Arsenal 2020/21 - General Discussion

Yep, a class gesture, but an even better PR move. He’s wiped the floor with Arsenal here, and fair play. He’s been treated horribly by them since lockdown.

In what way?

He doesn't train hard enough and doesn't put enough intensity on the pitch to which Arteta demands, so he isn't playing.

The club told him to move on, to which he said no he doesn't want to.

The club actually back Ozil a lot more than people think. He is still all over our social media unlike Guendouzi who dissapeared etc. But he isn't good enough to play.

Arsenal have done nothing wrong to Mesut, not sure why people think otherwise.

As for the people who say, 'oh arsenal are spending so much money but sack staff, what a joke'..

Do you really think we can't pay 55 staff about £2m a year in wages if we wanted to? We literally spent that on two unknown youngsters yesterday. If we wanted to keep them on, we would. They are being let go because of staff cuts which must be a long term plan for the future. It sucks, no doubt about that, but it has nothing to do with class. It's a long term business plan.
We'll comfortably finish above both Spurs and Arsenal.. not that its anything to be happy about.
Was hoping for a 75+ point season.. that looks off after the shitshow we have had.. Will still finish 3rd though.

Really hope you're right. Can't see us getting top 4 this season, we simply don't have the depth for the mad schedule and the chances of another run like June-August is slim. We got lucky that everyone else was shite too
Do you really think we can't pay 55 staff about £2m a year in wages if we wanted to? We literally spent that on two unknown youngsters yesterday. If we wanted to keep them on, we would. They are being let go because of staff cuts which must be a long term plan for the future. It sucks, no doubt about that, but it has nothing to do with class. It's a long term business plan.
A classless long term business plan. Laying people off, if you have a choice in the matter, during a pandemic is an unethical dick move.
A classless long term business plan. Laying people off, if you have a choice in the matter, during a pandemic is an unethical dick move.
Definitely. Scouting department aside (if that's a genuine strategic decision) every employee should have been kept until the situation gets better and then get presented with a restructuration plan and options to leave. The whole thing would have been a priceless PR move but most importantly the right thing to do.
"Take care of the values of the club", A.Wenger, 2018.
This is why I love supporting Arsenal. Pure banter FC - there is never a dull moment no matter what happens. :lol:

Also... ffs :lol:

I would assume Gunnersaurus is just a part time job. I don't understand what the club is thinking anymore.
If he had pledged that money to feed some starving children in Africa no one would've given much of a feck, but pay for the mascot and its all over the internet. Humans are mad.
Love it from Ozil :D He's been treated like shit by the Arsenal management, glad he's giving one back to them.
They'll look like dicks if they dont get him back.
They'll look like dicks if they re hire him and ask ozil to pay his wages.
They'll look like idiots if they rehire him and say firing him was a mistake.

Well played Mesut..
He’s nailed this, fair play. :lol:
I read "Gunnersaurus" in the thread title and thought Ozil wanted Arsene Wenger back.
If he had pledged that money to feed some starving children in Africa no one would've given much of a feck, but pay for the mascot and its all over the internet. Humans are mad.
To be fair to Özil, he’s always been incredibly generous to charity.
To be fair to Özil, he’s always been incredibly generous to charity.

It wasn't meant as a criticism of Özil: it's his money, he can do with it what he wants and helping out someone who just lost his job definitely sounds commendable either way. It was more a comment on how this got processed by the public.
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This more expensive reincarnation of Winston Bogarde is not someone to praise. He’s being paid 350k a week to do nothing, he’s not taking a pay cut like the rest of the squad and he’s a bum.
Sevilla now joining in on the Gunnersaurus banter

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Dreams do come true. Welcome, <a href="^tfw">@Gunnersaurus</a>! ⚪️ <a href=";ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#AnnounceGunnersaurus</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#DeadlineDay</a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Sevilla FC (@SevillaFC_ENG) <a href="">October 5, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
This more expensive reincarnation of Winston Bogarde is not someone to praise. He’s being paid 350k a week to do nothing, he’s not taking a pay cut like the rest of the squad and he’s a bum.

He's paid to play football and was one of the best in the world at it not so long ago. For whatever reason, your managers don't seem interested in picking him.

It's ludicrous for Arsenal to ask players to take a pay cut when they are owned by a billionaire AND when they're spending 80 odd million on new transfers.
Ozil needn't have bloody announced his action all over the internet did he, looks like he's going out of the way to antagonize the club. Its a pity, Partey Ceballos Ozil would've made a good watch.
It looks like that because it is that!
Thats why I don't have any sympathy for him. Should've found some club for himself like Sanchez did, instead of duking it out with the club.
This more expensive reincarnation of Winston Bogarde is not someone to praise. He’s being paid 350k a week to do nothing, he’s not taking a pay cut like the rest of the squad and he’s a bum.
Ozil needn't have bloody announced his action all over the internet did he, looks like he's going out of the way to antagonize the club. Its a pity, Partey Ceballos Ozil would've made a good watch.
The above comment to yours is why he's likely announced it on the Internet, as he's probably getting pelters from the Arsenal fans on social media.

Don't blame Özil, blame your board, they've made cuts left, right and centre to non-playing staff, bought new players in, so he's fully entitled to take his full wage, they offered it him in the first place.
Thats why I don't have any sympathy for him. Should've found some club for himself like Sanchez did, instead of duking it out with the club.

I don't really have any sympathy but it is strange to see him being frozen out like this when there's still a ton of far worse players getting minutes or even spots on the bench at Arsenal.

What did he do?
This more expensive reincarnation of Winston Bogarde is not someone to praise. He’s being paid 350k a week to do nothing, he’s not taking a pay cut like the rest of the squad and he’s a bum.

He was proven 100% right in not taking that wage cut because Arsenal still fired 55 of their staff regardless of the players taking a wage cut. And honestly that wage cut proposal was pure BS, why did it have to be contingent on Arsenal reaching the Europa League or UCL for the players to get their wages back if the reason for cutting wages was the pandemic? Ozil openly said, through his agent, that he was willing to take a heavier wage cut if it was simply deferred (which is what a lot of clubs did at that time).

The Arsenal board have treated him like sh*t as well, leaking only his name to reporters when there were 2 other players who refused the wage cut, to vilify him further infront of the public and fans. Then trying to force him out of the club by not giving him any minutes (I don't buy this notion that Arteta doesn't want to play him, he started every match before the lockdown. Now suddenly isn't even getting any minutes? I'm sure it was a ploy to get him to leave).
He's paid to play football and was one of the best in the world at it not so long ago. For whatever reason, your managers don't seem interested in picking him.

It's ludicrous for Arsenal to ask players to take a pay cut when they are owned by a billionaire AND when they're spending 80 odd million on new transfers.

If he was showing anything on the training ground he would be selected. He’s not bothered anymore and he would rather sit around doing nothing on 350k a week then move some there to play football. Fair dues to him for getting that contract but don’t expect anyone to be happy about it.

Unlike other clubs that lucked out by hitting the jackpot and have an owner that dumps money into them, Arsenal are run on a self funding model. What we spend is what we earn.
Unlike other clubs that lucked out by hitting the jackpot and have an owner that dumps money into them, Arsenal are run on a self funding model. What we spend is what we earn.
You won't get a lot of sympathy on here. Spending what we earn sounds great to us.
He was proven 100% right in not taking that wage cut because Arsenal still fired 55 of their staff regardless of the players taking a wage cut. And honestly that wage cut proposal was pure BS, why did it have to be contingent on Arsenal reaching the Europa League or UCL for the players to get their wages back if the reason for cutting wages was the pandemic? Ozil openly said, through his agent, that he was willing to take a heavier wage cut if it was simply deferred (which is what a lot of clubs did at that time).

The Arsenal board have treated him like sh*t as well, leaking only his name to reporters when there were 2 other players who refused the wage cut, to vilify him further infront of the public and fans. Then trying to force him out of the club by not giving him any minutes (I don't buy this notion that Arteta doesn't want to play him, he started every match before the lockdown. Now suddenly isn't even getting any minutes? I'm sure it was a ploy to get him to leave).

Hes not playing because his performances have been sh*t. His stats have been awful for a player who lives and dies by his ability to create assists hes not bothered anymore. At least Sanchez still wanted to play football and was willing to move for it nobody wants Ozil we literally couldn’t give him away. Speaks volumes for his ability as supposedly a top class playmaker on top class salaries that nobody wants him.
Not sure why Mesut didn't just pull on the old dino costume himself. Nothing else to do.
The above comment to yours is why he's likely announced it on the Internet, as he's probably getting pelters from the Arsenal fans on social media.

Don't blame Özil, blame your board, they've made cuts left, right and centre to non-playing staff, bought new players in, so he's fully entitled to take his full wage, they offered it him in the first place.

I wonder if you would be saying the same if Sanchez refused a move and stayed on at Utd doing nothing but stinking up the place.
Has Arsenal been the worst club in the whole PL in terms of cuts to non-playing staff? I am surprised more has not been made of this in the press. Liverpool got much worse for temporary furloughing. Arsenal as a club are proper cutthroat c***.
If he was showing anything on the training ground he would be selected. He’s not bothered anymore and he would rather sit around doing nothing on 350k a week then move some there to play football. Fair dues to him for getting that contract but don’t expect anyone to be happy about it.

Unlike other clubs that lucked out by hitting the jackpot and have an owner that dumps money into them, Arsenal are run on a self funding model. What we spend is what we earn.
Yet your last period of sustained succes came due to Danny Fiszman dumping money into your club, money that meant you could afford to hand the likes of Adams and Seaman contracts that allowed you to keep them and bring in the likes of Bergkamp who helped propel you to the title and a further two more.

By all means don't take my word for it, your captain at the time says exactly the same thing.
This more expensive reincarnation of Winston Bogarde is not someone to praise. He’s being paid 350k a week to do nothing, he’s not taking a pay cut like the rest of the squad and he’s a bum.

Why should he take a pay cut? Your owner is worth $10 billon. Ozil would have to earn his wages for 550 years to be as rich as Kroenke.

I don't watch Arsenal anymore but even when I did he was never the running around type. Has he got even lazier on the pitch?