Alexis Sanchez | Done deal

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Nothing will be announced until after the Arsenal match today at the earliest. Whoever he's going to it's done and dusted. All this waiting is just for appearance sake.

I think we will announce that we have signed him pending a medical and leave it at that.

Would be sex if he is available for Stoke.
From Arsenal Mania...

No no no it's really not excellent. You're really fecked up badly and now selling a player to your rival that could have been sold for 100 million plus in todays market. It's a raw deal.

So true. It's delusion. 30m gets you nothing anymore. 30m shouldn't be getting a player of Sanchez's quality either. It's a freak occurrence due to Arsenals terrible squad management. They could lose Ozil and Wilshere for free/cheap too and it's their own fault. They could have got an enormous sum for Sanchez in the summer but they chose to be stubborn, foolishly.

They're drawing their own silver lining.
That's no laughing matter and he has a few dogs I believe.

that's the "joke". guy on twitter, presumably an arsenal fan, is trying to warn off sanchez of joining United because in manchester something may happen to his dogs. twisted/dark joke
That's no laughing matter and he has a few dogs I believe.

I know. I’m not laughing at the actual matter of dogs bieng mistreated. It’s just a bizarre thing to tweet someone.
Sanchez is obsessed with his dogs; that's why that tweet is a thing.
He turned 29 less than a month ago FFS!!

Ffs not this again! :lol:

Edit: People should look at Robben he’s been 30 for at least 15 years now and it hasn’t seemed to stop him.
So true. It's delusion. 30m gets you nothing anymore. 30m shouldn't be getting a player of Sanchez's quality either. It's a freak occurrence due to Arsenals terrible squad management. They could lose Ozil and Wilshere for free/cheap too and it's their own fault. They could have got an enormous sum for Sanchez in the summer but they chose to be stubborn, foolishly.

They're drawing their own silver lining.

Which is why City saying £20m is their limit is plain daft.
Refuse to get sucked into this one. Until I see a statement from the club then I still believe he is going to City. For all those people saying he would have more game time at Utd, they should give their head a wobble. At City he would start every game ahead of Sane/Sterling.

What I will say, and I have said few times before, he is one player who would genuinly come in and take our club up a level. This is a big transfer in terms of how the next few years of success in the Premier League looks in my opinion.
I'd have thought if we had no chance that we'd might have heard some counter MUFC briefings by now. Very happy that all the news is still flowing in one direction.
Trying not to get my expectations too high on this,if he goes to city it would be devastating.
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