Borrowing money will put us further into debt. You clearly don't understand that the during the season bit is a nonsense.
Prospectus said:Our cost base is more evenly spread throughout the financial year than our cash inflows. Wages and fixed costs make up the majority of our cash outflows and are generally paid throughout the 12 months of the financial year. Our working capital requirements tend to peak in December, in advance of Premier League and UEFA broadcasting receipts in January.
UnitedRoadRed said:What is clear is that we didn't use the old one and we may not have to use this one so we have no precedent to go off. So I'm not missing the point. I've already highlighted that it's there to provide transfer funds if there is insufficient cash at hand to "write a cheque" with.
Prospectus said:Historically, we have drawn on our revolving credit facilities in December and April to meet our working capital requirements.
You're obviously not getting this. We should probably move on.