Television Anyone recommend me any TV Shows?

Copenhagen Cowboy

Incredibly beautiful looking and have no idea what it was about or if it made any sense. Also brilliant cameo performance from a certain someone.

I really liked this too, Twin Peaks meets Stranger Things vibes here.

At some points it got a bit dragging and felt like filler material but a strong 9/10 from me as well.

Who is this "certain someone"? A caf member?

Ooh, I love Refn so I'm going to have to watch this this week, hadn't even realized it was out already.
How far on the Refn scale is it? Bearable, there-is-still-substance-despite-being-mostly-style side of the scale, or full blown artsy pretentious Refn shit? I won't judge you if it's the latter and you still enjoyed it :D

Yeah it's obviously @R.N7

We're probably not going to agree here but I'd say he's got a lot of substance behind his heavily stylized "artsy shit". Neon Demon and Too Old to Die Young tackle a lot of themes and have as much substance as any movie or show out there. But his style and pacing isn't for everyone, I will give you that.
Might give Copenhagen Cowboy a go after I finish Alice in Borderland. Too Old to Die Young was too slow though. I had my phone out for half of it.
In fairness, Showgirls is a masterpiece

Ooh, I love Refn so I'm going to have to watch this this week, hadn't even realized it was out already.
It’s just came out(Released on the 7th), I only found out about from following Refn on twitter.

We're probably not going to agree here but I'd say he's got a lot of substance behind his heavily stylized "artsy shit". Neon Demon and Too Old to Die Young tackle a lot of themes and have as much substance as any movie or show out there.
His Pusher trilogy is brilliant and deals with a ton of themes(The second one is a great film about about fatherhood)
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It’s just came out(Released on the 7th), I only found out about from following Refn on twitter.

His Pusher trilogy is brilliant and deals with a ton of themes(The second one is a great film about about fatherhood)

I saw the first one ages ago and never tracked down the second and third. I imagine it's much easier now so I'll watch all three after I finish Cowboy.

I'm two episodes in now and loving it. Definitely can see the throughline from Too Old to Die Young to this one. Animal noises feel a little too on the nose for me (maybe its a Danish thing?), but the imagery is brilliant.
Watching the Taylor Sheridan double bill of Yellowstone and Tulsa King at the moment. Both excellent.

I haven't watched the 5th season of Yellowstone yet, but I personally enjoyed the 4 first seasons. I'm about to finish the very gritty and enjoyable spinoff titled 1883. The first half of the other Yellowstone spinoff - 1923 is on my list for must-watch; I'm also a massive fan of Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren.

Echo 3 and SAS: Rogue Heroes are on my catch-up list as well.
I’m not familiar with the Last of Us however I see everyone raving about it. Is it any good?
Only one episode out so far, but it's very good and set things up nicely. It also follows the source material of the game pretty much to the letter which was great, because the start of the game was one of the best ever.
We're probably not going to agree here but I'd say he's got a lot of substance behind his heavily stylized "artsy shit". Neon Demon and Too Old to Die Young tackle a lot of themes and have as much substance as any movie or show out there. But his style and pacing isn't for everyone, I will give you that.
Oh I agree that some of his stuff is excellent. I just think at times he ventures into the "style over substance" territory, though of course I recognise that's very subjective (and where I see nothing of note, others might connect to certain things). I thought Only God Forgives was a terrible offender in that regard, I've rarely been so bored watching a film.

But I am intrigued about this show so I'll try to give it a watch soon!
Oh I agree that some of his stuff is excellent. I just think at times he ventures into the "style over substance" territory, though of course I recognise that's very subjective (and where I see nothing of note, others might connect to certain things). I thought Only God Forgives was a terrible offender in that regard, I've rarely been so bored watching a film.

But I am intrigued about this show so I'll try to give it a watch soon!

I finished it and loved it myself but I can see it not being for everyone. I think keeping in mind the idea that this was Refn's version of a superhero show helps while watching.

I liked Only God Forgives and have definitely been more bored with movies (fell asleep during all three of the LotR movies and thought they were the epitome of what bores me to death) but yeah, that's definitely his worst work. Copenhagen does have a bit slower pace than Too Old to Die Young I think though so there is that to keep in mind if you aren't, for instance, into Bela Tarr movies.
I'm watching Tulsa king as seen it mentioned in here a few times.

It seems to me everything I've seen Stallone in for the past 10 years he always has to be everyone's friend, the smartest man alive, and the most loyal caring dude ever. As if it's written into his contract he can do no wrong in any film or TV series.
Tulsa King went very silly in the second half of the season and started to drag for me.

Yellowstone continues to improve though and I'm on the season 2 finale already. Can happily smash through 3 of those in an evening.
Tulsa King went very silly in the second half of the season and started to drag for me.

Yellowstone continues to improve though and I'm on the season 2 finale already. Can happily smash through 3 of those in an evening.

that head biker chap, the bald one, his accent got more silly the longer the series went on, flitting between sounding Scottish and Northern Irish. I don't recall them ever explaining why a biker with a scottish/ Irish accent was the head man in a small place such as Tulsa, I believe the actor is english why didn't he just use that
Just rewatched the first season of True Detective. My favorite TV series (or season, rather), just unfathomably great.

It's probably my favourite season of TV ever too. Real heavyweight TV. You've made me want to watch it again now
Ive had a shocker recently with new shows, they've all been so bad I quit watching a few episodes in. The peripheral, the rig - both really bad. Dissapointing really as I had high hopes for the periphral. Tulsa king started off great but I got bored after 6 episodes.

Never seen true detective but sounds like its a good show so i'll start watching that today.
Ive had a shocker recently with new shows, they've all been so bad I quit watching a few episodes in. The peripheral, the rig - both really bad. Dissapointing really as I had high hopes for the periphral. Tulsa king started off great but I got bored after 6 episodes.

Never seen true detective but sounds like its a good show so i'll start watching that today.
It falls off in the second season, but it’s not too bad. Redeems itself a bit in the third, but the first season is firmly, severely the best of the three. Incredible television.
Give up now, please.
I've got the final episode on in the background. I checked out hours ago.

Lasted 35 minutes and couldn't go on

I worked in oil and gas for years with the work force being 95% male, overweight, unshaved filthy smelly feckers mostly decent lads to be fair. Nobody was groomed.
There was no lesbians. No women in management roles in fine white tight blouses that followed the chief around contradicting him. I wish there was.
On the FiFo Rigs everyone was filthy. Everyone's clothes were filthy. Everyone was cranky.
And it was fecking windy. 24/7

This show is so far off the mark for aesthetic it's unreal. Trying way too hard to please the PC brigade.
on Yellowstone; my wife likes it.
I saw a portion of the 1st season and I was underwhelmed. I've been to Yellowstone NP and it's amazing but the TV show seemed to throw up all the usual subject matters so I couldn't take it seriously. It just seems to be scripted to tug at your emotions.
Started tonight.
Shite Dialogue. Shite characters.
The idea a young man is head of M16 is mental even for TV
Yeh I'm just after starting the 3rd episode and it is laughably bad. Such a pity really, because the idea is pretty good and could've made for a great show if written better.

I finished slow horses the other night too, now that's how you do a spy show netflix! It was brilliant, can't wait for the next season.
Yeh I'm just after starting the 3rd episode and it is laughably bad. Such a pity really, because the idea is pretty good and could've made for a great show if written better.

I finished slow horses the other night too, now that's how you do a spy show netflix! It was brilliant, can't wait for the next season.

I'll give that a go.
Anyone watching Happy Valley? Can't remember seeing it mentioned anywhere here. British police crime drama. It's great. The third and final season is airing weekly now on BBC.
Anyone watching Happy Valley? Can't remember seeing it mentioned anywhere here. British police crime drama. It's great. The third and final season is airing weekly now on BBC.

What makes it good? Heard about it but it sounded a bit like something your parents would watch.
Thanks for this hidden gem. Enjoying it so far. 4 episodes in.

Has it been cancelled, I see it was released in 2019. Really hope it doesn't end on a cliffhanger and cancelled as well. That would be a bummer.

It was indeed set-up for a following season and it has been cancelled but not due to low viewership or quality or anything like that. The Network that produced it (Cinemax) decided to move away from creating Original series and unfortunately for Jett, that announcement came before it had been renewed, which is a shame because Jett is really fecking good.

Fan and critic response was really good, so Carla Gugino said that she would try to get another network or streaming platform to pick it up - but nothing has come from it so far

with all the nonsense these streaming platforms make, you'd think they'd want to pick up an ACTUAL good show, but alas

I love themes.

Brilliant scene, one of the best in television history. Everything with that police Captain is outstanding, his little passion Christ scene is brilliant as well. I love that show. Want rewatch it now!
Just started watching the Chinese version of The Three-Body Problem which is becoming available with fansubs on Viki. Only about 20 mins in but it's looking good and I've heard its much better than version Netflix is producing. Any fans of the novels should check this out:
How could anyone possibly know this.

I don't think people can know for sure, but there are people involved in production that have some idea. I think some of it comes from when Americans have adapted Asian movies in the past and their adapted version have been left wanting compared to the original. The Ring compared to Ringu is one example and the US version of Oldboy was crap compared to the original Korean version. The author himself has said this:
"Liu has repeatedly turned down offers from James Cameron, explaining that The Three-Body Problem violates the fundamental principle of "black and white themes" present in Hollywood science fiction films."
which I think is a fair criticism of how mainstream Hollywood often tends to adapt movies and dumb them down to the lowest common denominator.