the banner stuff in due course. Time for some shut eye, been up nearly 24 hours :eek:
No error, just a completely white page. Good night, you deserve the rest.