It depends what crime we are talking about. "Knife crime" in Germany, which wasn't even an own category 10 years ago, is at a record high. So is "gang rape". Theft crime on the other hand is at a record low, true. So what does my wife care about? That she is less likely to have her purse snatched or that she is much more likely to get assaulted by Afghan and Syrian immigrants when she is on the streets alone at night?
Here is the statistics in pictures:
I'll translate:
Intentional simple assault: +7.4 %
Violent crime: +8.6 %
Dangerous and serious bodily harm: +6.8 %
Robbery crimes: +17.4 %
Rape, sexual assault etc. in very serious cases: +2.4 %
Knife crime: +9.7 %
Homocide, murder etc.: +2.1 %
No German passport: +17.8 %
Immigrants: +29.8 %
Basically almost 40 % of the suspects are immigrants while making up what, 15 - 20 % of the population?
No one has a problem with immigrants who migrate the proper way, the same way I would migrate anywhere on the planet and as my parents did. Find a job, find a place to live, get the legal papers done, move, learn the language and live a decent life, eventually receive the citizenship. Refugees are an exception but they have to leave once the war in their country is over and when they haven't gotten a meaningful job in the meantime. Also Germany doesn't have endless capacity for millions of refugees. The housing situation is already beyond ridiculous. It's also a joke that "refugees" can go back to Afghanistan to visit family in the summer yet can't be legally deported back to Afghanistan if they comit a crime because Afghanistan isn't considered safe by law makers. A terrible joke that used to be the case until only a few months ago when yet another Afghan attacked people with a knife during a festival and AfD won several elections in east Germany. Only then the government started deporting 20 people back to Afghanistan (for show purposes, "hey look, we're doing something").
I detest the current "left" policies because as a child of immigrants, clearly looking like an immigrant, once the mood shifts drastically and understandably, I too will be the victim of the mood shift. I watched an interview with a Turkish kebab seller on Youtube. He said 30 % of the Turkish community already votes for AfD. Won't be surprised if this isn't the sentiment in the US for many blacks, latinos etc. as well who voted for Trump.
We've come into these countries in the past because they were great countries, not for so called left politicians to turn them into where we come from in a false sense of morality and wokeness.