Alexis Sanchez | Done deal

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Maybe it's the Jose United combo. Jose complained about Chelsea not getting any plaudits and he was correct. Combine those two things with Saint Pep and the points they've amassed in 20 odd games

Can you imagine if we'd signed a Southampton defender for £75 million, we'd be called crackers, and be guilty of putting the game into disrepute but with Liverpool it's crickets.

United had something similar to Sanchez for Martial (who many want now apparently). United were out of the minds and the fee kept rising. Journos were walking the streets of France asking people can you adam and eve it.
Idk why this didn't materialize on Wednesday/Thursday, it's just not about us but Arsenal too. If they think Mkhi will be a starter then they should have had him before the weekend, they are 8 points off top 4 and Sanche7 and us have already agreed.

An away, tough game, you need one of your sure starter in Mkhi.
This really does make me wonder how I survive the summer sagas. This has totally taken over my life it’s ridiculous. Not quite sure why, think it’s due to the unexpected nature of it and then it looked like imminent completion for days so it just sucks you right in.
I can't believe we're doing that, how ridiculous, that's another £15m on top of the cost of Sanchez, that must be at least £390m now. fecking Woody doesn't have a clue.

I can't believe we're doing that, how ridiculous, that's another £15m on top of the cost of Sanchez, that must be at least £390m now. fecking Woody doesn't have a clue.
I have never seen a shitstorm like this regarding United. Wtf? :lol: Imagine if we bought Neymar last season...

Craig Norwood liked this tweet...

EDIT - Just seen the time of the tweet. Assume this has already been covered. apologies
Idk why this didn't materialize on Wednesday/Thursday, it's just not about us but Arsenal too. If they think Mkhi will be a starter then they should have had him before the weekend, they are 8 points off top 4 and Sanche7 and us have already agreed.

An away, tough game, you need one of your sure starter in Mkhi.

The lack of urgency is quite annoying. If you’re Arsenal just pay whatever Raiola is asking and get it done.
I'm also convinced that if Pep stayed at City and they stayed successful for anything like as long as United or Fergie have been (baring in mind they have a long long time to go before getting anywhere near as successful as United) pundits would also starting hating them and getting bored of it. It's natural that eventually everyone hates the best. The other thing is, by being the best you're inevitably going to ruin everyone's day at some point, so that on numerous occasions and them fans remember.
He has Liked a picture saying goodbye to him posted by troopz of Arsenal fant tv.
I have never seen a shitstorm like this regarding United. Wtf? :lol: Imagine if we bought Neymar last season...

The funny thing is it's actually a financially astute move.

Mkhi, with all due respect to the bloke, is/was dead weight in the squad and clearly it hasn't worked out for him. We've managed to ship him out in exchange for bringing in a truly top level attacking player who already knows the league and can slot straight in.

Mkhi cost us, what, £27m? And we've avoided any transfer fee by utilising him in an exchange with the added bonus of moving him on.

The wages are high, of course they are, but not in a million years are they as high as the media are jizzing on about and they're the same as what City would have been putting him on anyway. So many "journalists" have shown themselves up for what they are with the mental gymnastics they've performed over him choosing us over them, you just have to laugh at how petty they are.
Just hearing United have agreed to pay dog food and vet bills for Sanchez's two dogs. Total transfer including shampoo is now an eye watering £785 million.
Just hearing United have agreed to pay dog food and vet bills for Sanchez's two dogs. Total transfer including shampoo is now an eye watering £785 million.
After tax, yeah. It’ll be somewhere between 1.1-1.3bn in total expenditures for Man Utd, according to Gianluca de Ornstein
Why do people keep quoting £180m? With other transfers they just seem to quote the transfer fee. E.g. How much did Liverpool pay for Van Dyke? I heard £75m reported so is this including all signing on fees, agent fee and wages over how ever many years?
I can't believe we're doing that, how ridiculous, that's another £15m on top of the cost of Sanchez, that must be at least £390m now. fecking Woody doesn't have a clue.
If it's not half a billion then I'm not interested. Sort it out Woody another £110m before Alexis signs I know you can do it. After all we are all about spending money not making money for the Glazers.

After all everybody knows that United are all about wasting money.
Is this the 2nd highest(in terms of pages) transfer thread on the cafe or was Di Maria's higher?
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