2022 US Elections

The order issued Saturday afternoon by the US Supreme Court, halting the hand tabulation of uncounted Florida ballots in the presidential election, is a frontal assault on the most fundamental of democratic rights, the right to vote. It is the culmination of a protracted attempt by the campaign of George W. Bush and the Republican Party to prevent the counting of votes which would show that Democratic candidate Al Gore, and not Bush, carried the state and won the presidency.

In the course of a month of court proceedings and legal and political maneuvers, the essential issue has emerged. The Florida Supreme Court, in its ruling Friday, declared that Florida law required “that every citizen's vote be counted whenever possible, whether in an election for a local commissioner or an election for President of the United States.” The five-member right-wing majority on the US Supreme Court takes the position, in the words of Justice Antonin Scalia on December 1, that “there is no right of suffrage” in a presidential election.

The four Supreme Court justices who opposed halting the recount—John Paul Stevens, Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and David Souter—joined in a dissenting opinion written by Stevens. The minority denounced the stay as a violation of both constitutional procedures and democratic principles.

WASHINGTON – Vice President Dick Cheney's (search) former company already has garnered more than $600 million in military work related to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and potentially could earn billions more without having to compete with other companies.

As the Army's sole provider of troop support services, Halliburton's Kellogg Brown & Root subsidiary has received work orders totaling $529.4 million related to the two wars under a 10-year contract that has no spending ceiling.

Rather than put the Iraq work up for bidding, the government has used the 2001 Halliburton contract to place the various work orders in Iraq, prompting criticism from some Democrats that Cheney's former company is receiving favored treatment.

"The amount Halliburton could receive in the future is virtually limitless," said Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., who disclosed the troop support work orders Thursday. "It is simply remarkable that a single company could earn so much money from the war in Iraq."


an odd choice of endorsement to say the least.
Liz is his daughter.
i know. just an odd choice to get a man accused of being vp due to a stolen election and known to have personally profited by disastrous wars to give a moral sermon on the ills of donald trump.
i know. just an odd choice to get a man accused of being vp due to a stolen election and known to have personally profited by disastrous wars to give a moral sermon on the ills of donald trump.
Takes one to know one & all that.
i know. just an odd choice to get a man accused of being vp due to a stolen election and known to have personally profited by disastrous wars to give a moral sermon on the ills of donald trump.

Well seeing as he's her father no it's not odd at all. Ironic, certainly, as you've outlined here but never odd.
Well seeing as he's her father no it's not odd at all. Ironic, certainly, as you've outlined here but never odd.
it's odd in the sense that she's employed him to make a statement that he of all people is least qualified to make. if the intention is to demonstrate her integrity through her father's endorsement, then it's odd. if her intention is to demonstrate her lack of integrity through her father's endorsement then it still seems odd.

can be odd and ironic at the same time i'd say. a strange choice of endorsement all in all given the target the message is aimed at.
Bud, I already know he did shady stuff… for the purpose of the post above, I don’t care… I just think it’s funny that you’ve got Dick Cheney calling Donald Trump a coward. Damn.
the rehabilitation of the neocons continues with selective choice in some circles. "yeah he was bad but he hates trump". pretty much where cnn and msnbc are with respect to the entire bush cabinet these days.
Bud, I already know he did shady stuff… for the purpose of the post above, I don’t care… I just think it’s funny that you’ve got Dick Cheney calling Donald Trump a coward. Damn.
Donald said he could shoot someone and get away with it. Dick did it. So, there's that.
the rehabilitation of the neocons continues with selective choice in some circles. "yeah he was bad but he hates trump". pretty much where cnn and msnbc are with respect to the entire bush cabinet these days.
I have no clue what you’re talking about and am not gonna let you try and police my fun. It’s hilarious that Dick Cheney is going off on Donald Trump and I’m going to enjoy that.
it's odd in the sense that she's employed him to make a statement that he of all people is least qualified to make. if the intention is to demonstrate her integrity through her father's endorsement, then it's odd. if her intention is to demonstrate her lack of integrity through her father's endorsement then it still seems odd.

can be odd and ironic at the same time i'd say. a strange choice of endorsement all in all given the target the message is aimed at.

He's her father and a political figure. I think it's logical that he would endorse her and be expected to provide an endorsement. The intent of the message is to use old Dick's gravitas to weaken pro-Trump influence on the Republican party in Wyoming, where her own party does not endorse her as candidate, and perhaps across the country as well.

There's a ton of irony in who is delivering that particular message but as an ex-Rveep Cheney can make criticisms of a former R-President with some impunity and right now is the time to be doing it, not only for Lizzo's upcoming primary but for the power struggle in the Republican party as a whole.

I think he looks a little ridiculous in the hat as well.
There's a ton of irony in who is delivering that particular message but as an ex-Rveep Cheney can make criticisms of a former R-President with some impunity and right now is the time to be doing it, not only for Lizzo's upcoming primary but for the power struggle in the Republican party as a whole.
i understand that. the daughter seems to have 0 chance of winning the primary. my problem is that liberal circles are very keen on the rehabilitation of war criminals and rabidly insane former bush cabinet members of late. john bolton, george bush, dick cheney. where does it end? the bush gop and the obama and clinton dems are basically forming an alternative right wing party as far as i can see. it might make sense for the us internally but you might forgive the rest of the world for thinking it a bit mental considering this is the crowd responsible for the past two decades of war crimes since 9/11.

aside from that, the dems are funding the most lunatic of the gop trump members in republican primaries. their logic is apparently that it'll be easier to beat them come midterm. so you popularize the people you want to push out of the republican movement? might make some sense if it works. makes very little sense if it fails. and on the other side, you have ex-gop backers funding democrats which began with clinton during the trump campaign and now you see it with sinema. hence the new "centrist" clinton/bush/obama neo lib con hybrid that seems to have taken shape.

anyway it's mostly performative theatre. trying to channel people away from this person and closer to that one. it's one big anti-policy farce at the moment. might change near midterm.

In essence, Sinema is the purest example of a safe representative for America’s cautious corporate interests. While Trump’s brand of fiery fascist-populism may be a bit too volatile, the country’s corporate elite have not-so-quietly thrown their lot behind politicians they know will keep any of Biden’s scant progressive inclinations at bay while providing them with the stability to retain control over the country. The worst that happens is that Biden loses, or one of their hand-picked mouthpieces gets booted out of the Senate. As all these names have shown time and time again, there will always be another ambitious politician looking for a handout.


the part in bold is for those who take issue with sinema or manchin and refuse to acknowledge the truth of the rotating villain theory in a political system where your politicians are all bought and paid for through legal bribery. in this scenario, as in the past, there will always be a manchin or a sinema because they are features of the system not individual bugs.
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i understand that. the daughter seems to have 0 chance of winning the primary. my problem is that liberal circles are very keen on the rehabilitation of war criminals and rabidly insane former bush cabinet members of late. john bolton, george bush, dick cheney. where does it end? the bush gop and the obama and clinton dems are basically forming an alternative right wing party as far as i can see. it might make sense for the us internally but you might forgive the rest of the world for thinking it a bit mental considering this is the crowd responsible for the past two decades of war crimes since 9/11.

aside from that, the dems are funding the most lunatic of the gop trump members in republican primaries. their logic is apparently that it'll be easier to beat them come midterm. so you popularize the people you want to push out of the republican movement? might make some sense if it works. makes very little sense if it fails. and on the other side, you have ex-gop backers funding democrats which began with clinton during the trump campaign and now you see it with sinema. hence the new "centrist" clinton/bush/obama neo lib con hybrid that seems to have taken shape.

anyway it's mostly performative theatre. trying to channel people away from this person and closer to that one. it's one big anti-policy farce at the moment. might change near midterm.
What? If by liberal you mean anyone left of Liz Cheney then I guess a decent percentage of “liberals” would fall into this, but if you mean actual liberals then feck no.
What? If by liberal you mean anyone left of Liz Cheney then I guess a decent percentage of “liberals” would fall into this, but if you mean actual liberals then feck no.
i mean george bush was on ellen demonstrating his painting skills not so long ago. that's a fairly liberal audience and platform. bolton is a regular guest on cnn, lately to talk about the right way to conduct coups. again, a liberal audience and platform. and liz cheney has been hailed as a kind of republican saviour of morality by liberals like bob reich who said she should be president.

that's a firm effort to concentrate certain factions into the mainstream and via liberal channels. and it's done with the reasoning "trump is bad so these people are now acceptable".
i mean george bush was on ellen demonstrating his painting skills not so long ago. that's a fairly liberal audience and platform. bolton is a regular guest on cnn, lately to talk about the right way to conduct coups. again, a liberal audience and platform. and liz cheney has been hailed as a kind of republican saviour of morality by liberals like bob reich who said she should be president.

that's a firm effort to concentrate certain factions into the mainstream and via liberal channels. and it's done with the reasoning "trump is bad so these people are now acceptable".

So glad to know that Ellen, CNN, and a guy who was pro affordable housing until it encroached on his neighborhood are the bell weathers for liberals. I’ll make sure to update my beliefs accordingly.
So glad to know that Ellen, CNN, and a guy who was pro affordable housing until it encroached on his neighborhood are the bell weathers for liberals. I’ll make sure to update my beliefs accordingly.
nyt, and pretty much every other "liberal" outlet gets in on the action too. i don't know what your news sources are but i'd be surprised if you didn't consume any of these at all. the washington post too.

but if you don't think there's a concerted effort to rehabilitate these people to a liberal audience that has little in common except dislike of trump, then that's fine.

I lost some very good friends in that God damn war, one of my biggest mistakes to enlist for that shit show, he should go feck himself.
I'm no fan of Cheney but bringing up 2000 might be stretching it a bit , media had a blunder by announcing Florida for gore so early and I remember reading that in most counting procedures bush would have won anyway .

The ensuing debacle certainly didn't leave a good taste however.
my problem is that liberal circles are very keen on the rehabilitation of war criminals and rabidly insane former bush cabinet members of late. john bolton, george bush, dick cheney. where does it end?

Who else is there to go against Trump on the Republican side? I also think you're seeing an organized effort where there is more likely a mix of factors. Bush is an ex-President. He'll be doing the rounds for a while, also not enough Americans would call him a war criminal to necessitate rehabilitation in that respect for domestic audiences, he's just not the worst anymore thanks to Donald Trump. Bolton likely hired an agent to get him easy but lucrative TV gigs (and we're all better off with him being there than making policy). Cheney is helping his daughter. Since Donald Rumsfeld is dead, I don't think we need to worry too much not many others from the Bush years are famous enough.

the part in bold is for those who take issue with sinema or manchin and refuse to acknowledge the truth of the rotating villain theory in a political system where your politicians are all bought and paid for through legal bribery. in this scenario, as in the past, there will always be a manchin or a sinema because they are features of the system not individual bugs.

That sounds awfully conspiratorial, you'll have to forgive my skepticism.
Question for US fellas:
If the midterm elections result in a major republican victory (which probably will looking at the polls), what's the chances of Joe Biden being impeached?
Impeached? 100%

Convicted? Who knows.
The impeachment question is interesting as I have no idea what the make up to charge him with, but if the GOP gets the house they will certainly do it.

Almost no chance of a conviction as 2/3 of Senate members present must vote to convict. I guess they can lock out all the Dem Senators or arrest them or something, but at that point we likely have bigger issues.

The impeachment question is interesting as I have no idea what the make up to charge him with, but if the GOP gets the house they will certainly do it.

Almost no chance of a conviction as 2/3 of Senate members present must vote to convict. I guess they can lock out all the Dem Senators or arrest them or something, but at that point we likely have bigger issues.

You’re right, no chance. I was looking at it through 2020’s prism.
So it's looking like Dems will hold the Senate?
Fingers crossed they should not just hold but actually gain seats. The Kansas outcome this week gives me my first sliver of hope they can keep the house, but that is going to take a miracle.
Who else is there to go against Trump on the Republican side? I also think you're seeing an organized effort where there is more likely a mix of factors. Bush is an ex-President. He'll be doing the rounds for a while, also not enough Americans would call him a war criminal to necessitate rehabilitation in that respect for domestic audiences, he's just not the worst anymore thanks to Donald Trump. Bolton likely hired an agent to get him easy but lucrative TV gigs (and we're all better off with him being there than making policy). Cheney is helping his daughter. Since Donald Rumsfeld is dead, I don't think we need to worry too much not many others from the Bush years are famous enough.

That sounds awfully conspiratorial, you'll have to forgive my skepticism.
can take your point. i'd say desantis but then is he an improvement or not? it's either going to be him or cruz if trump doesn't run and cruz is a deeply unserious politician so desantis has that over him even if his sense of seriousness comes from being a psychopath. so sort of agree on the first but the last one really isn't a stretch. the whole rotating villain thing is a fact of washington. today's bastards are sinema and manchin. in four years or whenever there'll be replacement versions. always happens. and if it wasn't for the funding of conflict interest groups behind these people you'd ignore it but dc politicians basically spend their entire lives campaigning for their next election. raising money perpetually.
Cruz has the charisma of a rotted cabbage and zero allure, not a chance in hell he'd get the R nom. His time passed when Trump trounced him a few years back.
Question for US fellas:
If the midterm elections result in a major republican victory (which probably will looking at the polls), what's the chances of Joe Biden being impeached?

Fairly good chance they will try, but not entirely clear they will succeed in the house given that Biden hasn't done anything remotely impeachable (unlike his predecessor who did many impeachable things). Therefore there will be House Rs who may not get on board.

McCarthy will almost certainly try though since there's a very high likelihood Trump will be in indicted and the Rs will be looking for a counter narrative to muddy the waters.
Fingers crossed they should not just hold but actually gain seats. The Kansas outcome this week gives me my first sliver of hope they can keep the house, but that is going to take a miracle.
Imagine if they held both and didn’t just have a Sinema / Manchin slither advantage in the Senate?

I would very much like to know what the excuse would be then.