Fo' shizzle
taught it was pretty shit, basically no action in the last hour and was more so a lead up to the movie, where Jack in now an international fugitive and the Russians and Americans will be looking for him.
Finale spoiler:
Don't agree with these at all. I thought it was easy to predict what would happen about a half hour before each event happened and I won't dispute that it was a lead up for the movie, but they wrapped up the season's plot well.
Call me simple. Call me a sucker for this sort of thing but I thoroughly enjoyed that. Loved it even. Taylor's fight with Hassan. Jack taking Chloe out. Chloe talking Jack down from the edge. Chloe shooting Jack. Every possible avenue for success closing only to have the President, herself, realize what peace was all about and bring down her own conspiracy. Logan killing Pillar and then trying to take himself out. Finally to end it with Jack thanking Chloe for everything (I couldn't help but think of the moment that Chase had to talk him out of firing her) just absolutely broke me. I'm watching on my laptop in the computer lab and I honestly can't stop bawling my eyes out right now.
I thought it was very well done, especially for a series finale, which tend to be poor. This series has prided itself in its own gratuitous badassery at times, and for it to take itself off the air without a hailstorm of bullets and with a message of peace, honor, and redemption was honestly something I didn't expect. I know it's not quite over because of the movie but I honestly feel like that was a very fitting end to the show.
To each his own and whatnot.
Call me simple. Call me a sucker for this sort of thing but I thoroughly enjoyed that. Loved it even. Taylor's fight with Hassan. Jack taking Chloe out. Chloe talking Jack down from the edge. Chloe shooting Jack. Every possible avenue for success closing only to have the President, herself, realize what peace was all about and bring down her own conspiracy. Logan killing Pillar and then trying to take himself out. Finally to end it with Jack thanking Chloe for everything (I couldn't help but think of the moment that Chase had to talk him out of firing her) just absolutely broke me. I'm watching on my laptop in the computer lab and I honestly can't stop bawling my eyes out right now.
I thought it was very well done, especially for a series finale, which tend to be poor. This series has prided itself in its own gratuitous badassery at times, and for it to take itself off the air without a hailstorm of bullets and with a message of peace, honor, and redemption was honestly something I didn't expect. I know it's not quite over because of the movie but I honestly feel like that was a very fitting end to the show.
To each his own and whatnot.