Actor Heath ledger dead

Heath Ledger found dead in apartment.

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Not really any details yet from what i've gathered.

EDIT: Whoops, completely missed the earlier thread, delete if you think best but if you could mege it at some point i think that would be better. Thanks
Apparently prescription drugs were found scattered around his apartment.

Accidental death or suicide, sad news.
Had he finished making the Batman film?

yeah apparantly it was a drug overdose.
damn, what's gonna happen in regards to the batman movie? i hope they still show it! but sad news about him. rip
I remember watching an old Australian film years and years ago with him in it, and from that I tipped him to become a good actor set for big things. Just when he finally gets his break he ended it.


Damn. He must've been lying there for quite a while.

Apparently he was in a flat owned by Mary Kate Olsen
Wasn't really too up on his films, but had been impressed with what I had seen. What a terrible terrible shame.
Hmm.. He obviously doesn't value life in general, but when the gay cowboy dies he's all tears and drama. Go figure.

I'm not in tears at all, never even seen any of his films, but he has been dead around 4 hours, so I think it's a tad too soon for jokes.
There’s a lot of sadness up in Brokeback Mountain following this news…..

Heath Ledger recently gave an interview to WJW FOX in Cleveland where he said, "I feel good about dying because I feel alive through her." He was talking about his young daughter Matilda.

from - what a weird thing to say though!
a bit of a shocker that

not a big film buff but hes a house hold name - and to die so young, pretty tragic whichever way you look at it