American Politics

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I can see that. And the Prince of Wales/Duke of Cornwall has considerable committee experience too. No doubt Gadafi or Assad or the Korean guy (sorry) engineered their kids into significant positions. Democracy? Nah.

That's a very limited analogy since American citizens can vote for whoever they please. No one is anointed through royalty or autocratic dictatorship.
And yet, there they are.
Odd stance. I see nothing wrong with multiple family members doing this so long as they are voted in by a democratic process. As much as I despise Bush I take my hat off to the family for their public (dis)service and actually staying in politics given the toll it takes on you.

Edit: why is d.i.s. Autocorrected to ***?
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I think the family thing is more symptom than cause of what's wrong with the US system. Money and connections will get you further than most other things.

Hypothetical - If Obama hadn't won the nomination in 2008, would he have been seen as locked-in for 2016 as Hillary does this time out?
Bush grew up in Houston, Texas. He attended the University of Texas, where he earned a degree in Latin American affairs. Following his father's successful run for Vice President in 1980, he moved to Florida. In 1986, Bush was named Florida's Secretary of Commerce, a position he held until resigning in 1988 to help his father's successful campaign for the Presidency.
Bush grew up in Houston, Texas. He attended the University of Texas, where he earned a degree in Latin American affairs. Following his father's successful run for Vice President in 1980, he moved to Florida. In 1986, Bush was named Florida's Secretary of Commerce, a position he held until resigning in 1988 to help his father's successful campaign for the Presidency.

34 years and being the governor are more than enough to say he's from Florida.
The Bushes we've already had were from New England so what do you have against LBJ?

You may remember the inquest into George HW Bush's Texas residency during the 88 (?) election. He kept saying he was from Texas because he owned property there, which ended up being something like a vacant lot.
Where will Hillary Clinton claim to be from?

Born in Illinois, went to college in Massachusetts and Connecticut. Lived in DC, then moved to Arkansas to be with Bill. Lived in DC again during Bills terms as President. Moved to NY because they had an open Senate seat. Lived in DC again during her time with the Obama administration.

No, criticism here in asking this question, but since we are talking about where a possible President is from, seems we might as well talk about other candidates and where they are from as well.
Ive lived there too, not in Texas thank feck. Regardless the GOP wont win in '16 unless theres a fundamental shift away from old rich white racists.

What about old, rich white racists with gallon hats, who walk around with ammo belts and six shooters ? We haven't covered them yet.
Looks like I was completely wrong about JEB not running. That said I'm not sure what's more amazing; the fact that he has the balls to run given his family baggage or that the American people might actually be stupid enough to vote for him it.
What I find weird about American politics is the skewed nature of "left" and "right". Maybe it's just because America is far more conservative than Europe, but some of the leading "lefty" Democrats are about as liberal as Thatcher.

It's definitely the most interesting country in terms of politics -- I've watched the presidential debates and election nights for a long time. Interesting stuff.

This time round there appears to be a dearth of "good" candidates on either side. Ron Paul's son is apparently seeking the nomination, but I doubt he'll get it. Clinton, Bush and Rubio seem to be the most likely winners, which is slightly depressing when you consider the nature of the first two. Nepotism personified.
That's a very rigid view of nepotism. Bush and Clinton are where they are because of family ties. Yes they were voted for, but they only managed to ascend to such a position because of family influence within their respective political parties.
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