2024 Summer Olympics (Paris) | Paralympics

Around the world, daft punk was made for this and they chose a Canadian singer, Argentine footballer and Spanish tennis player instead. Le Boo.
I have PTSD from the Italians stealing the 4000m last time. Not fair.
Ganna. Also that was a great moment. Those olympics made little sense to us. Crap in fencing then 3 gold medals in track and field :lol:
This was by far the best opening ceremony. Los Angeles 2028 will have a hard time beating this! Can Hollywood produce something equally spectacular?
You'd get shot in America
We will do great :)

This was by far the best opening ceremony. Los Angeles 2028 will have a hard time beating this! Can Hollywood produce something equally spectacular?
Wonderful indeed. I loved it.

LA doesn’t have many landmarks or river like Paris, but Hollywood will figure out something.

Also, I appreciate how France has shown respect to athletes from other countries, like Nadal and Serena. I particularly appreciate the role of Americans.
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This was by far the best opening ceremony. Los Angeles 2028 will have a hard time beating this! Can Hollywood produce something equally spectacular?

Trump will make it the bestest ozempic games in history. It will be huuuuge.
Twitter is not happy about them recreating the Last Supper with some transgender people in it.

Can any of them prove none of Jesus or the disciples were trans though? They all had long hair and the same people giving out - always depict them as white, so they must’ve been wearing loads of makeup.
I thought that was brilliant. Wonderful idea to use Paris itself rather just a stadium. It opened the whole thing up and it felt bigger and more expansive. Technology wise, that's a very, very challenging thing to do, so props to them for giving that a go and pulling it off.

I personally loved the ceremony and the experience. It's memorable, it's different, and it's not going to please everyone. But, that's France. I hope it's a good and memorable Olympics for all of the right reasons.
I thought that was brilliant. Wonderful idea to use Paris itself rather just a stadium. It opened the whole thing up and it felt bigger and more expansive. Technology wise, that's a very, very challenging thing to do, so props to them for giving that a go and pulling it off.

I personally loved the ceremony and the experience. It's memorable, it's different, and it's not going to please everyone. But, that's France. I hope it's a good and memorable Olympics for all of the right reasons.
Lovely take!

My favorite bit. Kudos to the French for allowing a heavy metal band like Gojira to be a part of this and they chose a fitting bit of French culture and history to complement their music. No one will ever touch London 2012 with the musical side of the ceremony though.

A side thought. The US is strangely conservative with metal music for their big events despite it's popularity in years gone by. Metallica for example has never performed in a Super Bowl despite being arguably the biggest still performing living band from that country.
Best ceremony ever… doing it out in the open… An attendance of over 320K. The logistics behind must have been out of this world.
I thought that was brilliant. Wonderful idea to use Paris itself rather just a stadium. It opened the whole thing up and it felt bigger and more expansive. Technology wise, that's a very, very challenging thing to do, so props to them for giving that a go and pulling it off.

I personally loved the ceremony and the experience. It's memorable, it's different, and it's not going to please everyone. But, that's France. I hope it's a good and memorable Olympics for all of the right reasons.
Loved it too. There’s usually so much pessimism surrounding these major events, particularly in our media, but there’s also so much magic if you choose to see it.

Incredible city and they managed to include so much of it in that ceremony. Hats off to everyone involved, and to all the Olympians who’ve made it to Paris. We really can do wonderful things.
I’d like to point out - the Marie Antoinette part was played from the building that she was imprisoned in as she awaited execution
Loved it too. There’s usually so much pessimism surrounding these major events, particularly in our media, but there’s also so much magic if you choose to see it.

Incredible city and they managed to include so much of it in that ceremony. Hats off to everyone involved, and to all the Olympians who’ve made it to Paris. We really can do wonderful things.
The rain was against them, terror threats, sunset is at 10 pm, it’s a new idea (and therefore they would look fools if it doesn’t work well enough), and so on.

They gambled but they knew that Paris can deliver. They know their city and what it can offer, from the river to the Eiffel Tower to the countless landmarks around the city.
Twitter is not happy about them recreating the Last Supper with some transgender people in it.

Can any of them prove none of Jesus or the disciples were trans though? They all had long hair and the same people giving out - always depict them as white, so they must’ve been wearing loads of makeup.
Twitter has a point. The way people can make fun of Christianity and its business as usual is shocking. No other religion can be disrespected like that without a serious uproar. Weird part is that they are the most tolerant group of all religious groups. Maybe that’s their downfall.
I liked it, had it in background all night and I thought it was interesting, balloon looked great.

Saying that, they are representing equality, and they had something like 50 people carrying a torch, and just one or two were black? How is that representing equality in France, when most of their athletes are black?
I liked it, had it in background all night and I thought it was interesting, balloon looked great.

Saying that, they are representing equality, and they had something like 50 people carrying a torch, and just one or two were black? How is that representing equality in France, when most of their athletes are black?
The pair who finally got to light the thing (the highest honor) are both black, so there's that.
Anyone have a full version of Gojira's performance without the commentators yapping over it?
Twitter has a point. The way people can make fun of Christianity and its business as usual is shocking. No other religion can be disrespected like that without a serious uproar. Weird part is that they are the most tolerant group of all religious groups. Maybe that’s their downfall.

Why is it making fun of Christianity? Are transgender people not allowed to be Christians?

I really liked that they showed a bit of spirit and weren't shy about reminding the world that they basically invented transgressive art.

Plenty of conservatives losing their shit over this show. job well done.
I liked it, had it in background all night and I thought it was interesting, balloon looked great.

Saying that, they are representing equality, and they had something like 50 people carrying a torch, and just one or two were black? How is that representing equality in France, when most of their athletes are black?
I don't know the background of all the athletes pictured but the final torch squad looked more diverse than that.


They also had Paralympians, different sports, different generations of athletes in that group.
Twitter has a point. The way people can make fun of Christianity and its business as usual is shocking. No other religion can be disrespected like that without a serious uproar. Weird part is that they are the most tolerant group of all religious groups. Maybe that’s their downfall.
Twitter does not have a point.

It's not about which religion is the most tolerant, but which culture it is embedded in. And Christianity is embedded in western culture where satirical and transgressive art is embraced. But by all means, wet the bed over a few drag queens posing like a da vinci painting.
This was by far the best opening ceremony. Los Angeles 2028 will have a hard time beating this! Can Hollywood produce something equally spectacular?
US remit isn't to compete with Paris 24, but with Beijing 08.

I really liked that they showed a bit of spirit and weren't shy about reminding the world that they basically invented transgressive art.

Plenty of conservatives losing their shit over this show. job well done.

It's fun to watch. Grown ass people, couldn't sleep after seeing a few trans people on TV. Their Olympics have been ruined.
I had the opening ceremony on my laptop but switched the big TV to the RL match for a couple of hours. Apart from the over-long complaint which I make about all these things like award ceremonies etc, some stretches of the show looked and sounded beautiful, others not so much.

Started slow, picked up nicely, killed its own momentum with the formal speeches (as always) and could have done with a bit of editing but overall a memorable opening.

Unlucky with the weather, the performers did well to keep it going. I hope the live crowd enjoyed it - despite needing the plastic capes.
My review

The first part was me slack jawed gaping at how bad it was. It seemed like a few scores of people showed up at the river front, then a poundland Lady Gaga did a poor performance (shocked to learn afterwards it was actually lady gaga) followed by the worst can-can I've seen in a long time.

The show only took off when Gojira set things afire, a huge boat floated across the building (no idea what that's about) and a headless Marie Antoinette holding her own head while singing. What a fecking way to show off your revolutionary history.

From there, the show was grand, the river worked better as the sun went down and soon enough transitioned into the kind of rave party everyone would want to be there for. An extravaganza of decadence, art, transgression, party and avantgarde that basically showed that France never forgot how to have a good time whilst sticking it to the establishment.
Performing Imagine at a flaming piano was a nice bit of commentary that bohemian ideals may seem outdated in the jaded late stage capitalist 20s, but there is still a poignant ideal there to recall.

The good times lasted up until the first few minutes of the dude on the metal horse going down the river. Which turned into subjective hours. Then hours more of speeches. Followed by hours of carrying the torch. feck me, we all grew old in the latter stages of the show. Somewhere in there Zidane and Nadal popped up and died of old age before they finished the ceremony. The ending was cool, although not worth sticking it out for. The lights show on the Eiffel Tower was amazing. Having the Olympic flame floating over the skyline of Paris is very cool. Should have happened at least an hour earlier though.
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I'm not the audience for that kind of things, I generally dislike all of them but couldn't stop watching this one. It was far from perfect, some moments were terrible but it was different.
Looks like it blew the London opening out the water? Typical pre-brexit Britain.