2024 Summer Olympics (Paris)

My review

The first part was me slack jawed gaping at how bad it was. It seemed like a few scores of people showed up at the river front, then a poundland Lady Gaga did a poor performance (shocked to learn afterwards it was actually lady gaga) followed by the worst can-can I've seen in a long time.

The show only took off when Gojira set things afire, a huge boat floated across the building (no idea what that's about) and a headless Marie Antoinette holding her own head while singing. What a fecking way to show off your revolutionary history.

From there, the show was grand, the river worked better as the sun went down and soon enough transitioned into the kind of rave party everyone would want to be there for. An extravaganza of decadence, art, transgression, party and avantgarde that basically showed that France never forgot how to have a good time whilst sticking it to the establishment.
Performing Imagine at a flaming piano was a nice bit of commentary that bohemian ideals may seem outdated in the jaded late stage capitalist 20s, but there is still a poignant ideal there to recall.

The good times lasted up until the first few minutes of the dude on the metal horse going down the river. Which turned into subjective hours. Then hours more of speeches. Followed by hours of carrying the torch. feck me, we all grew old in the latter stages of the show. Somewhere in there Zidane and Nadal popped up and died of old age before they finished the ceremony. The ending was cool, although not worth sticking it out for. The lights show on the Eiffel Tower was amazing. Having the Olympic flame floating over the skyline of Paris is very cool. Should have happened at least an hour earlier though.
I agree with all that - I had the sound on, even when I wasn't always looking at the pictures. So I was skimming back regularly.

The can-can was a disappointment, one of those free hits that missed.

But the Marie Antoinetes, the rendition of La Marseillaise and the Eiffel Tower light show were all great. The Olympic flame rising up thing was pure drama as well. It'll make a great highlights show!
20 pages and loads of TLDR reviews on the fecking opening ceremony :lol: Just begin the games already ffs.
3m women's team diving final is underway

My olympics have started :drool:
The no fly zone for last night's ceremony.

Brussels, Lyon and London traffic controls must have had every man on deck. Wouldn't be surprised if the one plane near Paris was an AWAC

The security for this olympics have been crazy. They have police from 40 countries participating. Europe almost drained dry of dog sniffer units.
The American synchro diving pair being called Cook and Bacon seems perfect for Saturday breakfast time viewing
Brussels, Lyon and London traffic controls must have had every man on deck. Wouldn't be surprised if the one plane near Paris was an AWAC

The security for this olympics have been crazy. They have police from 40 countries participating. Europe almost drained dry of dog sniffer units.
It was an aerial refueler, there where 2 of them circeling around Paris the whole time. there where probably at least one AWACS plane there to but just like the fighters it wasn't flying with the transponder on.
Chinese duo uncharacteristically imperfect, yet still take gold easily. Honestly feel like the americans were a bit hard done here - should have been closer
That was quite a final. Can't help but feel sorry for Australia, from one good dive away from silver to nowhere in one missed takeoff.

I won't lie though I'm chuffed to see the GB team get a medal there. Time to get the bunting bandwagon rolling.
Had literally just switched it over right before that diving drama. Great stuff for us but must be a horrendous feeling for that Aus diver.
It was an aerial refueler, there where 2 of them circeling around Paris the whole time. there where probably at least one AWACS plane there to but just like the fighters it wasn't flying with the transponder on.
Ah, makes sense, thank you.
The BBC can show two live streams of the Olympics at any one time, but it seems that most of their live coverage is just inane chatter in the studio. It’s infuriating that they do this when there’s actual live events they could be showing.
Can you not use the red button on bbc and watch whatever sport you want live?
Opening ceremony was Eurosong on steroids. They wanted to push as much as they could down the throat. Somebody watching not knowing what it is would never guess its the opening ceremony of the biggest sports event in the world.

Making fun of the Last supper was the peak.
Can you not use the red button on bbc and watch whatever sport you want live?
Not any more. Because of the deal with Discovery, the BBC can only show up to two live events at any one time. In practice that means they’ll have their main live coverage on BBC1/2 and one additional live stream on the red button.

Most of the time there will be more than two events happening simultaneously, so you’re in the hands of the BBC editors as to what they actually show. But that situation is exacerbated by the fact that most of the time their live coverage on BBC1/2 won’t even be live sport, but inane chat in the studio. The BBC seem to be absolutely convinced that people watch live sport coverage for their presenters, rather than the actual live sport. Which probably explains why they feel they need to pay Lineker £1.3m a year.
The BBC can show two live streams of the Olympics at any one time, but it seems that most of their live coverage is just inane chatter in the studio. It’s infuriating that they do this when there’s actual live events they could be showing.
Switch to Eurosport if you actually want to watch some sport.
The BBC can show two live streams of the Olympics at any one time, but it seems that most of their live coverage is just inane chatter in the studio. It’s infuriating that they do this when there’s actual live events they could be showing.

This x 10000, listening to dullards prattling on, let the sport speak for itself.
BBC have been like that years where you have events going on but they insist on showing three people sat on their arses in a studio talking up a coming event then reviewing it after. Back in the days of Astra satellite when Eurosport was free to watch it was insane how much the BBC skipped just to have long chats, that was 20 years ago.

Briefly BBC had a good service with multiple freeview channels constantly showing events and something like 12-18 channels on freesat.

I'm out of the loop now, seems to be Discovery + but not sure how you get that outside of logging into their website watching a stream, is there any broadcast quality? Discovery reminds me of mythbusters, then more recently oil rigs and gold, opal hunting. How are they dominating the sport coverage, what is there reach, are people onboard with it like they were with Sky Sports? The red button freeview and freesat was a good way to get people involved, I'd guess most won't be aware or bother now.

Also noticed how vague the BBC schedule is on their own site, just some brief description or a full event schedule offering just what is taking place, not info to which is on live. I guess you just tune in catch something or watch a clip later outside of inferring the final will be live?
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Watching this on Max, it's brilliant - choose whatever stream you like , see the full schedule, no ads.
Back to studio on BBC, a dozen great events going on no doubt, we watch this shit, sigh.
You have to remember that the Olympics is the only time some people watch sport of any kind, it could be first time for some.
I genuinely wouldn’t mind if they had 24/7 inane studio chatter on BBC1, as long as they had two streams of actual live sport on the red button.
That diving mistake. Brutal. All that time and effort and build up only for one small mistake to take it all away from you. :(
I genuinely wouldn’t mind if they had 24/7 inane studio chatter on BBC1, as long as they had two streams of actual live sport on the red button.
I agree that the coverage has seriously dropped off. You used to be able to follow all sorts of sport, even the last Olympics I watched loads of different things.
Anyone watching the badminton? Couple British dudes trying to beat best in the world (I think they said) Malaysian pair.

1-1, deciding set. Malaysia probably going to win, but it’s a cracker.
Anyone watching the badminton? Couple British dudes trying to beat best in the world (I think they said) Malaysian pair.

1-1, deciding set. Malaysia probably going to win, but it’s a cracker.

Would love to watch but we're watching the 10th analysis of the diving bronze model.
Utter disgrace of a broadcast by BBC. They are back in the studio once again.
Would love to watch but we're watching the 10th analysis of the diving bronze model.

Well jokes on me, because I went on iplayer and clicked “live badminton”, have committed an hour to it, googled the players and guess what - match finished TWO hours ago.

fecking BBC useless twats showing reruns two hours into DAY ONE.
Now hockey highlights from a game that finished 3 hours ago, ffs BBC, you are making a proper bollocks of this.

Show live sport muddafeckers.
Oh my god the BBC don’t have full rights to show live Olympics… So yeah, you’ll only ever see team gb medal contention sports.

Those shower of cnuts Discovery+ have full rights.
Also noticed how vague the BBC schedule is on their own site, just some brief description or a full event schedule offering just what is taking place, not info to which on live. I guess you just tune in catch something or watch a clip later outside of inferring the final will be live?

If you use the checkbox to ask it to show live events it gives you its best guess on the schedule for the next hour or two. They don't give predictions too far ahead because they want to know where the Brits are.

Eurosports are all over the place as well. Discovery app has more options but quite a few links don't update when they finish or get postponed. Plus their Chromecast option is stroppy as hell.

I hate them all. Bring back BBC red button and big links labelled with different sports and a tag to say if they were live or highlights.

If you use the checkbox to ask it to show live events it gives you its best guess on the schedule for the next hour or two. They don't give predictions too far ahead because they want to know where the Brits are.

Eurosports are all over the place as well. Discovery app has more options but quite a few links don't update when they finish or get postponed. Plus their Chromecast option is stroppy as hell.

I hate them all. Bring back BBC red button and big links labelled with different sports and a tag to say if they were live or highlights.
Not possible since Discovery bought exclusivity. Boooooo.
What's the price for Discovery/max? 1 pound a day for the duration of olympics? Seems like good value