Telles vs Chilwell
Defensively, Chilwell is slightly better than Telles. Chilwell won more tackles per game (1.6 to Telles’ 1.2), more clearances per game (2 to 1.2) and more headers (2.2 to 1.7).
Meanwhile, Telles had the edge in interceptions (1.5 per game to Chilwell’s 1.1) and in facing advancing opponents (Telles was dribbled past 0.7 times per game on average to Chilwell’s one per game).
Telles provided more crosses per game (2.3 to Chilwell’s 0.7), more key passes per game (2 to 1.2) and had more shots per game (1.4 to 0.6) this season.
Agree about needing an attacking fullback especially against the low block.
I do not know much about Telles except
that he has been talked about for years and is still at Porto.
This makes me concerned - he is more of a progressive crosser/passer than a progressive runner