3 years ago Aaron Wan-Bissaka was Charged For Illegally Driving

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But he didn’t. That ‘if’ is doing some heavy lifting in your post. He could’ve got in a crash while driving legally, so not sure how much of a difference it makes.
Driving without insurance is stupid yes, but it doesn’t increase your chances of getting into an accident
Big difference between driving legally and not. If he's not legal, he shouldn't be on the road to be involved in an accident.

The boy's either stupid or just doesn't give a feck and has learned nothing from previously being caught.

Don't understand how anyone can defend him one iota in this matter.
The drama in this thread is ridiculous, he's a young lad who's made a mistake, we all do and I did to when I was young. Also just like to add that the daily mail were the ones reporting this story who are notoriously racist. Not defending the boy as he's done wrong but for fecks sake come on, stop looking for negatives, we all make mistakes in life and I would bet my house that everyone who's posted in this thread has made a mistake to at least once in their life. Such a negative society these days quick to jump on someone who fecks up
Get over yourselves and concentrate on your own lives. I just don't get people these days, seriously, why does someone else's mistakes affect you so much??
If ihave replied to someone's post here then I apologise in advance, I'm simply posting my thought's and this wasn't aimed at anyone in particular just at all the negative Nellie's on this thread who have never done anything wrong in their lives

Except it's not 1 mistake is it? It's 5 - and they are the only ones he got caught doing. 4 times speeding then getting in a car without insurance. The amount of people defending dangerous driving in this thread is staggering. They're literally putting your life at risk whenever they get on the road. He's a fecking moron.
Except it's not 1 mistake is it? It's 5 - and they are the only ones he got caught doing. 4 times speeding then getting in a car without insurance. The amount of people defending dangerous driving in this thread is staggering. They're literally putting your life at risk whenever they get on the road. He's a fecking moron.
The drama in this thread is ridiculous, he's a young lad who's made a mistake, we all do and I did to when I was young. Also just like to add that the daily mail were the ones reporting this story who are notoriously racist. Not defending the boy as he's done wrong but for fecks sake come on, stop looking for negatives, we all make mistakes in life and I would bet my house that everyone who's posted in this thread has made a mistake to at least once in their life. Such a negative society these days quick to jump on someone who fecks up
Get over yourselves and concentrate on your own lives. I just don't get people these days, seriously, why does someone else's mistakes affect you so much??
If ihave replied to someone's post here then I apologise in advance, I'm simply posting my thought's and this wasn't aimed at anyone in particular just at all the negative Nellie's on this thread who have never done anything wrong in their lives

How is driving whilst disqualified a mistake? A mistake is when you accidentally do something wrong. When you are banned from driving and then choose to deliberately ignore the law and drive thats not a mistake thats a deliberate criminal act .. hes a complete Pratt and deserves all he gets. If its his first disq driving it will be a big fine and a longer ban.. if its his second he risks being sent down. 4-6months.
From what you described, make no mistake you'd be done for dangerous driving at the same time.

Going 20/30mph faster may be technically illegal, but it's not unsafe. Pulling into another lane with an approaching car from behind with little time to react IS unsafe. I've already mentioned Germany where extra speed happens legally, and they are perfectly able to manage without crashing. That tells me alone it's not speed, but people that don't respect cars/motorways.

The amount of idiots I see daily under cutting on the motorway because somebody is holding everybody up at 70mph in the fast lane, is frankly crazy. This type of driving causes way more incidents.

Talking about complete stopping distances aren't really relevant to be honest, when was the last time you had to slam your brakes on to a complete stop on the motorway? IF that situation ever happens then chaos is going to ensue anyway.
I think the point regarding the law is that it takes into account the skill and care shown by the typical driver, the road type and the traffic volume in this country. What takes place on the autobahn is frankly irrelevant, I have no idea why that is always brought up. They've presumably made their own assessment in Germany.

Gary down the road in his pimped out Vectra thinks he's a wonderful judge of conditions and a skilled operator too. He's no different to you in the eyes of the law and from the perspective of society. This is why none of the tenuous arguments around when it's valid to contravene the law make sense, the law is there is civilise in a wide range of circumstances. It should be an accepted part of ones privilege of driving that the greater good means sticking to speed limits and if contravened you are punished, no ifs and buts or convoluted arguments.

I've been done myself for speeding, there is no mitigation, shouldn't have happened. You accept it, and learn from it and AWB has made a giant cock up here but hopefully that's what he'll do.
I think the point regarding the law is that it takes into account the skill and care shown by the typical driver, the road type and the traffic volume in this country. What takes place on the autobahn is frankly irrelevant, I have no idea why that is always brought up. They've presumably made their own assessment in Germany.

Gary down the road in his pimped out Vectra thinks he's a wonderful judge of conditions and a skilled operator too. He's no different to you in the eyes of the law and from the perspective of society. This is why none of the tenuous arguments around when it's valid to contravene the law make sense, the law is there is civilise in a wide range of circumstances. It should be an accepted part of ones privilege of driving that the greater good means sticking to speed limits and if contravened you are punished, no ifs and buts or convoluted arguments.

I've been done myself for speeding, there is no mitigation, shouldn't have happened. You accept it, and learn from it and AWB has made a giant cock up here but hopefully that's what he'll do.
I'm not defending AWB, but what I am saying is people saying him driving at 100mph on a motorway is dangerous? I don't agree personally.

50 in front of a school? definitely dangerous and very stupid.

Of course Germany is relevant as it shows that you can happily drive on a motorway system at 150mph+ and still be safe - as long as people respect the road.

They have people driving in faster cars than gary in his vectra, but perhaps it's a better standard of driving?
And that's a roadworthy car? No spare and no tools?
TF is this world coming to? I saw in one of the car groups that I'm in on Facebook a young kid (in his early 20s) had a post asking about road service car, because he had a flat and he didn't know how to change his tire.
I've not read all the ten pages before but yeah. He's an idiot and only himself to blame. He's continually committing offences on the road, has been disqualified and has continued to drive. The courts won't look kindly at this as he's essentially showing a total disregard to the law and the punishments they have imposed on him previously.

Expect a long ban from driving and a very heavy fine.
But he didn’t. That ‘if’ is doing some heavy lifting in your post. He could’ve got in a crash while driving legally, so not sure how much difference it makes.
Driving without insurance is stupid yes, but it doesn’t increase your chances of getting into an accident
The difference is that being uninsured he shouldn’t have been on the road in the first place!
The difference is that being uninsured he shouldn’t have been on the road in the first place!
Driving without a license is actually a bigger problem. He has enough wage to compensate for damages if need be, but if he has no valid license, he shall take a taxi or be chauffeur-driven (what he actually could allow)
Driving without a license is actually a bigger problem. He has enough wage to compensate for damages if need be, but if he has no valid license, he shall take a taxi or be chauffeur-driven (what he actually could allow)
Enough to compensate for injuries maybe, but what if he killed someone? No amount of money will make that better.

He's stupid, immature and maybe just doesn't give a toss. Not a very good attitude to have imo.
Enough to compensate for injuries maybe, but what if he killed someone? No amount of money will make that better.
Of course not, but such a risk exists even if he drives an insured car - so the main problem is with driving (without license) per se
I'm not defending AWB, but what I am saying is people saying him driving at 100mph on a motorway is dangerous? I don't agree personally.

50 in front of a school? definitely dangerous and very stupid.

Of course Germany is relevant as it shows that you can happily drive on a motorway system at 150mph+ and still be safe - as long as people respect the road.

They have people driving in faster cars than gary in his vectra, but perhaps it's a better standard of driving?
How do you know it was safe for him to be driving 100 on the motorway, if that was the scenario?

I don't see how in any hypothetical scenario that can be deemed safe, the default assumption on UK roads is that probably isn't safe hence the law being what it is.

The point is the law isn't prescribed based on what you, Aaron Wan-Bissaka or Gary in his Vectra deem to be safe. Sure, there is probably an element of caution built into a 70mph limit but generally it will be there for a reason. If we are to base what is safe based on your discretion we could well be in trouble as we have no idea what your competencies are, just as we don't rightly know what any individuals skill is beyond holding a license. It's just that you think you're somehow fit to deem what is a safe speed based on the situation..well...if everybody did that we'd have a problem because what do you think the average level of judgement and driving is? Well...it's going to be average.
Why was he disqualified and why the FECK was his car not insured?!

That's the maddening thing. I get he's a kid, but he has the world at his fingers... shit like that can be done in a few minutes with that type of access and money. Not a bright move.
At what point of being rich should you be able to insure yourself. I'm taking the piss slightly but they can pay off any damage that might occur if they got into an accident. So what do they need an insurance company for?
Keep shitting on AWB and keep praising KdB and Grealish.
Change RedCafe theme to blue and add Pep's head as favicon.
At what point of being rich should you be able to insure yourself. I'm taking the piss slightly but they can pay off any damage that might occur if they got into an accident. So what do they need an insurance company for?

Insurance would cost someone like AWB (a young footballer, in a Ferrari with a shocking driving record) £20k plus a year. An accident causing multiple serious injuries could cost multiple millions.

You used to be able to "insure yourself" with a £500,000 deposit but claims regularly get higher than that (so they scrapped the system) and nobody in their right mind would "self insure" for millions when they can just buy insurance for thousands.
Surely the club knew about this as well and should question why he was driving. He is bound to have arrived at training at least once in the car while still being banned.
Stupid mistake and after a catelogue of errors leading to the ban but he will learn, it just takes some people longer to realise it.

Been banned a few times myself over the years and yes was driving whilst disqualified but finally learned the inconvience of public transport and foot patrol isnt comparable to explaining yourself to the cops and dealing with the associated punishments.
If I had his money I'd never drive again, why would you? Just get driven around. I'd much prefer it.

Keep shitting on AWB and keep praising KdB and Grealish.
Change RedCafe theme to blue and add Pep's head as favicon.

:lol: :wenger: He is rightfully getting shitted on. Bonkers take, maybe its sarcasm.
Surely the club knew about this as well and should question why he was driving. He is bound to have arrived at training at least once in the car while still being banned.
Stupid mistake and after a catelogue of errors leading to the ban but he will learn, it just takes some people longer to realise it.

Been banned a few times myself over the years and yes was driving whilst disqualified but finally learned the inconvience of public transport and foot patrol isnt comparable to explaining yourself to the cops and dealing with the associated punishments.
No he isn’t. He probably had a lift arranged for him to get to training or was partnered with another player, stop trying to find an angle to blame the club for no reason.
And that's a roadworthy car? No spare and no tools?
TF is this world coming to? I saw in one of the car groups that I'm in on Facebook a young kid (in his early 20s) had a post asking about road service car, because he had a flat and he didn't know how to change his tire.
Lots of new cars don't have spares these days. They have that stuff you spray into the tyre for an emergency fix, to get you to a garage.

I once changed a tyre on the side of the road in Bootle in rush hour (I was wearing a suit, too). Nowadays younger folk on the whole don't seem to learn these things.
And that's a roadworthy car? No spare and no tools?
TF is this world coming to? I saw in one of the car groups that I'm in on Facebook a young kid (in his early 20s) had a post asking about road service car, because he had a flat and he didn't know how to change his tire.

This is really really very common, I'm surprised you seem so shocked and baffled. I'd say the majority of people driving these days wouldn't have a clue about changing a tire.
He has regressed from his first season here. Obviously I mean defensively. He has always been shit going forward.
He has regressed from his first season here. Obviously I mean defensively. He has always been shit going forward.

Should watch more of our games, like the last one.

The whole team has been shit. The whole team.
Tripper would be great on the right side, awb doesn't offer anything going forward.
AWB has killed every attacking move with hesitant predictability. Utd would do better if he stayed in his own half. What a killjoy.
Nice player performance thread we have here.
:lol::lol: I was about to say the same. This is one way of getting around the performance threads being locked during games.
Should watch more of our games, like the last one.

The whole team has been shit. The whole team.
He isn’t part of the team? Doesn’t excuse him if the “whole” team is shit. He still has regressed. And not to mention the fact that he can’t play a pass even down the line.
I am getting just a bit sick of these footballers acting like complete idiots. Whether they play for Utd or anyone else it is completely unacceptable. These are grown ups not children and they continually act like the law doesn't apply to them. Its not just driving related though that's seems a favourite pastime. Need to make an example of someone though selfishly I hope its not AWB
The car is insured in motor vehicle insurance, not the driver. Obviously the insurance may exclude damages caused when driven by a disqualified driver. So was there car insurance in place or not?
The car is insured in motor vehicle insurance, not the driver. Obviously the insurance may exclude damages caused when driven by a disqualified driver. So was there car insurance in place or not?

He might have a policy in place but it would be void and not cover anything, the second he took control of the vehicle as a disqualified driver.

Insurers wouldn't have paid out a penny to a third party if AWB had caused an accident.

He could've called up the insurers and added his wife or a friend as a driver and the insurance would be fine (not for him to drive of course).
No he isn’t. He probably had a lift arranged for him to get to training or was partnered with another player, stop trying to find an angle to blame the club for no reason.
Slight over reaction to that comment, just an assumption that he would have drive into training. With covid regulations and car sharing its not always allowed to travel in pairs hence why I suggested he drove in alone.
He's pleaded guilty.

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