Mate I've been talking about Martial dropping deep from a strikers position which is a completely different kettle of fish to a striker who starts in a deep position which anyone like Anelka or Haaland can find themselves in
So what now Firmino is like Anelka because both find themselves deep? Note I didn't say anything about martial there.
Very poor understanding of football. The hatred for this guy is just abysmal. Not a single assist.
So now
@Art Vandelay let me give you the benefit of the doubt because your football knowledge is questionable- anelka and Martial is similar yet , two managers use him as a left winger and one manager use him as a false 9 only to use him as a proper CF when out goal scoring left winger is injured

So tell me - you are right and I was wrong, i initially asked for just for dropping back deep and you showed me videos of Anelka dribbling as shooting from deeper positions which included nothing more than pace
Now let's check your understanding further - tell me what else anelka could do to be similar one to one with martial, I will give you starting deep because I am feeling extremely nice today.
What else?