American Politics

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There's something about Kirsten Gillibrand. Especially the way she talks... The only political ads I didnt mind watching.

Canada either needs Picard or Janeway by the sounds of that earlier vid.

In summary, there are moves toward ID Cards and the bill could potentially allow for greater abuse of the environment.
That' s not fair, you're making me side with Piers Morgan. :nono:

Does not Jones realise that a viewer when comparing a calm presenter with probing questions to a crazed Texan gobshite, is naturally going to lend their sympathies in primarily one direction?

He doesn't even build up to it or react in provocation, he's at it right from the off.

Canada is part of American politics...... :nervous:

The #IdleNoMore (hashtag for twitter) movement is growing fast. This does belong in the American Politics section because the US State Dept. is knee deep into Tar Sands XL pipeline

Last Friday evening I met with a group of First Nation tribal activists in Southern Maryland.

I have been assisting in organizing Idle No More demonstrations throughout the Washington DC area. This Friday there will be several demonstrations at the Canadian Embassy and at the US Supreme Court.

In addition, there will be a big demonstration at the Presidential Inauguration in DC with lots of native Americans and supporters.

Over this past weekend, bridges all along the US - Canadian border had been shut down due to demonstrations.

For the latest info. see #IdleNoMore on twitter.
Alex Jones is always like that, he talks utter mad dog most of the time.

That was just a pent-up rage, stream of consciousness rant about myriad unconnected nonsense.

I expect most gun-owners who saw it loved it and were cheering. I don't think paranoid idiots like him should be allowed to own guns yet you can be sure he has dozens of them. Not really a good advert for his side of the issue.
That was just a pent-up rage, stream of consciousness rant about myriad unconnected nonsense.

I expect most gun-owners who saw it loved it and were cheering.

It's not actually pent up though, because he rants frequently and often. I can't tell if he's genuine or hamming it up for his audience.
He was bursting with facts and figures that he's been saving up. I hear the same shite from yanks every day...they circulate it amongst themselves and really believe that people in Britain would be safer if they all carried guns and even think that most Brits, including the police, actually want gun ownership expanded.

It's insane.

Canada either needs Picard or Janeway by the sounds of that earlier vid.

In summary, there are moves toward ID Cards and the bill could potentially allow for greater abuse of the environment.

They should go with Picard. He's better at dealing with the Borg I think.

I can't take those videos serious they are produced. Sorry. More like comedy.
Muh guns, muh freedom
Two of the latest President Obama nominations that I have issues with:

1. John O. Brennan to head up the CIA:

This is the person that helped to oversee the Iraq contractors. He was director of the newly created Terrorist Threat Integration Center from 2003 to 2004.

All I gotta say on this is Holy Abu Ghraib Batman!!! Obama must be out of his mind.

2. Jack Lew to head up the Treasury Department:

This Bill Clinton insider played a key role in the massive austerity Welfare Reform 'Balance Budget Act of 1997' ~ The selling point to this bill that booted chronic welfare recipients off the dole had been the welfare to work program TANF. It has been discussed that TANF will go bye bye under the new legislation that will further effect poverty programs in the US, this coming March (Sequestration)

That's not the worst of it though ~ After Mr. Lew, the present White House Chief of Staff, left the White House in the mid-1990's he went to work with Citigroup. Citigroup had become a recipient of $45 Billion in TARP bailout funds.

Jack Lew wasn't just any Citigroup employee, he was the person in charge of betting AGAINST the housing market leading up to the epic financial crash of 2008 ~ It is easy to assume that Lew had a hand in the who mess involving the record number of foreclosures.

I need to get to work... Otherwise I'd start on the newly appointed DOD director Hagel

How do I honestly feel about all this shit?
Just saw this headline today in the Times which caught my attention - 'Back From the Fiscal Abyss, California Balances Its Budget'. For anyone who remembers what a big deal the California budget crisis was a couple of years ago, this is huge news. If California can sort itself out then there's still hope for the nation as a whole

Well done Jerry Brown? Somebody post that Dead Kennedys song now.
Just saw this headline today in the Times which caught my attention - 'Back From the Fiscal Abyss, California Balances Its Budget'. For anyone who remembers what a big deal the California budget crisis was a couple of years ago, this is huge news. If California can sort itself out then there's still hope for the nation as a whole

Well done Jerry Brown? Somebody post that Dead Kennedys song now.

Reactions to that california news -
Glenn Beck announces plans for Independence, USA
..By Mike Krumboltz, Yahoo! News

Link to Beck's spastic North Korea-like plan here

Right-wing rabble-rouser Glenn Beck recently announced that he wanted to "go Galt" and create a self-sustaining community, inspired by the philosophy of Ayn Rand's character John Galt from "Atlas Shrugged."

The community will be known as Independence, USA. If and when it is completed, Independence will produce its own food and TV and film content. There will be homes, baseball fields and a theme park. Think: Small Town, USA, but with a Beckish vibe.

Beck announced his plans on "The Glenn Beck Program." The main entrance to the proposed community will be based on Ellis Island because, in Beck's words, that's how most Americans came to the country. There will also be a marketplace, but don't confuse it with your local mall.

"There's not going to be a Gap here. There's no Ann Taylor. You want an Ann Taylor, go someplace else," Beck said in a video announcement. The marketplace, Beck says, will be a place for people to create their own businesses and learn from others.

Other areas of Independence: The ranch (that's where residents will grow food and teach people how to grow crops), the media center (where Beck will film his show and where other entertainers will create movies, TV shows and documentaries), an Alamo-style mission for people to "gather and help others," a research and development laboratory and much more.

The main point, Beck says, is education. "Before you send your kids to college," Beck said in his pitch video, "you come to us. And you spend a week with us. We're gonna tell them exactly, we will show them the truth, we will tell them what they're going to try to do, and we will deprogram them every summer, if you care."

What's Beck's utopia gonna cost? Around $2 billion. Beck says he's willing to take steps to make his vision happen "one piece at a time." Just don't expect to find a Gap. You can watch Beck's pitch here.

This could be ma good idea if it was a village on an iceberg. We could put Beck on there, Alex Jones, Hannity, Al Gore, Michael Moore, Ron Paul, Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, Ann Colter e.t.c. and then cut the thing loose.

Warm water would do the rest.
Is that part of a sequel to The Stand?
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