Gaming Apex Legends (PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series)

Got my 9th win today and got it, at last, with Wraith, so I now have the trophy and can focus on getting the 5000 damage with 8 legends trophy, of which I have 5 legends left to do it with.

The funny thing is that since getting my first win i've won every other day. 2 wins Wednesday, 2 on Friday, 2 Sunday, 2 Tuesday and 1 today. If the trend continues I have 1 more win in me today and then none tomorrow.
Looking forward to getting my new pc next week, i'll grind the shit out of this game, with max settings!
No more freezes and game shutting down, no more being killed by worse players than myself because their game is perfectly smooth. Oh yeah, watch out shroudyrowdy, this middle aged'ish cnut is coming for ya!
5 for me today,
also came 2nd with premade kids flaming me all game :wenger::lol::lol::lol:
Little cnuts.
People kept talking about the Hemlok being really good, and I just didn't understand why. Then someone told me to put it on semi and give it another go, and good fecking God what a beast it is. It's very good at mid range, and you can melt people from the hip up close. Easily my favorite gun right now.
Then you find a Mozambique and decide you'd rather fist-fight than pick that shit up.
I'll carry it, if only to put some hurt on them before getting close enough to punch them.

Ran into a Pathfinder after a hot-drop. He had a Spitfire, full health and a lvl 1 shield (or close to it, as it took five hits to down him), I was at 50% health and had nothing. He started firing at me, I ran towards him and did a slide-into-punch. Dude turned around and started running and I gave chase. Every time he turned around to fire at me, I caught up punched him in the face, and he did a 180 and ran again. Rinse and repeat until he was knocked down. It was hilarious. He tried grappling onto roofs and jumping off ledges to create enough distance to fire at me without the risk of getting punched, but he just couldn't.
I'll carry it, if only to put some hurt on them before getting close enough to punch them.

Ran into a Pathfinder after a hot-drop. He had a Spitfire, full health and a lvl 1 shield (or close to it, as it took five hits to down him), I was at 50% health and had nothing. He started firing at me, I ran towards him and did a slide-into-punch. Dude turned around and started running and I gave chase. Every time he turned around to fire at me, I caught up punched him in the face, and he did a 180 and ran again. Rinse and repeat until he was knocked down. It was hilarious. He tried grappling onto roofs and jumping off ledges to create enough distance to fire at me without the risk of getting punched, but he just couldn't.
Wow, what a terrible player, he should have shredded you to pieces.
Yeah read about Dizzy yesterday. Before Apex he had around 20 followers. He's blown up now but apparently is such a tryhard (always the same gun and character) but makes sense if he's planning on becoming pro in the game and the very best, something that Shroud doesn't need to think about as he makes over $3 million a year from streaming. Also agree about this game showcasing Shroud's abilities to the maximum. Like you said, he's not very entertaining and that migth also be because his chat is awful which makes him almost unable to interact with it but he's just crazy good at this. Him and Dizzy were teaming up yesterday along with this other huge streamer who's name escapes me (great shooter, dresses flamboyantly). I wonder what's the point though crushing servers like that though. Just killing half the server and winning every game.

Shit like this from him could watch whole day, some might say its not that impressive but for me and my skill level, its next level stuff.
I’ve only won two games. So many times we make last two squads only for us to bottle it.

I’ve resorted to just jumping straight into hotspots now. I’d rather be killed and done with it early on than spending 15 mins collecting all the loot in the game only to be wiped by a sniper squad before getting a chance to fire off a shot.
I’ve only won two games. So many times we make last two squads only for us to bottle it.

I’ve resorted to just jumping straight into hotspots now. I’d rather be killed and done with it early on than spending 15 mins collecting all the loot in the game only to be wiped by a sniper squad before getting a chance to fire off a shot.
Getting to the last 3 squads is the easiest part of the game to be honest, you just have to wait till you hear gunshots and then wait for one of the squads to wipe out the other then you immediately rush them whilst they are looting/healing up. I must have won at least 15 times using that method.
Been playing this game on Xbox and pc for couple days now.

I think my FPS skills (if I had any) are out of practice.
Missing quite a few shots which I shouldn't be, but it's all about practice.

It's such a good game. I just wished it wasn't limited to BR. I do love team death matches.
Been playing this game on Xbox and pc for couple days now.

I think my FPS skills (if I had any) are out of practice.
Missing quite a few shots which I shouldn't be, but it's all about practice.

It's such a good game. I just wished it wasn't limited to BR. I do love team death matches.

Yeah seems to be a problem now, everything is BR and TD is out the window FFS. One unlucky death and that's you done. One unlucky TD kill and you can recover to be kill leader
People haven't been playing TDM in years anyway.
I have played some COD, Quake and Rainbow six, and everyone is going solo. Not seen any attempt on teamplay in any games since early 00s.
Outside of pro leagues obviously.
They would have to find a way to reward teamplay and cooperation, and punish the 1337kids who want to showoff their skills.
Not sure it would bring a big crowd, just look at the Shroud followers, noone gives a feck about his teamplay, and even when i watched him play R6, it was mainly a one man show.

I would love nothing more than a good quake game with focus on teamplay, but i can't see it happen in the near future. :(
Happens alot even good players do it while in premade.. fecking annoying.
Quite enjoyed this fight.

Had two games today that were complete opposites, one where I had premade camping tw&ts who looted a handful of buildings than sat on a hill for 5mins.. I pushed on and started looting swamps.. they followed eventually and got ambushed because they started camping again..

Following game, I was a little bloodthristy and just followed gunshots with teammates that were eager to follow. Hated the first game, loved the second.
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Getting to the last 3 squads is the easiest part of the game to be honest, you just have to wait till you hear gunshots and then wait for one of the squads to wipe out the other then you immediately rush them whilst they are looting/healing up. I must have won at least 15 times using that method.
I make last three pretty often, but always seem to get bested by some elite squad of players with 500+ kills.
I make last three pretty often, but always seem to get bested by some elite squad of players with 500+ kills.
I have 500+ kills so it may have been me, my bad :lol:
Yeah, you'll soon get really bored of spending 15mins a game hiding until the end zone only to die right away.

If you like that play though, the best thing to do is both that and alternate it with dropping hot spots so you get combat practice in. Just know you are going to die, but learn something everytime. That way when you do get to end game in the slow games, you'll at least be better prepared.
Novelty starting to wear off now, get a shit gun and it's pointless. Get shit team and it's pointless.

Playing with randoms is a lot harder than it was last week. Either people have no idea how to land quickly or they just run off and play solo. Very annoying.
Playing with randoms is a lot harder than it was last week. Either people have no idea how to land quickly or they just run off and play solo. Very annoying.

I've noticed alot more young uns on the headsets the last few days, probably crossing over from Fortnite. But yeah going off on their own missions & waiting way too long before dropping into hot zones are becoming more prevalent.
So I couldn't help myself and just had a couple of games tonight with a friend of mine. At one point we mixed with one of his real hardcore gaming buddies, that guy's stats had 422 kills as kill leader with Wraith alone :eek:

Quite bizarre to witness, he had literally killed eight or nine people before I got to doing my first damage, all within 3 minutes and moving at a pace that was completely impossible to follow for me.
So I couldn't help myself and just had a couple of games tonight with a friend of mine. At one point we mixed with one of his real hardcore gaming buddies, that guy's stats had 422 kills as kill leader with Wraith alone :eek:

Quite bizarre to witness, he had literally killed eight or nine people before I got to doing my first damage, all within 3 minutes and moving at a pace that was completely impossible to follow for me.
Jesus and here I’m thinking I’ve played this game way too much
Jesus and here I’m thinking I’ve played this game way too much

Yeah somehow my initial reaction was that maybe he was on PC or something? But apparently there's not even crossplay yet. Guy was called HEI-NE-KEN or something and I'm playing on PS4, not sure if you can look him up somewhere? Bizarre how fast people can be on console.
So I couldn't help myself and just had a couple of games tonight with a friend of mine. At one point we mixed with one of his real hardcore gaming buddies, that guy's stats had 422 kills as kill leader with Wraith alone :eek:

Quite bizarre to witness, he had literally killed eight or nine people before I got to doing my first damage, all within 3 minutes and moving at a pace that was completely impossible to follow for me.
Played with a random guy earler that was like that, he finished on 13 kills. Was very chill, just zoomed on as wraith and wiped a squad. A couple of times we got ambushed where me and my mate got knocked out but he finished them. So all in all he had 13 kills, 1 respawn and 3 revives (medic thing). I think I only had 2 kills that game so taking credit for being champion that time was hard but I guess that's what it feels like being a bench player for Barcelona watching Messi doing his thing and earning you some medals.
It’s fair to say being aggressive in this game is much more rewarding than camping.

Some people are just extraordinarily good at this game though, most of them are usually with wraith for some reason.

I’d say I’m above average but I played with 2 guys yesterday that were just insane, they hardly ever took damage and ended with 8+ kills every match.

I think I won 8/13 games with them, the ones we lost were early unlucky drops.
It’s fair to say being aggressive in this game is much more rewarding than camping.

Some people are just extraordinarily good at this game though, most of them are usually with wraith for some reason.

I’d say I’m above average but I played with 2 guys yesterday that were just insane, they hardly ever took damage and ended with 8+ kills every match.

I think I won 8/13 games with them, the ones we lost were early unlucky drops.

Her and Lifeline have the smallest hitboxes.
The toxicity from randoms is too funny somtimes.

Had one nugget who engineered the worst possible drop, so I ended up getting bukaked by a whole squad the second I touched then ground. His response is to tell me to kill myself, delete the game and go back to mine craft :lol:

Online gaming is a gem sometimes :D
I had a guy go on a rant and get pissed off because I chose bloodhound and he wanted them. He then threatened to quit if I had less than 200 kills. :lol: