Pretty much. If I'm a hedge fund wanting to reinvest in a loan getting me max returns for around 10 years (For egs)
Normal interest rates mean that I'd get around 6-7%
Since I'm willing to give my money out without an asset attached to it, ie Unsecured, I'd expect more interest. Lets say 13%
Since I'm looking at a 10 year investment, such a loan always carries the risk that the reciever of my money might prepay it, ie early and that I'd have to go searching for another loan-wanter willing to give me the same amount of interest, ie, I'll have to re-invest it. Hence the name re-investment from prepayment. And since I'm giving the loan reciever this option, I'd expect more than 13%.
Thanks again. So it's possible that any penalty for early payment might in effect have been paid already in higher interest rates. Or maybe the terms would only allow early repayment for a whopping add-on fee. We don't know which, I presume.