Angry Barcelonians shoot foreigners...

That explains why previously relatively inaccessible destinations are getting overrun but not why places that have always been easy to get to are seeing an explosion in numbers.

The difference is that previously even going to Barcelona, Rome, Paris etc would be an adventure to some people. Not only that, but it might be their one and only trip that year. Nowadays the same type of people are more casual about it. "Yeah, we went to South Korea a few months ago, but why not take a long-weekend in Barcelona as well?".. Fast forward 10 minutes and they have booked a flight and a hotel room. With no cancellation option of course, because that's too expensive. So now they have to go.

It can only be down to one of two factors. It costs less to travel. People are willing/able to spend more money on travel. Actually, three factors. More people as well. Population increases.

I don't think travel is much cheaper than it was 10-15 years ago. And I don't think population increase/rise in wealth is THAT big of a factor either, but of course it plays a part.

The Japanese government recently decided to block off an entire neighborhood in Kyoto because the tourists caused too much trouble. From the late 2000's up until covid, Japan went from 6-7 million tourists per year to close to 35 million per year. This is partly because of increased wealth in other Asian countries, but when you look at previously wealthy countries it's also been a tripling/quadrupling in the number of tourists. Why? Because Japan went from being a "difficult" country to travel to (far away, poor English, different culture etc) to a country that influencers can't shut up about.
I've never seen or heard of this happening.
Its mostly among Gen Z afaik. There's a supposed 'ick' with owning an Android device.

It's definitely real phenomena, at least among the people working in NYC at the Big 4 accounting firms and similar jobs. Anything other than the latest iPhone is a no go.

Women (US women) working there will also societal pressure you into circumcisions, sicko bastards.
It's definitely real phenomena, at least among the people working in NYC at the Big 4 accounting firms and similar jobs. Anything other than the latest iPhone is a no go.

Women (US women) working there will also societal pressure you into circumcisions, sicko bastards.
Christ, I might put on a bit of Andrew Tate
It's definitely real phenomena, at least among the people working in NYC at the Big 4 accounting firms and similar jobs. Anything other than the latest iPhone is a no go.

Women (US women) working there will also societal pressure you into circumcisions, sicko bastards.
The social norms among the "Big 4 accounting firms" are hardly average for all of society.
The difference is that previously even going to Barcelona, Rome, Paris etc would be an adventure to some people. Not only that, but it might be their one and only trip that year. Nowadays the same type of people are more casual about it. "Yeah, we went to South Korea a few months ago, but why not take a long-weekend in Barcelona as well?".. Fast forward 10 minutes and they have booked a flight and a hotel room. With no cancellation option of course, because that's too expensive. So now they have to go.

I don't think travel is much cheaper than it was 10-15 years ago. And I don't think population increase/rise in wealth is THAT big of a factor either, but of course it plays a part.

The Japanese government recently decided to block off an entire neighborhood in Kyoto because the tourists caused too much trouble. From the late 2000's up until covid, Japan went from 6-7 million tourists per year to close to 35 million per year. This is partly because of increased wealth in other Asian countries, but when you look at previously wealthy countries it's also been a tripling/quadrupling in the number of tourists. Why? Because Japan went from being a "difficult" country to travel to (far away, poor English, different culture etc) to a country that influencers can't shut up about.

In fairness the Japan part in particular has come following a very concerted effort by the Japanese government to encourage tourism.

The added problem with Japan is the quote specific cultural rules and behaviours the Japanese have, which some tourists are openly ignoring (ie following the geishas around and taking pictures, throwing litter etc).

Don't think they have the same airbnb issues though.
Apparently being pretty disgustingly mistreated in a place because of your nationality and pointing out that the place is an unwelcoming shitehole makes you a piece of shit. Okay mate.

You got it

If you insult a place that someone hold dear. Be prepared to be responded in kind
At some point the AI overlords are going to work out there's simply too many people. Half the internet seems to boil down to complaints of too many people.

Ideally local governments protect local people and keep tourism at a balance but short term economic concerns are always going to win. Then you've only really got so many alternative tourism locations that cover off cultural destination so controlling the supply will just lead to excessive prices.

Maybe the poor can holiday in Rwanda?

Torys are on it
Walking around, looking for foreigners...oh sorry "tourists" to shout at and water pistol seems like the worst way to make this point. You only scare/annoy those specific people. No one is cancelling a family holiday based on a passing crowd. I believe these concerns are likely rooted in a genuine problem, but the result has been to have a mob walking around the city looking for people to harass based solely on how they look.

Get involved in changing the politics and policy. Not harassing random people that literally can't do anything to solve your problem.
Yeah but none of that is the tourists fault. I'm sure people from Barcelona go on vacations and contribute the same to other cities. I'd like to see a tourists from Barcelona in NY. I'll drench them. A lot of big cities have that issue and you don't see everyone being mean to tourists. It's just hard working people trying to enjoy some free time.

It's really not. It's hard working people making twats of themselves when they go away. Barcelona is more a weekend end away with your mates or stag dos' than going away for a few weeks for a bit of R*R.

Of course people from Barcelona go on vacations but it's a completely different mindset. If you come out of the tourist áreas of Barcelona you'll see all the outside seating áreas full of locals enjoying a beer or 2. It doesn't matter what time of the day/night it is. It's a relaxed atmosphere where people aren't falling down drunk. Go into the tourist áreas like la Ramblas and everything changes.

I dont want to stereotype Brits (I'm one myself) but it's usually them sitting outside throwing beers at each other, being abusive with a very good chance of seeing a punch up. Why would locals want to welcome that?
It's really not. It's hard working people making twats of themselves when they go away. Barcelona is more a weekend end away with your mates or stag dos' than going away for a few weeks for a bit of R*R.

Of course people from Barcelona go on vacations but it's a completely different mindset. If you come out of the tourist áreas of Barcelona you'll see all the outside seating áreas full of locals enjoying a beer or 2. It doesn't matter what time of the day/night it is. It's a relaxed atmosphere where people aren't falling down drunk. Go into the tourist áreas like la Ramblas and everything changes.

I dont want to stereotype Brits (I'm one myself) but it's usually them sitting outside throwing beers at each other, being abusive with a very good chance of seeing a punch up. Why would locals want to welcome that?

Think you're generalising quite a lot.
It's really not. It's hard working people making twats of themselves when they go away. Barcelona is more a weekend end away with your mates or stag dos' than going away for a few weeks for a bit of R*R.

Of course people from Barcelona go on vacations but it's a completely different mindset. If you come out of the tourist áreas of Barcelona you'll see all the outside seating áreas full of locals enjoying a beer or 2. It doesn't matter what time of the day/night it is. It's a relaxed atmosphere where people aren't falling down drunk. Go into the tourist áreas like la Ramblas and everything changes.

I dont want to stereotype Brits (I'm one myself) but it's usually them sitting outside throwing beers at each other, being abusive with a very good chance of seeing a punch up. Why would locals want to welcome that?
I don't think everyone who visits Barcelona acts like this and you are generalizing. Maybe the city should invest some of the money they're making on all the tourism into better security to ensure these bad behavior like this don't go unpunished. If they are allowed to run wild then of course it'll be an ongoing issue. If the locals are being rude then the bad behavior will only increase as retaliation.
It's really not. It's hard working people making twats of themselves when they go away. Barcelona is more a weekend end away with your mates or stag dos' than going away for a few weeks for a bit of R*R.

Of course people from Barcelona go on vacations but it's a completely different mindset. If you come out of the tourist áreas of Barcelona you'll see all the outside seating áreas full of locals enjoying a beer or 2. It doesn't matter what time of the day/night it is. It's a relaxed atmosphere where people aren't falling down drunk. Go into the tourist áreas like la Ramblas and everything changes.

I dont want to stereotype Brits (I'm one myself) but it's usually them sitting outside throwing beers at each other, being abusive with a very good chance of seeing a punch up. Why would locals want to welcome that?

Times must have changed since I last went there as I didn't see anything like this in Barca in the 3/4 times I went there. Or if it existed, it was diluted by the vast majority of people not doing this shit so barely visible.

Barca is a massive city, it stands to logic that some of the people there will be dickhead tourists. It doesn't mean all tourists are the enemy.

Many of the dickheads down Deansgate on a Saturday night aren't from Manchester but rather surrounding towns, should we stop any outsiders coming to the city? Of course not because the increased visitors create jobs and help drive the economy.

All that said I 100% support any movement to clamp down on short term lets. They're a blight on all major cities and fuel the housing shortage/drive up rental costs, as well as being a cause of anti-social behaviour.

This is where governments need to step in and enforce harder rules but they haven't due to either incompetence or greed.

Squirting tourists with water certainly won't make a difference is squarely the behaviour of cnuts.
Slightly OT, but why the prominent waving of the Palestine flag at every march, regardless of topic?

What does the war in Gaza have to do with mass tourism in Barcelona?

I saw several Palestine flags at a Pride parade. In a march for gay rights?!

Protesting for several issues at once just waters down the message you are trying to get across.
Slightly OT, but why the prominent waving of the Palestine flag at every march, regardless of topic?

What does the war in Gaza have to do with mass tourism in Barcelona?

I saw several Palestine flags at a Pride parade. In a march for gay rights?!

Protesting for several issues at once just waters down the message you are trying to get across.

Why to bring palestina in a pride march if is unrelated? It water downs the message

Why bring palestina in a barcelona tourism thread if is unrelated? It waters down the thread topic
Why to bring palestina in a pride march if is unrelated? It water downs the message

Why bring palestina in a barcelona tourism thread if is unrelated? It waters down the thread topic

Because it is right there in the article in the first post of the thread?
Because it is right there in the article in the first post of the thread?

But is not the topic of dicussion

Look, people have more interests and they might consider that it a topic important enough to give it as much visibility as possible using as many platforms as possible. Like to did here. Now we have a nice OT because of it
It is fecking nuts how busy tourist destinations have become. I was in San Sebastian a week ago (yes, I'm part of the problem) and it was fecking mobbed. There's a weird paradox where everyone is getting made poorer and poorer due to the cost of living crisis but there seems to be more and more tourists on holiday every year.
Is part of that due to the relative cheap cost of a destination like San Sebastian or Bilbao and the much higher likelihood of good weather versus the cost of holidaying in the UK? As well as the probably of it being a total washout? It's absolutely mental how much some extremely average accommodation will cost you in the Lake District or cotswolds, so people just think sod it, we'll fly out to Spain.