The People's President
Looks fantastic, though.
Looks fantastic, though.
I'm kinda pissed off Microsoft bought rare and fecked it up, cnuts.
Microsoft didnt feck up RARE, RARE fecked microsoft over. In fact Microsoft has been throwing money at them till no kingdom come, yet all RARE seems to come up with these days is a piss poor Perfect Dark and feckin Viva Pinata, pathetic really. Real waste of money on microsofts behalf.
Rare went to shit long before MS came along.
Redlambs - Im not a fanboy, I own both the 360 and the Wii, a gaming PC and will definitely fork out on a PS3 when MGS4 and LBP is released.
I, like everyone else, bought the hype and went for a Wii because I wanted a different stance on gaming, I wanted to try something else besides the first person shooters, besides the WWII games, besides the survival horrors etc.
My first impressions were very good, at first I loved how the controller worked and I was convinced that this was a gaming revolution. However not long after that my Wii has been gathering dust with me only digging it out when I have mates over for party games or when the odd decent game is released. I can accept that its a nifty little console, but it just dont get it when people are bigging it up to cringeworthy levels as if its the second coming of christ.
Again as a MULTIPLATFORM gamer (i.e. not a fanboy of a specific console), I stick to my opinion that the Wii is a gimmick, and offers nothing special to gaming. I can however accept that you think otherwise and I respect that opinion - each to their own, eh mate.
Perfect Dark was decent enough. Not as good as the original though.
The problem is a lot of the team fecked off when there was talk of this MS deal (a lot of them went on to do Timesplitters), so the unique quality went with them.
The upcoming Wii exercise game looks interesting.
Yes, but you could stick a waggle controller onto an Amiga. There have been many attempts to try new controllers by many different companies. Which, talking about Amiga, they had something in the labs something akin to the WiiFit board back in 1984.
The power glove could sense location and could be waggled to a degree, thing with those they were all ad ons beyond the basic controller, the Wiimote is the Wii's control mechanism, every game uses it as a first choice, that is why it changes things
Which is why it is a fad, a gimmick. I do not believe that it is as suitable a universal control mechanism as a standard controller is, but we'll see.
So was the N64 controller a gimmick with it's analogue stick and rumble pack? What about the sixaxis? What about the sixaxis with rumble feature?
If it were a peripheral add-on, then maybe, but it's the controller for a system, so I fail to see how it's a gimmick.
Which is why it is a fad, a gimmick. I do not believe that it is as suitable a universal control mechanism as a standard controller is, but we'll see.
I don't think it a fad, gimmicky was said of the DS and its touch screen but that's been a colossal hit and I can't see Nintendo not including a touch screen in it's next hand held, Nintendo are the most innovative games company
Nintendo are the most innovative games company
Is the Cell Broadband Engine (silly name I know) not innovative technology? Because you can bet your bottom dollar that in 10 years time, more gaming systems, no, in fact, computer systems and all electronic systems, will be influenced by it rather than the Wiimote.
I'll take Redlambs on over this, as it's similar to another argument on which we agree, and that is the single vs multiplayer experience. Here we both agree that the majority of games today concentrate far too much on the online multiplayer aspects to the detriment to the single player experience. It's something artificially forced due to the fashion of the time. Do all gameplay styles suit multiplayer? Well, no, of course they do not, but many developers now focus upon this, even when not suited to the style, just because it's expected.
What new gameplay does it bring to games? That's what matters
I sometimes get this feeling with GTA4. There are many areas you can explore that are quite intricate and obviously designed for a purpose. However, in single player mode, there's nothing you can do except explore them. And wish that there was actually something to do there...
Every new generation of chip brings more power, it only matters so far as what it allows the software to do, the ps3 has a shiny new chip, if all it does is the same game which look a little shinier it's not added anything to gameplayIt might be what matters at the end of the chain, but with no hardware, there is no software. You can all name the developers of the games, but how many of you can name those engineers who made the hardware that those games were developed upon? It's a silly argument to be totally honest, if it was just about the software, then we might as well put the Wiimote on an Amiga or a SNES, as I've already pointed out. Content is all well and good, but the content can only be delivered to the ultimate strength of the hardware it runs upon. The only reason that the Wii is in its current state hardware wise is beause of the delicate state Nintendo found themselves in financially after they spent a lot of money developing the N64 and the Gamecube. They were lucky not to go the way of SEGA. IMO it would have been preferable.
Every new generation of chip brings more power, it only matters so far as what it allows the software to do, the ps3 has a shiny new chip, if all it does is the same game which look a little shinier it's not added anything to gameplay
There was never any danger of them going the way of SEGA, the handhelds makes sqillions so they were comfortable, the wii is what it is as they spent their R&D time on getting the wiimote right
Firstly, one has to understand why the Wii has this, but this is a different debate. If the Gamecube had sold in larger numbers than it did, then I don't think that you would see it as a standard controller and the Wii would be quite different.
As I said, why is this not being used in TVs by now? What is it? Well, it's basically a mouse for an application where there is no surface. It's, just like a mouse, a pointing device. Is a pointing device a universal gaming peripheral? Well, no, it does have its uses, but it's not beneficial in the majority of circumstances, no controller has been.
I'll take Redlambs on over this, as it's similar to another argument on which we agree, and that is the single vs multiplayer experience. Here we both agree that the majority of games today concentrate far too much on the online multiplayer aspects to the detriment to the single player experience. It's something artificially forced due to the fashion of the time. Do all gameplay styles suit multiplayer? Well, no, of course they do not, but many developers now focus upon this, even when not suited to the style, just because it's expected.
The same can be said with this pointing device. It's forcing a control mechanism on applications that do not necessarily suit it. In a way, this is not a bad thing, as it could with experimentation open up new gameplay avenues, but HCI is a well defined concept nowadays and while adapting gameplay to a control mechanism may well work does not mean that it wouldn't work better with a more standard mechanism; the joystick is a classic control mechanism, and even in this age of multi button controllers, still works better than anything for the majority of game types - if you have the space for one. In most games, you really are not pointing at things at all.
Even Nintendo allow you to plug a classic controller into the Wiimote. It's too finickity. You need too many other bits to add on to it, the wheel, nunchuck, the classic controller, the gun, the reason these exist actually show up the lack of universality of the controller itself. You end up with multiple bits of plastic lying around.
Firstly, chips don't shine.And the Cell is not a normal chip. However, of course in itself a chip doesn't add to gameplay, and neither does a controller. It's the software that provide the gameplay, and it's the hardware that facilitates what the software wants to accomplish. This is very important. BTW, the Wiimote was basically done in the Gamecube era, but that's what the Wii is, a 200 quid Gamecube, so I suppose that the Wiimote is a good fit with the 10 year old hardware that natively hosts it.
Also, I'm not exactly sure to what you mean by gameplay, are you referring to the core mechanics, or using the term in the wider sense? If the former, then again, neither a chip nor a controller actually add to that; if the latter then both can do so, as that would include aspects such as immersion into the game, making the experience believable or making you feel that you are part of it, but this includes a wide range of elements from control, to intelligence, to physics, to realistic graphics and sound. The point is that there are many games that run on the XB360 and the PS3 that simply can not be done on the Wii, it simply is not powerful enough. There is however nothing on the Wii that can not be done on a PS3 equipped with a PS Eye - but then we are collecting extra bits of plastic again.
The point is that there are far more things that could be done on the Wii without its unique control mechanism than can be done because of it. Wiifit will probably be the best selling title in the lifetime of the Wii, yet it needs a Joyboard. I'll say it again, if this control mrchanism was so revolutionary, you would not need joyboards, steering wheels, gun cases, classic controllers, nunchucks, etc. You still need a guitar to play Guitar Hero. It's all well and good saying that the Wii is revolutionary because of the Wiimote being standard, but it's not universally standard is it? If it was, you wouldn't need these extra bits of plastic. You can stick the Wiimote up your arse if you want, but it's still not accurate teledildonics, you need a special suit for that.
You have to get over this "pointing device" scenario, because that's extremely simplifying the technology there.
wii is fun with friends. The novelty runs out.
I wanted to buy guitar hero III on 360 just after i played it on my mates on wii. I had only just bought GTA IV and have an 8 week trip around europe in 3 weeks so decided against it. glad i did because as fun as it is, I got a bit tired of it after more then an hour of playing.
I like conventional consoles because i can sit back relax and control a world with my fingers... only moving my hands when im trying hard to get around a corner :P .
I like the wii for its party game style... but glad i dont own one because i could only ever play it with friends.
Oh and the graphics are shit on the wii.
Again, you are missing the point of any of these attachments, and how can you bring the board into it? That's a peripheral designed to work with a certain product, just like the Eye and Lightguns of the PS3. It has nothing to do with this discussion.
How can the graphics of games like Zelda and Mario Galaxy be called shit?![]()
It's a three dimensional pointing device, just the same as a mouse is a two dimensional one. Remove the IR bar and what is it? A sixaxis. What it has over the sixaxis is that IR bar. You can use a sixaxis as a two dimensional pointing device, just the same as a mouse. The difference with the Wiimote is that it knows where you are in the Z.
It's relevant in that probably the best selling title on the Wii will be one that does not use the standard controller. You keep on saying that the Wiimote is a defining aspect of the Wii because it's standard, yet, titles such as Mario Kart and Wiifit will not use it without an added extra.