Sorry about the late reply. Hit my post limit.
Sorry I didn't know that part, my bad
No worries!
As always appreciate the reply.
Whoever is responsible for the ban needs addressing.
Definitely should be making a post on the sub about people’s rights to criticise.
It wasn’t too bad to begin with but now anything other than “OMG SANCHON!” is getting downvoted or removed.
Ok so I have got to the bottom of this.
Not going to lie, I was pretty shocked with seeing this removed and was prepared for a bit of an argument with jroades.
What happened is:
Yer man aucklandthrowagay posted basically the exact same comment yesterday. Jroades called him out and said 'you posted this yesterday', and removed the comment. Auckland responded with
this immediate potential troll red flag. He then deleted the original comment to make jroades silly.
This evening he has copied and pasted the same comment three or four more times, so he was banned. The reason was the spam, not the criticism.
Yeah that’s odd to me. You’ve literally created your own sub and started charging money for privileged access.
The patreon early access to info is
very rare and never from our core list of ITKs. Just random stuff we hear that's almost certainly false. As I've said before, you don't need to pay to get exclusive access to anything. Also, as I've said before, there's absolutely no chance we want to make money for ourselves out of this. If we did, we'd not be doing a very good job because after website and podcast hosting we are barely turning a profit, and this goes in to things like giveaways. If we really wanted to make money (which again, we don't), the best way to do so would be to ensure everything was reliable as possible rather than making stuff up, no?
This is an unrelated point that I wanted to make that ties in quite nicely with my previous one:
We will be cracking down on ITK info, in that instead of posting stuff that ITKs hear through watercooler chat in the office (whether that be at United or elsewhere), we will only be posting things that the ITK is 100% certain of (i.e. they've directly worked on it or seen explicit proof). Watercooler rumours will go in to their own separate category.