Gaming Apex Legends (PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series)

Just got my first kill, punched someone to death about 10 minutes into the game still without a weapon :lol:
Won a match with my mates today with 1 kill and ~360 damage between us :smirk:
What? How did you achieve that? :lol:. I’m guessing you were the third team to swoop in and finish off the last survivor of an existing battle who was busy reviving his team mates?

I won under similar circumstances with my mates yesterday too. We’re all shit players that spent the entire game looting until it was down to us and another squad. We all had fully decked out longbows and that epic sniper and camped on top of a hill and just picked off the other team as they ran into the circle. So undeserved but hilarious nonetheless :lol:
Just got my first kill, punched someone to death about 10 minutes into the game still without a weapon :lol:
One of the most satisfying things I find is if you and your mates jump near a solo player who’s dropped a bit further away from their squad and then proceed to take turns slapping him to his death. We did it to the champion once who I’m guessing immediately rage quit since he turned into loot box before dying :lol:
Oooohhhh never even considered this!
It’s a huge factor, there’s no point being Gibraltar or Pathfinder as their hitboxes are ridiculous compared to the likes of Wraith and Bangalore. You’ll probably realise now that most of the best players are using Wraith, Bangalore or Lifeline.
Think it would be better for the game if all legends had same hitbox.
I’m thoroughly average at this game, but managed to make friends with some people who are very good and piggybacking off them has got me to level 25 :D

Any idea of new characters coming in soon? I’d like to wait and see, if not I’ll get Mirage
Think it would be better for the game if all legends had same hitbox.
Yeah for sure, I think they replied to a tweet saying that they're working on something to make it more fairer so be interesting to see what they do. It'd be great if they make all the legends the same size.. Looking at a small fat Gibraltar would be amazing
I’m thoroughly average at this game, but managed to make friends with some people who are very good and piggybacking off them has got me to level 25 :D

Any idea of new characters coming in soon? I’d like to wait and see, if not I’ll get Mirage
Yeah it's been confirmed more characters are coming in March.
I’m thoroughly average at this game, but managed to make friends with some people who are very good and piggybacking off them has got me to level 25 :D

Any idea of new characters coming in soon? I’d like to wait and see, if not I’ll get Mirage

Had the same dilemma last week, when I thought I wouldn't be playing anymore for a while. Couldn't help but play a bit on Saturday and yesterday though, and I bought Mirage because I had a really nice skin for him from one of those Apex packs. Been fun playing with him, but I also really like to mix up with all characters, using another one every new game.

Anyway I'm now somewhere into the thirties now in terms of levelling and I reckon even without playing too much I can get enough coins for Caustic before they drop the new characters as well, and I want that one too now after playing a thrilling game with some guy who's Caustic in game voice lines and quips literally gave me the creeps.

Also, if I can't get enough coins quickly after they introduce the new characters and they're super cool I'll probably donate a tenner or even two to Respawn and simply buy them, game is ace and has been completely free so far, so I actually feel they deserve a small donation anyway. More so because I didn't even have to buy a new Playstation Plus membership to play it.
Yeah for sure, I think they replied to a tweet saying that they're working on something to make it more fairer so be interesting to see what they do. It'd be great if they make all the legends the same size.. Looking at a small fat Gibraltar would be amazing

They don't have to make them smaller, just the hitbox. In quake 3, everyone had their opponent's skin set to a character named "Keel", cause his size was closest to the actual hitbox.
Maybe just send him on a little diet :p

Had the same dilemma last week, when I thought I wouldn't be playing anymore for a while. Couldn't help but play a bit on Saturday and yesterday though, and I bought Mirage because I had a really nice skin for him from one of those Apex packs. Been fun playing with him, but I also really like to mix up with all characters, using another one every new game.

Anyway I'm now somewhere into the thirties now in terms of levelling and I reckon even without playing too much I can get enough coins for Caustic before they drop the new characters as well, and I want that one too now after playing a thrilling game with some guy who's Caustic in game voice lines and quips literally gave me the creeps.

Also, if I can't get enough coins quickly after they introduce the new characters and they're super cool I'll probably donate a tenner or even two to Respawn and simply buy them, game is ace and has been completely free so far, so I actually feel they deserve a small donation anyway. More so because I didn't even have to buy a new Playstation Plus membership to play it.

I don't think you need to rush it to get the new legends first, because everyone and their uncle will want to play them.
Unless you're first to chose, the new ones will probably already be taken. I'm guessing that we'll see even more people leave a game for not being able to pick the new dudes.
I don't think you need to rush it to get the new legends first, because everyone and their uncle will want to play them.
Unless you're first to chose, the new ones will probably already be taken. I'm guessing that we'll see even more people leave a game for not being able to pick the new dudes.

I also read something about the in game code saying something regarding releasing the characters in week 8, which according to the article would be end of March/start of April so that would still take a long time anyway. Could be they do it more quickly though, I have no idea, but then it'll probably like you say anyway :lol:
Yeah it's been confirmed more characters are coming in March.


Had the same dilemma last week, when I thought I wouldn't be playing anymore for a while. Couldn't help but play a bit on Saturday and yesterday though, and I bought Mirage because I had a really nice skin for him from one of those Apex packs. Been fun playing with him, but I also really like to mix up with all characters, using another one every new game.

Anyway I'm now somewhere into the thirties now in terms of levelling and I reckon even without playing too much I can get enough coins for Caustic before they drop the new characters as well, and I want that one too now after playing a thrilling game with some guy who's Caustic in game voice lines and quips literally gave me the creeps.

Also, if I can't get enough coins quickly after they introduce the new characters and they're super cool I'll probably donate a tenner or even two to Respawn and simply buy them, game is ace and has been completely free so far, so I actually feel they deserve a small donation anyway. More so because I didn't even have to buy a new Playstation Plus membership to play it.

Yeah I’m with you, the coins aren’t priced outrageously so I could definitely be tempted to pay for some in the near future
I’m thoroughly average at this game, but managed to make friends with some people who are very good and piggybacking off them has got me to level 25 :D

Any idea of new characters coming in soon? I’d like to wait and see, if not I’ll get Mirage

Think it'll be a few weeks yet, I quite like Mirage though.
I'm skipping Caustic as he doesn't really fit my style which is flanking aggression.
Think it's every 20 levels and the level cap is 100?
I genuinely dislike fighting Wraiths. Her hitbox is small, and made even narrower by her running posture and her normal ability is far too OP for a non ultimate.
I genuinely dislike fighting Wraiths. Her hitbox is small, and made even narrower by her running posture and her normal ability is far too OP for a non ultimate.
Her normal ability is a piece of piss to fight against though, just follow the blue streak and start shooting when she reappears.
Her normal ability is a piece of piss to fight against though, just follow the blue streak and start shooting when she reappears.

:lol: I already know the difference in the 2 of us from this post. I'm lucky if I can follow a normal person moving, never mind the wraith quick footing whilst disappeared
Bah that's annoying, had a fun game with two guys. Neither appeared in my recent players.
Should be a way to easily add those on your team.
What? How did you achieve that? :lol:. I’m guessing you were the third team to swoop in and finish off the last survivor of an existing battle who was busy reviving his team mates?

I won under similar circumstances with my mates yesterday too. We’re all shit players that spent the entire game looting until it was down to us and another squad. We all had fully decked out longbows and that epic sniper and camped on top of a hill and just picked off the other team as they ran into the circle. So undeserved but hilarious nonetheless :lol:
It was weird, we heard gunfire with 6 squad left and chased the noise. On our way they squads became 3 and we sort of attack 2 of them but only got the kill on 1 guy whilst the rest finished each other off.
I'll get my new pc tomorrow or wednesday, too bad i have to work a lot now to pay for it :lol:
Hopefully it'll fix the game crashes for me. The computer is old, and keeps shutting down, so was anout time, even though it runs Apex pretty smooth.... except from the crashes.

My patience has really surprised me, i can maybe finish 2 out of 5 games, and still i keep starting the game up.
I'll get my new pc tomorrow or wednesday, too bad i have to work a lot now to pay for it :lol:
Hopefully it'll fix the game crashes for me. The computer is old, and keeps shutting down, so was anout time, even though it runs Apex pretty smooth.... except from the crashes.

My patience has really surprised me, i can maybe finish 2 out of 5 games, and still i keep starting the game up.
Hate to break it to you but a new PC isn’t likely to fix the crashes. It seems software related and the crashes happen randomly, even for folks with monsters rigs rocking dual rtx 2080s. But if your PC is old no harm in treating yourself.

Make sure you get a decent monitor though, preferably something with 144hz and 1ms.
Hate to break it to you but a new PC isn’t likely to fix the crashes. It seems software related and the crashes happen randomly, even for folks with monsters rigs rocking dual rtx 2080s. But if your PC is old no harm in treating yourself.

Make sure you get a decent monitor though, preferably something with 144hz and 1ms.

Yeah, i have been googling it, and i'm definitely not alone, just hope my new pc is one of those it works for :lol:
My pc crashes too, like twice an hour, that on top of all the game crashes...

If the game still crashes, atleast i can play pubg or quake, they aren't working properly on my current one.

Think my screen is alright, no clue about the hz, but plan to buy a new one sometime this year.
Nice to have one for gaming and one on the side for other stuff.
Had my best game before with 4 kills and finishing 2nd, just need to get that W now

Was wondering about this. I've won almost all of my games with Wraith and Lifeline, the smallest hitbox characters.
Pc arrived, and i felt like a 10 year old at christmas, but then i got an error while trying to download Apex :mad::(

Error: A redistributable package (DirectX) was not installed successfully. Setup cannot continue. (4294967287)

Tried to download newest directx, but windows didn't want it :(
So myself and a caf member from the newbies who goes by s-revil on PSN were on last night, playing terrible all night, bad drops, no luck and generally getting outgunned by the first one or two teams we came up against, we decided to have one last game..

I had to really try to control myself celebrating that so I didn't wake up the wife :D
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This is great, i'm useless but i'm enjoying myself. Best I've done is come 2nd.

Must prefer this to Fortnite.
Abandoning your team mate, that's cold.

Haha I was just about to go back but hesitated then another team was moving in on us, ring closing in and little chance of a Respawn, it had to be done. We fought bravely in his honour.

Just thought I’d mention that if you haven’t played it already, Titanfall 2 actually serves as very good single player ‘training’ for apex legends. It runs on the same engine, has the same feel (sliding mechanic, game speed, shooting) and even the same weapons. Been playing it recently and it’s been a really nice no pressure training environment for me.

Oh it’s also objectively a fantastic game on its own merits and you should definitely play it if you haven’t done so already. Should be dirt cheap too.

Yeah I’m with you, the coins aren’t priced outrageously so I could definitely be tempted to pay for some in the near future
I've bought 3000 coins in total, and it made me feel a bit dirty. Then some dude on another forum posted about spending $400 on lootboxes, and I felt clean again.

I've been fairly average at this game, but in the last couple of days things have been going really well, winning 1 in 4 or so. Just had an insane round where I ran sub-optimal weapons. The G7 Scout, which I'm shit with, and the Havoc, which I'm bad with. But we kept pushing hard the whole way, and I ended the round on 10 kills, including killing the champion twice. Was insane moment where one of our squad was eliminated and I was down, and the fairly new guy we had tagging along started reviving me right in the open with the last member of an enemy squad somewhere around with very little health. Tried to tell him to hunt him down instead, but he insisted on getting me back up. Immediately healed, got jumped by the newly healed enemy and planted three hipfired Scout rounds in him before switching to the Havoc and mauling him. Respawned the downed squadmate, looted a bunch of killboxes (including getting legendary backpacks and knockdown shields for the whole squad) and pushed on. Came upon the other two squad fighting, ambushed one and wiped them out, then pushed on towards the last one and deleted them as well.

I've also started really liking the Peacekeeper. I know it's considered one of the best guns, but I've been shit with it. Until I had a round where we hotdropped, and I found a Triple Take and took down 6 people with it. I think that made hipfiring shotguns finally click for me (despite the Triple Take not technically being a shotgun).
I've bought 3000 coins in total, and it made me feel a bit dirty. Then some dude on another forum posted about spending $400 on lootboxes, and I felt clean again.

I've been fairly average at this game, but in the last couple of days things have been going really well, winning 1 in 4 or so. Just had an insane round where I ran sub-optimal weapons. The G7 Scout, which I'm shit with, and the Havoc, which I'm bad with. But we kept pushing hard the whole way, and I ended the round on 10 kills, including killing the champion twice. Was insane moment where one of our squad was eliminated and I was down, and the fairly new guy we had tagging along started reviving me right in the open with the last member of an enemy squad somewhere around with very little health. Tried to tell him to hunt him down instead, but he insisted on getting me back up. Immediately healed, got jumped by the newly healed enemy and planted three hipfired Scout rounds in him before switching to the Havoc and mauling him. Respawned the downed squadmate, looted a bunch of killboxes (including getting legendary backpacks and knockdown shields for the whole squad) and pushed on. Came upon the other two squad fighting, ambushed one and wiped them out, then pushed on towards the last one and deleted them as well.

I've also started really liking the Peacekeeper. I know it's considered one of the best guns, but I've been shit with it. Until I had a round where we hotdropped, and I found a Triple Take and took down 6 people with it. I think that made hipfiring shotguns finally click for me (despite the Triple Take not technically being a shotgun).

Seen quite a few liking the peacekeeper, but I've hit people with both bullets and they survive, no chance of reloading before they kill you either.
Seen quite a few liking the peacekeeper, but I've hit people with both bullets and they survive, no chance of reloading before they kill you either.
I honestly prefer the EVA tbh. Not sure why but I seem to get more consistent kills with it.

The mastiff is just ridiculous though. Casually take out entire squads with that bad boy.
I honestly prefer the EVA tbh. Not sure why but I seem to get more consistent kills with it.

The mastiff is just ridiculous though. Casually take out entire squads with that bad boy.

I've not found it yet, my favourite is the carbine even though it's stats are terrible