There is something beautiful about the contrast between Ty and Claude. They both have a very high degree of what you would call 'brand loyalty' but go about demonstrating that very differently.
Ty thinks it is his duty to buy into the brand, support the club, no matter what. He doesn't even reflect on his feelings when he wants to assess his relationship with the club. He has a job to do. To support. Albeit it is a job he has to pay money for, instead of being paid for.
Claude is different. He understands that his loyalty to Arsenal is bringing him pain and misery. He is fully cognizant of the fact that he spends far too much of his limited resources on an activity that he doesn't even enjoy anymore. He sees Arsenal making him more and more depressed, accelerating his aging process, and causing irreversible damage to his system. He...Just...Can't....Stop.
Meanwhile Arsenal makes money from both of them. The dutiful soldier and the tortured addict.