Eh? I wasn't even thinking along that tangent. My point is that regional dynamics matter much more in the United States than in other countries. I'd wager a vast majority of the population in the United States (who happen to live in the liberal NE corridor and California) would like to move closer to an ideal welfare state, more restrictions on gun ownership and usage, etc. However... there is this large region between both coasts that contains a highly conservative, government distrusting, gun loving, individual attitude population. This base has been left untouched by the growing Latino population who are concentrated around urban areas. And it'll be difficult to push bills through both levels of Congress as long as this base has a disproportionate amount of representation (thanks partly to voter disfranchesizing and gerrymandering). Obamacare went through hell to get passed, and ended up as a castrated mutilated version of the original bill.
I don't think any countries in western Europe have to deal with this. I may be wrong.