Television Anyone recommend me any TV Shows?

Keltoi, as some have suggested above, The Wire is an absolute must watch. After that, you'll probably enjoy The Shield, Oz, Mad Men is brilliant for its writing...

If you like horror, I'd suggest American Horror Story which is a decent watch (both seasons). If you're looking for sitcoms, check out Parks and Recreation, The Office if you haven't watched it yet (both US and UK versions, though the last 2 US seasons are pretty shit), and Community. There's quite a bit to keep you occupied there.

But The Wire first.
Eye open? You're making it sound as if it's some deep, complex drama that requires you to focus on the screen in order to get the most out of it.

Prison Break is enjoyable for what it is (for a season or two), a dumbed down, appeal to the masses TV show, but it doesn't have some of the best writing ever and it's certainly not a great show. Seriously, watch more TV.

so what would you suggest?
As in, what's better than Prison Break?

I could name about 100 shows, but a few would be (already suggested)

The Wire
Mad Men
Breaking Bad
The Sopranos
Six Feet Under
The West Wing
Cina spot on. Prison Break is absolutely ridiculously silly, the fun comes from the silliness....which all starts with the name "Wentworth"....What a name.
Funny you say that about writing a list, pretty sure I did once, on here in fact, of the top of my head just because someone said I couldn't. It'd be even bigger now since that was before Game of Thrones started.
As in, what's better than Prison Break?

I could name about 100 shows, but a few would be (already suggested)

The Wire
Mad Men
Breaking Bad
The Sopranos
Six Feet Under
The West Wing

I'm definitely going to start watching some of these, Mad men I have d/l episode 1 last night, I enjoyed it so bought the first season and will see how I get on with that.

And fair enough, but in regards to Prison break, these may be better, but he wasn't commenting on how good it was, he was commenting on the amount of plot twists, that doesn't even imply its well written.
There's so much hate towards Prison Break here. Yes, it is not the most complex, mind engaging show ever written but it is VERY entertaining with cliff hangers that pretty much force the viewer to want to come back for more. They also built up the characters quite well to the point where you actually care about what happens to the majority of the cast. It's great entertainment and sometimes, I prefer these types of shows when I need a break from the more complex ones...
I don't really find ridiculous twist after ridiculous twist for the sake of it entertaining myself, but each to your own. In terms of bad shows that are cheap fun, I'd much rather waste my time watching The OC or something, still accept it's bad though -_-
I don't really find ridiculous twist after ridiculous twist for the sake of it entertaining myself, but each to your own. In terms of bad shows that are cheap fun, I'd much rather waste my time watching The OC or something, still accept it's bad though -_-

Its subjecting dependant on what you want from the show.
S1 of Prison Break was really good, it then became progressively worse from about S2E2, and all the conspiracy nonsense that went with it was just intolerable.

Whoever came up with the story for the second prison in the desert should just be shot in the brain. If they can find the brain.
S1 of Prison Break was really good, it then became progressively worse from about S2E2, and all the conspiracy nonsense that went with it was just intolerable.

Whoever came up with the story for the second prison in the desert should just be shot in the brain. If they can find the brain.

I think Prison Break and Heroes are the two series that had such epic first seasons that anything less was only going to disappoint
I agree with Heroes but not PB.

The first one was decent though the subsequent seasons were badly written and executed. May they should have named the series differently in the first place and then shouldn't have had to live with breaking prisons every freaking season. It was doomed to be a disaster after they broke out once.
Keltoi, as some have suggested above, The Wire is an absolute must watch. After that, you'll probably enjoy The Shield, Oz, Mad Men is brilliant for its writing...

If you like horror, I'd suggest American Horror Story which is a decent watch (both seasons). If you're looking for sitcoms, check out Parks and Recreation, The Office if you haven't watched it yet (both US and UK versions, though the last 2 US seasons are pretty shit), and Community. There's quite a bit to keep you occupied there.

But The Wire first.

Yeah just got half a series of Sopranos left and I'll give the wire ago, we've got 2 weeks off uni too so I should be able to make a good dent in it!

As for comedies the UK was good but wasnt a fan of the US office, the main actor in it just does my head in, cant stand any of his movies. Fresh Meat is pretty good for anyone looking for a new comedy.
Th comedy list I posted are shows which I think are great shows.

The earlier list I posted was what I thought you might like if you really liked Suits and Spartacus.

:) East bound and down I didn't get on with at all and 30 rock I am not a fan of either. You first set of suggestions were just :lol: but I did enjoy Spartacus and Suits yes, which did you not out of interest?

I watched the first arrested development last night, not sure what to make of the first but will keep watching...

I was trying to think of some good comedy series I like, but I suppose it's mainly films, the comedy series I haven't seen a good one for years personally.
They freaking cancelled it after three season but Bored to Death is good comedy series to watch. Jason Schwartzman, Ted Danson & Zach Galifianakis are all great in the show. It's 24 episodes of quality television. Last I heard, they were making a television movies based on it.

How to make it in America was another one which I enjoyed until the feckers the cancelled it too. Marky Mark is the executive producer of the show. It's kind of Entourage lite and has Lake Bell's awesome tits. I read that they are looking to bring back the show on another network.
They freaking cancelled it after three season but Bored to Death is good comedy series to watch. Jason Schwartzman, Ted Danson & Zach Galifianakis are all great in the show. It's 24 episodes of quality television. Last I heard, they were making a television movies based on it.

How to make it in America was another one which I enjoyed until the feckers the cancelled it too. Marky Mark is the executive producer of the show. It's kind of Entourage lite and has Lake Bell's awesome tits. I read that they are looking to bring back the show on another network.

Thanks for your suggestions, Can i ask what comedy films you like? Not trying to pry just seeing if our taste in video is similar in comedy...
Trying to decide between Deadwood or Six Feet Under.

Edging towards Six feet under as it has 5 seasons.. Which is the better viewing?
I've just started Arrested Development and keep looking at Michael and thinking where have I seen him before - he either resembles Charlie Sheen or it's just seeing Eboue's avatar so much.
Deadwood. SFU starts and ends very well but has a good bit of mediocrity in the middle.

Pretty much. I loved the first season of SFU but haven't gotten around to finishing it. Deadwood just just pure class.
As in, what's better than Prison Break?

I could name about 100 shows, but a few would be (already suggested)

The Wire
Mad Men
Breaking Bad
The Sopranos
Six Feet Under
The West Wing


At the end of the day it's a matter of taste and opinion. What else are you fecking basing it on? The writing, premise, characters etc etc are all down to opinion and taste. If you went into stuff like ratings etc, PB did very well for the first few seasons.

First season was fantastic and while it eventually went down a notch, certainly enjoyed every season and would rather sit there and watch this than some of the right boring drama shit that some people would rather watch. That's called an opinion though. The writing for season one and the twists and turns were actually bloody good (the twists throughout were mostly bloody good. The only problem it had was as the seasons went on, they tried more and more twists to a point where for some, it probably began to go too far). You can come with the pathetic "Oh if you think that then you need to watch more television!" or "Oh I clearly know more than you if you think that. My taste is superior. I like brilliant, intellectual written shows! Go me!", not really going to change the fact that none of what you're saying is fact.
I'm well into season 2 in the Sopranos already. All I can say is WOW! What a fecking show. Every episode is class so far and I cant stop watching it.
Prison Break not being very good but very entertaining to some is true, and fact. Sorry broseph.

It's like saying the Godfather is shit. It isn't, that person just doesn't like it.