2024 U.S. Elections | Trump v Harris

If you get an answer to this could I get you to ask about several hundred of my posts as well please.

Redcafe Modmin Election Poll 2024


Look, you're a troublemaker. If I had a girlfriend or a daughter I wouldn't let them go out with you. Especially to ibiza or magaluf. But me? I'm just a poor boy from a poor family and my life must be spared from this monstrosity.

I got 3 green smiles in the same reply for god's sake.
His Middle East policy has been a ridiculous failure.

This is probably one of, if not the most complicated foreign policy subject in the world. Gaza is a terrible tragedy and the US has done little to improve the humanitarian situation. However, that is not the primary goal of US foreign policy in the region - as shameful as that is. As such his middle east policy has at worst been middling. So far the conflict has been relatively isolated. Saudi-US relations are closer than ever before, and the potential for the Arab league to play a more active role in the potential creation of a Palestinian state seems likely. A historic security treaty with the Saudis is in the works - that would limit Chinese influence, strengthen US position in the region and put more diplomatic pressure on Israel to end their occupation of Palestine in exchange for increased normalisation with the Saudis. If they land this, it would be huge.
This is probably one of, if not the most complicated foreign policy subject in the world. Gaza is a terrible tragedy and the US has done little to improve the humanitarian situation. However, that is not the primary goal of US foreign policy in the region - as shameful as that is. As such his middle east policy has at worst been middling. So far the conflict has been relatively isolated. Saudi-US relations are closer than ever before, and the potential for the Arab league to play a more active role in the potential creation of a Palestinian state seems likely. A historic security treaty with the Saudis is in the works - that would limit Chinese influence, strengthen US position in the region and put more diplomatic pressure on Israel to end their occupation of Palestine in exchange for increased normalisation with the Saudis. If they land this, it would be huge.

In terms of the geopolitical context of the 10.7 attack, the main priority was to keep the fighting contained within Israel/Gaza and prevent it from spreading into a regional conflict involving Iran. I don't know how much stock we should put in the possible Saudi deal.
In terms of the geopolitical context of the 10.7 attack, the main priority was to keep the fighting contained within Israel/Gaza and prevent it from spreading into a regional conflict involving Iran. I don't know how much stock we should put in the possible Saudi deal.

Exactly, and I think they have done a decent job of that (so far..). Fair enough on the Saudi deal. It would be very interesting if it happened, but it might collapse or not get ratified in congress, I suppose.
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The whole pumping his face full of botox, bronzing his skin and putting fillers around his eyes is a terrible idea. His facial muscles are so sedated that his facial expressions genuinely look dead. They need to stop trying to pretend he isn't old and making him "look vibrant".

That isn't how negotiations at that level work. Most of the details are sorted out long before two world leaders meet face to face. When they do finally meet, translators who are involved are expert negotiators and diplomats, who have gone through weeks of preparation with the president and the state department.

Every call has 3-5 experts sitting in, with their staff, some are in the room with the president.

The biggest hurdle for success in negotiations with foreign leaders is the president's ability to pick the best qualified advisors, know what can and can not be done, understand the reports his staff presents and understand the underlying politics. A president that approaches negotiations like "one on one" business negotiations will fail, break the law or make huge diplomatic blunders (for example quid pro quo) - see Trump's presidency.

Biden's age and verbal slip ups are of no consequence to his ability to be president in those situations. His "strength" in negotiations come from the power of the country, his choice of cabinet staff, and his understanding of political manoeuvrability, not his personality. That is why Biden managed to unite NATO, prevent a huge escalation in the middle east, de-escalate Taiwan, increase support for Ukraine globally, coordinate a global effort against COVID and ensure huge foreign investment in US tech.

There isn't a person alive more qualified for the job than Joe Biden, the big question is whether or not he is a good enough candidate to get reelected.
- It is not.
- The escalation in the Middle-East is on the cards more than ever. Overall, his policy in the region has been an unmitigated disaster that could cost him the elections, aside from being an undelible stain on his presidency and US history.
- No? Also, good luck trying to strong arm China there with two other major wars ongoing.
- We have yet to see how effective this support is going to be.

He and his administration have been a textbook example of being out of touch with reality on an international level and why the rest of the world now viscerally hates or mistrusts the US, when they're not laughing at them.
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"At the advice of Project 2025 and Agenda 47".

Abolishing the Department of Education is a Republican proposal at least four decades old, they're always running on it.
"At the advice of Project 2025 and Agenda 47".

Abolishing the Department of Education is a Republican proposal at least four decades old, they're always running on it.

Pretty sure it was one of the three departments Rick Perry wanted to get rid of, when he couldn’t remember all of them.
"At the advice of Project 2025 and Agenda 47".

Abolishing the Department of Education is a Republican proposal at least four decades old, they're always running on it.
Yeah but the lunatics weren't running the asylum in past decades, they are now, so it will probably happen this time

It looks like the Republicans might finally get their way. It's a money spinner for them, and also they can then enforce their religious teachings and enforce their own curriculums which will undoubtedly be extremely biased. No doubt these states will still continue to be the most uneducated as the majority of students will be completely oblivious and undoubtedly brainwashed to some extent.

So is another civil war is a possibility or an official national divorce and the USA becoming two separate countries?
I guess that these might be a bit cherry picked but this comparison is....stark. Now, as Pexbo says, imagine the same guy sitting down in 4 years time. It just isn't tenable.

Age catches up with you quick if your genetics are so, 4 years is a very long time at that age, my Nan however is 91 and still walks about and talks like she's in her 50's but all my family live to their 100's so that's good genetics (well depending on how you view living to that age) Biden is in one of the most stressful jobs in the world too, it greyed out Obama after a few years himself
- It is not.
- The escalation in the Middle-East is on the cards more than ever. Overall, his policy in the region has been an unmitigated disaster that could cost him the elections, aside from being an undelible stain on his presidency and US history.
- No? Also, good luck trying to strong arm China there with two other major wars ongoing.
- We have yet to see how effective this support is going to be.

He and his administration have been a textbook example of being out of touch with reality on an international level and why the rest of the world now viscerally hates or mistrusts the US, when they're not laughing at them.

That's hyperbole and not really accurate from what I see. Biden's Middle East policy (as weak and unsatisfying as it has been) has been mostly aligned with Western European leaders. Europe as a collective doesn't "viscerally hate" the US over this issue, at least from people I know, especially not with the spectre of Russian and the Ukraine invasion affecting people I know from Poland or Scandinavia for example. Also, US allies in other parts of the world like Japan or South Korea, again from people I know with families from there, are not hating the US because of Israel-Gaza because they have their own regional concerns that are more top of mind. While I agree Biden has not done well with the Israel issue, I don't really see evidence that the "rest of the world" is turning against the US to the degree you imply because of Israel. Respectfuly, I think some people in the US/Western Europe that are immersed in Israel-Gaza news everyday sometimes don't realize that a lot of people around the world do not have that as their most important issue on the plate and aren't basing their opinions off that issue.
"At the advice of Project 2025 and Agenda 47".

Abolishing the Department of Education is a Republican proposal at least four decades old, they're always running on it.

Like overturning roe

Like curtailing the power of the EPA to regulate pollution

like reducing gun laws

it’s a good thing those types of things never came to fruition and it’s all scare tactics.
Who said it's fake?

The substance of the issue is fine, the goofy part is this lib way of talking like they're in a spy movie.
The morning consult poll has to be highly flawed, it doesn't make sense to have Biden down by 7 in Pennsylvania, but only by 1 in Georgia or 3 in NC.

Sadly, the campaign will probably quote this poll in the days ahead for being favorable(as in, less disastrous than the rest) to them, and dig in.
The Dems never learn. They fumbled the bag in 2016 by doubling down on a highly unlikeable candidate in Hillary, thereby gifting Trump the white house. And they're about to do the same thing by doing a 'Weekend at Bernie's' with a geriatric who needs to be in bed by 8pm every night.
They fecked-up in 2016 when Biden should have ran after his VP stint but Obama and DNC felt it was Hillary's time after she lost in the 2008 primaries. Biden beats Trump and we're not where we are today after (likely) eight years, no Trump, no 6-3 bullshit SCOTUS, no Kamala VP as she's not on the radar in 2016, so forth.

The potential downside is had Biden chosen Hillary as VP would she be the DNC "chosen one" for this cycle, or would the primary have produced a Newsom-Whitmer or Whitmer-Newsom ticket for 2024.

Fecking DNC fecked this nation so bad with their 2016 choice because it was "her time" nonsense.

Well, the Democrats can't seem to run a clean presidential campaign without a major scam:

  • 2016: The DNC deliberately undermined Bernie Sanders, who had garnered significant momentum and widespread support, in favor of the established insider, Hillary Clinton. They manipulated the primaries through the use of superdelegates and conducted an orchestrated media campaign to discredit Bernie. Emails leaked by WikiLeaks revealed that DNC officials had actively worked to disadvantage Sanders. Furthermore, during the presidential campaign, the Clinton campaign funded the controversial Steele dossier. This dossier, which contained unverified allegations about Donald Trump’s ties to Russia, was used as a basis for an FBI investigation, which then led to a special counsel investigation and a multi-year saga of the Russian collusion hoax. The dossier was later discredited, but it had already inflicted significant damage and sown division.

  • 2020: The Biden campaign orchestrated a concerted effort to discredit damaging evidence found on Hunter Biden’s laptop. They enlisted "51 intelligence community authorities" to publicly claim that the laptop was "Russian disinformation," despite the FBI being aware that the laptop and its contents were legitimate. This declaration aimed to shield Joe Biden from allegations of corruption tied to his son's foreign business dealings. Additionally, Big Tech companies like Twitter and Facebook played a crucial role in suppressing the story, citing the potential for a Russian “hack-and-leak” operation. This censorship occurred just weeks before the election, significantly limiting the dissemination of the laptop’s contents and the related corruption narrative. The collaboration between the Biden campaign, intelligence officials, and Big Tech highlighted a significant instance of coordinated media manipulation to protect a political candidate.

  • 2024: Biden’s DOJ and partisan local DAs employed unprecedented lawfare against Trump. They invented novel legal theories to brand him as a “convicted felon,” focusing on at most minor bookkeeping misdemeanors. This legal onslaught included multiple indictments, intended to entangle Trump in endless court battles and tarnish his public image. At the same time, Biden’s cognitive decline was systematically covered up, dismissed as partisan propaganda. The media downplayed or ignored obvious signs of his deteriorating condition, painting any concerns as politically motivated attacks. This dual strategy of aggressive legal action against a political opponent while shielding their own candidate’s vulnerabilities exemplifies a deeply partisan approach to maintaining power. Face it, the Democratic Party is the ultimate insider party and is more interested in maintaining power than real democracy.
That's not quite correct. Trump is a symptom of a country that allowed and nurtured the conditions for a corrupt demagogue to rise to power.

Its a process that has been gradually building since the corporate deregulation of the early Reagan years.

This is why Bernie Sanders also rose to prominence during the same period as Trump - to fill a void that traditional political bureaucracies like the DNC and RNC couldn't fill, and is also why populism has suddenly become a viable entry point into American politics.

Both Bernie and Trump rose to prominence as a reaction to the uni-party system where insiders control everything.
Both Bernie and Trump rose to prominence as a reaction to the uni-party system where insiders control everything.
Bernie was never going to win a GE, even if he was 10-15 years younger now than what he currently is he still wouldn't win
2024: Biden’s DOJ and partisan local DAs employed unprecedented lawfare against Trump. They invented novel legal theories to brand him as a “convicted felon,” focusing on at most minor bookkeeping misdemeanors.
Wanna know why we don’t take you seriously?
Well, the Democrats can't seem to run a clean presidential campaign without a major scam:

  • 2016: The DNC deliberately undermined Bernie Sanders, who had garnered significant momentum and widespread support, in favor of the established insider, Hillary Clinton. They manipulated the primaries through the use of superdelegates and conducted an orchestrated media campaign to discredit Bernie. Emails leaked by WikiLeaks revealed that DNC officials had actively worked to disadvantage Sanders. Furthermore, during the presidential campaign, the Clinton campaign funded the controversial Steele dossier. This dossier, which contained unverified allegations about Donald Trump’s ties to Russia, was used as a basis for an FBI investigation, which then led to a special counsel investigation and a multi-year saga of the Russian collusion hoax. The dossier was later discredited, but it had already inflicted significant damage and sown division.

  • 2020: The Biden campaign orchestrated a concerted effort to discredit damaging evidence found on Hunter Biden’s laptop. They enlisted "51 intelligence community authorities" to publicly claim that the laptop was "Russian disinformation," despite the FBI being aware that the laptop and its contents were legitimate. This declaration aimed to shield Joe Biden from allegations of corruption tied to his son's foreign business dealings. Additionally, Big Tech companies like Twitter and Facebook played a crucial role in suppressing the story, citing the potential for a Russian “hack-and-leak” operation. This censorship occurred just weeks before the election, significantly limiting the dissemination of the laptop’s contents and the related corruption narrative. The collaboration between the Biden campaign, intelligence officials, and Big Tech highlighted a significant instance of coordinated media manipulation to protect a political candidate.

  • 2024: Biden’s DOJ and partisan local DAs employed unprecedented lawfare against Trump. They invented novel legal theories to brand him as a “convicted felon,” focusing on at most minor bookkeeping misdemeanors. This legal onslaught included multiple indictments, intended to entangle Trump in endless court battles and tarnish his public image. At the same time, Biden’s cognitive decline was systematically covered up, dismissed as partisan propaganda. The media downplayed or ignored obvious signs of his deteriorating condition, painting any concerns as politically motivated attacks. This dual strategy of aggressive legal action against a political opponent while shielding their own candidate’s vulnerabilities exemplifies a deeply partisan approach to maintaining power. Face it, the Democratic Party is the ultimate insider party and is more interested in maintaining power than real democracy.

Claiming dems have all these scandals, but when Trump's getting prosecuted for actual election-interference himself, its actually nothing and just the "deep state" going after him.

You are a republican, at this point, right?
If that were true they wouldn’t have attempted to become part of that uni party system.

Everybody is out to get poor Trump for being an "outsider", don't you know?

Nevermind bribing politicians in New York, Florida and so on for decades, nevermind the "R" next to his name now, and just about all of the republican establishment lining up behind him, yet again.

As for Sanders, yeah, he is pretty much a dem, despite not officially being one, we all know that.
The Dems never learn. They fumbled the bag in 2016 by doubling down on a highly unlikeable candidate in Hillary, thereby gifting Trump the white house. And they're about to do the same thing by doing a 'Weekend at Bernie's' with a geriatric who needs to be in bed by 8pm every night.

I wouldn’t be so sure about this outcome, there clearly is increasing momentum to kick Biden out, not that the actual outcome of the election will change per se.
Bernie was never going to win a GE, even if he was 10-15 years younger now than what he currently is he still wouldn't win

He had an average lead of about 10 points when he quit the primary in 2016. Hillary's was about 5 at that stage.
