I'm watching through season 5 again. I love this show.
It's a...teaser (?) for something called 24: Live Another Day. Streets of London in chaos as you see smoke from various building and slowly Jack Bauer dragging emo Chloe comes into camera view. They walk towards the camera, Jack lifts the gun, shoots and screams.
It looks horrible.
Well it sounds amazing.
I think we might be on to something here.
Edmonds would make a good villain. He's got a touch of Alan Rickman in Die Hard about him.
I like that they put a Union Jack on the taxi just in case anyone gets confused about where it is. I hope they put London, England on the screen at the start of each scene.
It's fairly evident, she got to know 007 when he was in Sweden and felt abandonned by him, therefore travelling to London to catch up with him. She's confused him with Jack Bauer and now they've become best friends.Why is Lisbeth Salander in 24?
I watched season 1-2 in about 2 weeks, started immediately on season 3, but didn't finished that season and can't find the time to continue it. Season 3 was a bit of a meh IMO, and I a reason to stop because I didn't get anything done!I miss the feeling of watching 24 for the first time.
I watched season 1-2 in about 2 weeks, started immediately on season 3, but didn't finished that season and can't find the time to continue it. Season 3 was a bit of a meh IMO, and I a reason to stop because I didn't get anything done!
Stephen Fry is the Prime Minister![]()
Audrey's father, Jack previously worked as a bodyguard for him.I've forgotten so much about this show. Took me ages to realise that was Audrey, also I recognise the president.