2024 U.S. Elections | Trump v Harris


Wining or losing the EC, no Republican will get to 50%.
Are we seeing a bit of Biden fatigue set in? It’s probably general anti-incumbency sentiment, but looking at the discussions online, the small sections of voters aren’t happy with certain aspects of the way Biden administration has dealt with issues.

For example, the longer something like Israel bombing Gaza continues, the more Dems seem to want a ceasefire at least, as compared to more republican voters. These voters may just choose to sit out.
That’s definitely going to favor Trump.

Just as in 2020 where Democrat voters felt the need to show up in droves to get Trump out of the White House, the Republican voters may feel the same way this year and if enough blue voters choose to skip voting, it might be curtains for Biden.
As far as i know, Trump has dropped a bit in the polling average, as of late.

Fatigue with Trump is probably real too.
Can't believe voting is actually today. After all that talking, we will finally have some actual results. And there is always those glorious speeches afterwards of some nobody trying to convince a crowd how it's actually a positive that he ended fourth.

Rarely have I met more vomit inducing writing than that. He s a snake oil salesmen and a grifter. He is just more eloquent than the average sycophant. I do think the more they hate on Haley, the more she becomes attractive to anybody but that extreme corner. Especially in a general election. Getting out of the primary however still seems like a steep ask.
Just another one of those polls that don't make sense, in any reality, same as the ones having Trump leading with young voters and so on.
When are you lot going to wake up and realise this is what they want. It's not about "making the liberals cry". It's about locking up the unbelievers in camps and executing political rivals.

They've disconnected from broader society. They want violence and revenge. Wake the feck up.

MICHAEL SHURE: Would you rather have Donald Trump as a dictator for four years or reelect Joe Biden for four years?

TRUMP FAN: I would rather have Donald Trump. I’d like to see the repeal the Roosevelt law so that he can be a president for a lot more than four years. But we this country, needs a dictator. I hate to say that, but it’s the truth

When are you lot going to wake up and realise this is what they want. It's not about "making the liberals cry". It's about locking up the unbelievers in camps and executing political rivals.

They've disconnected from broader society. They want violence and revenge. Wake the feck up.


Worst of all they want to rally behind a member of the elite who is, if not directly, at least indirectly responsible for the actions that have left them in the state they're in (i.e. no unskilled/low skilled manufacturing jobs and no prospects or opportunities for enhancement).
These people are just bizarre frankly. There are no words for this Vivek character.


Yeah, he's such an obvious charlatan and is only in the race to promote his brand and become Trump's VP. Once a couple of primaries are over, he will probably bow out and not be heard from again.
Yeah, he's such an obvious charlatan and is only in the race to promote his brand and become Trump's VP. Once a couple of primaries are over, he will probably bow out and not be heard from again.
I would rather live in a tent in the woods than swallow Donald's little Trumpton with the glee this guy appears to in exchange for whatever money or power hes after. I'm embarrassed for him.
The most important number so far this evening: 32% of the caucus participants think that Trump wouldn’t be fit to be president if convicted. That’s a big number, which leaves me some hope.
Care to elaborate?
Tonight has basically cemented Trump's position as the GOP nominee. Biden will have massive cash advantage heading to November as Trump is mired in legal troubles. Various ads of rioters breaching the capitol will be played on infinite loop after around summer.

Current national polls showing Trump ahead are meaningless. Dems will have 100s of millions to burn on potent negative ads like I mentioned, which Trump has graciously given the materials for due to his own impulses and short-sightedness.

EDIT: In addition, I don't think Trump will get more than 90% of the GOP vote this time around especially with aforementioned factors. In 2020 he had 94%, and lost by around combined 70000 votes in AZ/GA/WI.
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Tonight has basically cemented Trump's position as the GOP nominee. Biden will have massive cash advantage heading to November as Trump is mired in legal troubles. Various ads of rioters breaching the capitol will be played on infinite loop after around summer.

Current national polls showing Trump ahead are meaningless. Dems will have 100s of millions to burn on potent negative ads, which Trump has graciously given them due to his own short-sightedness.

This. Biden now has plenty more ammunition to use against Trump.
Tonight has basically cemented Trump's position as the GOP nominee. Biden will have massive cash advantage heading to November as Trump is mired in legal troubles. Various ads of rioters breaching the capitol will be played on infinite loop in America after around summer.

Current national polls showing Trump ahead are meaningless. Dems will have 100s of millions to burn on potent negative ads like I mentioned, which Trump has graciously given the materials for due to his own impulses and short-sightedness.
Don’t forget the abortion / Roe issue.
Don’t forget the abortion / Roe issue.
May be a hot take, but I don't think that will be as much of a factor in the Presidential race. As in, any damage done by Roe/abortion will be secondary to Trump's legal troubles draining him of campaign funds and Dems browbeating the American public with J6 ads, reminding independent voters to vote against Trump.

Could be a potent line of attack in the Senate races in MT and OH, however.
Tonight has basically cemented Trump's position as the GOP nominee. Biden will have massive cash advantage heading to November as Trump is mired in legal troubles. Various ads of rioters breaching the capitol will be played on infinite loop after around summer.

Current national polls showing Trump ahead are meaningless. Dems will have 100s of millions to burn on potent negative ads like I mentioned, which Trump has graciously given the materials for due to his own impulses and short-sightedness.

I would like to add that the narrative in the media is exaggerated. Currently, Trump has about 50-55% of the vote in Iowa, among committed GOP voters. In my opinion, that’s not impressive given his status as the indispensable leader of the party.
May be a hot take, but I don't think that will be as much of a factor in the Presidential race. As in, any damage done by Roe/abortion will be secondary to Trump's legal troubles draining him of campaign funds and Dems browbeating the American public with J6 ads, reminding independent voters to vote against Trump.

Could be a potent line of attack in the Senate races in MT and OH, however.
The most influential ad for all levels will end up being Trump bragging that he was the one that ended Roe after 50+ years. It could be the daisy ad of 2024. With no Trump bragging, I could see what you are saying, but he literally created an ad that transcends party lines.
Alyssa Farah on CNN sounds like she is happy for Trump. I can’t listen to her or to CNN anymore.