American Politics

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Those GOP pricks are really going to shut down the government simply because that hate Obama and are a power hungry group of unorganized grabastic pieces of amphibian shit.
They're digging their own grave though. Americans are fed up with GOP obsession with defunding Obamacare, and if they keep going down this road they'll pay the price in '14/'16.
The GOP received 1.36m fewer votes than the Democrats in 2012 House races. The federal government is going to be shut down by a party with the second biggest majority since World War II yet lost by over a million votes in overall voting. Isn't gerrymandering great?
My friend who owns his own business cannot wait to sign up for Obamacare tomorrow. he said he will be saving 50% on premiums. I told him..'Arent you glad you voted for the President?'

The GOP closing down the government is going to hurt this country a lot and also themselves.
Is this really going to happen? Have they still not accepted that Obamacare is a done deal?
Is this really going to happen? Have they still not accepted that Obamacare is a done deal?
While the Affordable Care Act has passed, there is still widespread opposition to it (for reasons that aren't always clear to me), and the GOP representatives think they are representing their constituency when they oppose implementation. The mere fact that a law has passed doesn't mean anything, often even after all the court battles are fought.
Well, as one columnist recenty pointed out, he still gets solicitations for funds from a group trying to overturn the "Citizens United" ruling (i.e. Democrats opposing the "law of the land" regarding political contributions/influence by corporations and unions). This is the US, and Yogi Berra was probably wrong--"It ain"t over even when it's over."
Those opposing the Affordable Care Act are completely dishonest or are completely clueless. It gets affordable health insurance for more than 30 million people who cannot afford health insurance otherwise. Hear in Minnesota for example the true cost of health insurance is going to plummet. What the GOP is doing is completely disingenuous. They lost the election and one of their biggest funders....Health Insurance companies are giving it one last shot. They will of course fail. Personally I am pleased they are doing this. It will gut the GOP. Even conservatives within the party are against what the Teabagging numbskulls are doing. Shutting down the government will be manily blamed on the GOP.
Those opposing the Affordable Care Act are completely dishonest or are completely clueless.

Red--I have always had a job that gave me health insurance, so the Affordable Care Act is totally irrelevant to me. I, however, have always given a lot to charity and don't mind helping others get some insurance along the way. Those opposed to "Obamacare" are neither clueless nor dishonest. just cheap and self-centered. That's their right--after all, most people approach any bit of legislation with the question "What's in it for me?" Such folks are also known to vote, so representatives from their districts tend to pay attention to the selfish voter.
:lol: About 30 minutes ago, the House asked the Senate to go to conference to negotiate on a final bill after refusing the Senate's request on the budget 18 times.

Boehner won't even allow a vote on a clean bill. He's such a coward.
Is there any law or provision that allows the people to fire the elected leaders?

That's how I feel. I feel that any TP backed GOP member should be fired. It makes my blood boil seeing what they're doing, and much of it is fueled by rightwing talk radio and that one particular news channel that shall go nameless for now.
Just caught the Tea Party woman on Piers.

feck me, she wasn't on but for five minutes and already I wanted her to go away. Calling dems "spoiled brats" is a joke :lol:
You know, I've been in here a few times talking about how aspects of American politics is fecked up. The first past the post election system. Filibustering (I still have a little laugh when I remember that's a thing). Gerrymandering (and that!). But this... this tops the lot.

Get your shit together, America.
So what's going on? Are they all taking the week off or something?
New Rule: Conservatives Who Love to Brag About American Exceptionalism Must Come Here to California

New Rule: Conservatives who love to brag about American exceptionalism must come here to California, and see it in person. And then they should be afraid -- very afraid. Because while the rest of the country is beset by stories of right-wing takeovers in places like North Carolina, Texas and Wisconsin, California is going in the opposite direction and creating the kind of modern, liberal nation the country as a whole can only dream about. And not only can't the rest of the country stop us -- we're going to drag you along with us.
It wasn't that long ago that pundits were calling California a failed state and saying it was ungovernable. But in 2010, when other states were busy electing whatever Tea Partier claimed to hate government the most, we elected a guy who actually liked it, Jerry Brown.
Since then, everything Republicans say can't or won't work -- gun control, immigration reform, high-speed rail -- California is making work. And everything conservatives claim will unravel the fabric of our society -- universal healthcare, higher taxes on the rich, gay marriage, medical marijuana -- has only made California stronger. And all we had to do to accomplish that was vote out every single Republican. Without a Republican governor and without a legislature being cock-blocked by Republicans, a $27 billion deficit was turned into a surplus, continuing the proud American tradition of Republicans blowing a huge hole in the budget and then Democrats coming in and cleaning it up.
How was Governor Moonbeam able to do this? It's amazing, really. We did something economists call cutting spending AND raising taxes. I know, it sounds like some crazy science fiction story, but you see, here in California, we're not just gluten-free and soy-free and peanut-free, we're Tea Party free! Virginia could do it, too, but they're too busy forcing ultrasounds on women who want abortions. Texas could, but they don't because they're too busy putting Jesus in the science textbooks. Meanwhile their state is so broke they want to replace paved roads with gravel. I thought we had this road-paving thing licked in the 1930s, but not in Texas. But hey, in Dallas you can carry a rifle into a Chuck E. Cheese, cause that's freedom. Which is great, but it wasn't so great when that unregulated fertilizer plant in Waco blew up. In California, when things blow up, it's because we're making a Jason Statham movie.
California isn't perfect, but it is in our nature from being on the new coast to be up for trying new things -- and maybe that's why the right wingers are always hoping we fail. On the campaign trail last year, Mitt Romney warned that if we didn't follow his conservative path, "America is going to become like Greece, or... Spain, or Italy, or... California." And that was a big laugh line with Mormons, because Greece, Spain and Italy have some art and poetry and theatre, but nothing like Salt Lake City. Yes, Mitt sure hates California, which is why he moved to San Diego. To the house with the car elevator.
What conservatives fear about California being a petri dish for the liberal agenda is well-founded. For example, as Obamacare gets implemented here much more successfully than predicted, the movement to just go all the way to a single payer system is gathering steam. It actually passed the legislature twice, but was vetoed by Schwarzenegger, who argued it didn't go far enough to cover the children of that natural, beautiful love between a man and a cleaning lady.
In lots of areas, California seems to have decided not to wait around for the knuckle-draggers and the selfish libertarian states to get on board. They can mock "European style democracies" all they want, we are building one here, and people like it -- the same way when Americans come back from a vacation in Europe they all say the same thing: "Wow, you can see titties on the beach!" But they also remark on the clean air, the modern, first world infrastructure, the functioning social safety net, and bread that doesn't taste like powdered glue. And they wonder, "Why can't we get that here?" Unless they're Republicans, in which case they wonder, "How can people live like that?"

Well, swallow hard, guys, because California is eventually going to make all Americans live like that. Why? Because we're huge. The 12th largest economy in the world, the fifth largest agricultural exporter in the world, and of course number one in laser vaginal rejuvenation. There's 40 million of us -- so, for example, when California set a high mileage standard for any car sold in this state, Detroit had to make more fuel-efficient cars; we're just too big a slice of the market, and it would be too expensive to make one car for us, and another for shit-kickers who want something that runs on coal.
It's so ironic -- the two things conservatives love the most, the free market and states rights -- are the two things that are going to bend this country into California's image as a socialist fagtopia. Maybe our constipated Congress can't pass gun control laws, but we just did. Lots of 'em. Because we don't give a shit about the NRA. Out here that stands for "Nuts, Racists, and Assholes." So while the rest of America is debating whether it's a good idea to allow guns in bars or a great idea to allow guns in bars, California is about to ban lead bullets. Which is a no-brainer, because bullets don't need lead, and lead kills birds and gets into the food supply of people who hunt their own food. Which explains why Ted Nugent is such a raving lunatic.
While other state governments are working with Jesus to make abortion more miserable -- because otherwise women would use it for weight loss -- California is making it easier. We actually have a guy dancing on the street corner dressed as the Statue of Liberty spinning a big arrow that says, "Abortions!" And a new law will even let nurse practitioners perform abortions. And dog groomers can aid assisted suicides by Skype.
California was the first state to legalize medical marijuana, our minimum wage is almost three dollars higher than the national rate, and in 10 years a third of our electricity will come from renewable energy and 15 percent of our cars will be electric.
And while Republicans in the rest of the country are threatening to deport every immigrant not named Ted Cruz, California just OK'd driver's licenses for undocumented aliens. That's right, we're letting them drive cars -- just like white people! You Red Staters may ask, "How come they're lettin' Meskins drive?" Well, it's because they have to get to their jobs. You see, here in California we're embracing the modern world -- we can't be worrying about all the nonsense that keeps Fox News viewers up at night when they should be in bed adjusting their sleep apnea mask. Our state motto is, "We're Too Busy for Your Bullshit."

The bottom line is that we are moving the country's largest economy into a place where we can all be health-insured, clean air-breathin', gay-married, immigrant-friendly citizens who don't get shot all the time. And my message to the rest of America is: do not resist. Kneel before Zod! California has been setting the trends in America for decades, from Silicon Valley to silicone tits, and it's not going to stop now. We say jump -- you say, "Please sell me new exercise clothes for jumping." We said put cilantro in food, and dammit, you did, you put cilantro in food, even though neither one of us knows what it is. Almond milk? We just had some extra almonds and thought we'd feck with you. The enormous earlobe hole? You're welcome. We also invented the genius bar, where the kid with the enormous earlobe hole takes your MacBook in the back and fills it with animal pornography.

Red--I have always had a job that gave me health insurance, so the Affordable Care Act is totally irrelevant to me. I, however, have always given a lot to charity and don't mind helping others get some insurance along the way. Those opposed to "Obamacare" are neither clueless nor dishonest. just cheap and self-centered. That's their right--after all, most people approach any bit of legislation with the question "What's in it for me?" Such folks are also known to vote, so representatives from their districts tend to pay attention to the selfish voter.

Health Care in a developed country has to be a fundamental right not a privilege. I stand by my accusation. Is it good for this country to have 30 million uninsured? This act is the minimum. Single payer has to be the goal. You say that you help people get health insurance. So people should depend on charity?? You do know that these health insurance companies are advertising with money they collect from our premiums right? Fortunately the GOP is slowly but surely being outvoted.
Off to the US next year, thinking about cashing in and buying my dollars now as the exchange looks pretty good, any point in seeing if it carries on, how likely are they to reach a compromise?
Because anything that allows uninsured people to get preventative healthcare rather than only going to the emergency room when they are really sick would be the right thing. As RD says, it's for the good of the country that everybody has access to a basic standard of care when they are sick.
Health Care in a developed country has to be a fundamental right not a privilege. I stand by my accusation. Is it good for this country to have 30 million uninsured? This act is the minimum. Single payer has to be the goal. You say that you help people get health insurance. So people should depend on charity?? You do know that these health insurance companies are advertising with money they collect from our premiums right? Fortunately the GOP is slowly but surely being outvoted.

While you and I are perfectly willing to pay the taxes for the ACA, the point is that the TEA people are not dishonest, they honestly don't intend to fund other people's health care and damn the consequences. Of course, these are the same people who don't believe in publicly funded parks or zoos and probably want libraries to be self-sufficient. Cheap money-hoarders the lot of them. (until we get to the issue of toll roads)

A thought--whether provided by the state (our tax dollars) or private sources, isn't health care for those who can't afford it "charity?"

By the way, my wife works for the federal government, so this shutdown might start affecting us real soon.
Because anything that allows uninsured people to get preventative healthcare rather than only going to the emergency room when they are really sick would be the right thing. As RD says, it's for the good of the country that everybody has access to a basic standard of care when they are sick.

This is the stick we need to beat the TEA misers with. Here in Fresno we had an (allegedly) homeless chap call for ambulance services that averaged over twice a day for six months. There usually wasn't anything wrong with him, but the first responders were afraid to not bring him to the emergency room (a law suit waiting to happen) and we tax payers picked up the bill. Any form of first aid/minor medical care facility would have been far cheaper--and probably stopped the last 300 or so calls.
This is the stick we need to beat the TEA misers with. Here in Fresno we had an (allegedly) homeless chap call for ambulance services that averaged over twice a day for six months. There usually wasn't anything wrong with him, but the first responders were afraid to not bring him to the emergency room (a law suit waiting to happen) and we tax payers picked up the bill. Any form of first aid/minor medical care facility would have been far cheaper--and probably stopped the last 300 or so calls.

my accusation of dishonesty is leveled at the Teaparty reps in the house. They know perfectly well the Act helps people. As for the average Teaparty voters? They have shit for brains and really should not be allowed to breed.
The problem with most Tea party loons is that they are not interested in debate. You can reason with them till you are blue in the face and they still will not budge an inch and generally respond with ridiculous generalizations and untruths to make their points. They are not interested in negotiating or compromise.
While you and I are perfectly willing to pay the taxes for the ACA, the point is that the TEA people are not dishonest, they honestly don't intend to fund other people's health care and damn the consequences. Of course, these are the same people who don't believe in publicly funded parks or zoos and probably want libraries to be self-sufficient. Cheap money-hoarders the lot of them. (until we get to the issue of toll roads)

A thought--whether provided by the state (our tax dollars) or private sources, isn't health care for those who can't afford it "charity?"

By the way, my wife works for the federal government, so this shutdown might start affecting us real soon.

No. It is not charity. The real cost of health care is very low...when everyone puts money into the pot. You can say those who don't pay Federal Income Tax are getting a 'free ride'. At least the idiot teaparty person will say that. I call it sensible socialism. If we take the tea party nuts at their own argument we should all have our own private police force and own little army. These people need to be culled.
The problem with most Tea party loons is that they are not interested in debate. You can reason with them till you are blue in the face and they still will not budge an inch and generally respond with ridiculous generalizations and untruths to make their points. They are not interested in negotiating or compromise.

Grin. They are basically stupid.
The problem with most Tea party loons is that they are not interested in debate. You can reason with them till you are blue in the face and they still will not budge an inch and generally respond with ridiculous generalizations and untruths to make their points. They are not interested in negotiating or compromise.

Unfortunately, they also reproduce.
It's true. I try not to be disrespectful of this gun nut, tea partier at work but he really does come out with some bollocks. I just choose not to discuss politics with him.

after the last election we had some at work who thought all who did not like the results could vote to secede. I listened to them with my mouth open...and just walked away. I think before people can vote they need to have a refresher on American history at least.
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