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German or French is not a bloody race!
Which is what I have been saying all along. I didn't say that German or French is a race, I said that all three children from the same parents would be of the same race/ethnic group, regardless of where they were born. That they could then become citizens of different countries and claim different nationality is an unrelated matter you seem to have trouble comprehending.
Obviously, I wasn't impressed with your example about the three kids born in the East Zone, West Zone, and Austria, as it required either a couple to have triplets born in three different places or bring to term three pregnancies in a single calendar year. It also missed my arguments on nationality.
Here's an example to demonstrate my understanding of the issue:
Ibrahim decided the US needed a decent marthon runner, so he relocated from Addis Ababa to Boulder, Colorado where he married and signed on with Team Nike. Around the same time, Vijay and his wife moved from Delhi to a new job in the Silicon Valley. Paddy, meanwhile, got tired of things in County Mayo and moved to the suburbs of Chicago, where he married a nice girl of Irish ancestry.
Over time (5 years in the absence of special legislation to speed up the process), all three became US citizens and, as luck would have it, became fathers. Now, are the three kids of the same race? Of course not. Are they of the same nationality. As far as I, and the US are concerned, yes. Now, if you want to insist that Paddy's kid is actually an American citizen of Irish "nationality, I believe your understanding of nationality is skewed, or, more correctly, absolutely wrong.
Nationality, as I said previously, is a function of political and geographical factors, while race is biological.