2022 US Elections

Calling him just "Republican candidate Ron Watkins" is a bit weak. He runs 8kun/8chan, truly one of the worst places on the internet. It's filled with racists, white supremacists, misogynists, etc, and is the preferred place for such scum to livestream their mass shootings.
If he wins, he would surely be the dumbest US Senator in history. There have been a lot of dumb ones, but at least most of them manage to sometimes appear not as dumb. Walker just seems incredibly dumb every single time he's on camera.
Well, fart. It was a screenshot of Pence’s live speech time on Fox v. Trump’s yesterday.

Fox News carried 17 minutes of Pence v. 0 for Trump.

Should have been in US Politics anyway.
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It seems the GOP is so out of touch right now that they may obstruct there way into a midterm loss, especially in the Senate. They are throwing a temper tantrum after getting played by Schumer/Manchin.

It seems the GOP is so out of touch right now that they may obstruct there way into a midterm loss, especially in the Senate. They are throwing a temper tantrum after getting played by Schumer/Manchin.

Got a link to the Schumer / Manchin playing? I’ve been out of the loop for a few hours.
Got a link to the Schumer / Manchin playing? I’ve been out of the loop for a few hours.

Essentially it is that McConnel said he would all the CHIPS act to pass if there was no reconciliation bill, or maybe that it would be limited. As soon as the CHIPS act passed with 60+ senators (so had McConnells blessing), Schumer and Manchin announced an agreement on reconciliation.

Reconciliation bill is nowhere close to where it should be, but it is waaaaay more than I thought we were going to get from Manchin. We'll see if it actually happens, but there is a small bit of hope.

Got a link to the Schumer / Manchin playing? I’ve been out of the loop for a few hours.
has to do with reconciliation act. first glance says it's not good enough and won't accomplish anything near what's needed to combat the reality which is this:

The ruling class for decades denied the reality of the climate crisis or acknowledged the crisis and did nothing. We sleepwalked into catastrophe. Record heat waves. Monster droughts. Shifts in rainfall patterns. Declining crop yields. The melting of the polar ice caps and Glazers resulting in sea level rise. Flooding. Wildfires. Pandemics. The breakdown of supply chains. Mass migrations. Expanding deserts. The acidification of the oceans that extinguishes sea life, the food source for billions of people. Feedback loops will see one environmental catastrophe worsen another environmental catastrophe. The breakdown will be nonlinear. These are the harbingers of the future.

Social cohesion and the rule of law will disintegrate. This is taking place in many parts of the global south. A ruthless security and surveillance apparatus, along with heavily militarized police, will turn industrial nations into climate fortresses to keep out refugees and prevent uprisings by an increasingly desperate public. The ruling oligarchs will retreat to protected compounds where they will have access to services and amenities, including food, water and medical care, denied to the rest of us.

Voting, lobbying, petitioning, donating to environmental lobby groups, divestment campaigns and protesting to force the global ruling class to address the climate catastrophe proved no more effective than scrofula victims’ superstitious appeals to Henry VIII to cure them with a royal touch. In 1900 the burning of fossil fuel – mostly coal – produced about 2 billion tons of carbon dioxide a year. That number had risen threefold by 1950. Today the level is 20 times higher than the 1900 figure. During the last 60 years the increase in CO2 was an estimated 100 times faster than what the earth experienced during the transition from the last ice age.

3 Future Models

The last time the earth’s temperature rose 4 degrees Celsius, the polar ice caps did not exist and the seas were hundreds of feet above their current levels.

There are three mathematical models for the future: a massive die-off of perhaps 70 percent of the human population and then an uneasy stabilization; extinction of humans and most other species; an immediate and radical reconfiguration of human society to protect the biosphere. This third scenario is dependent on an immediate halt to the production and consumption of fossil fuels, converting to a plant-based diet to end the animal agriculture industry – almost as large a contributor to greenhouse gasses as the fossil fuel industry – greening the deserts and restoring rainforests.

We knew for decades what harnessing a hundred million years of sunlight stored in the form of coal and petroleum would do to the climate. As early as the 1930s British engineer Guy Stewart Callendar suggested that increased CO2 was warming the planet. In the late 1970s into the 1980s, scientists at companies such as Exxon and Shell determined that the burning of fossil fuels was contributing to rising global temperature.

“[T]here is concern among some scientific groups that once the effects are measurable, they might not be reversible and little could be done to correct the situation in the short term,” a 1982 internal briefing for Exxon’s management noted.

NASA’s Dr. James Hansen told the U.S. Senate in 1988 that the buildup of CO2 and other gasses were behind the rise in heat.

But by 1989 Exxon, Shell and other fossil fuel corporations decided the risks to their profits from major curbs in fossil fuel extraction and consumption was unacceptable. They invested in heavy lobbying and funding of faux research and propaganda campaigns to discredit the science on the climate emergency


you're seeing more of the bold than you are of the progressive legislation promised in biden's gnd. brought to you by the same people still profiting off the entire thing.

300bn going to deficit reduction is ridiculous given the circumstances. 400bn going to investment in renewable energy is better than nothing but remains to be seen if it gets passed and if passed what form it takes. the issue requires something much bigger than what they're doing.
Essentially it is that McConnel said he would all the CHIPS act to pass if there was no reconciliation bill, or maybe that it would be limited. As soon as the CHIPS act passed with 60+ senators (so had McConnells blessing), Schumer and Manchin announced an agreement on reconciliation.

Reconciliation bill is nowhere close to where it should be, but it is waaaaay more than I thought we were going to get from Manchin. We'll see if it actually happens, but there is a small bit of hope.

has to do with reconciliation act. first glance says it's not good enough and won't accomplish anything near what's needed to combat the reality which is this:


you're seeing more of the bold than you are of the progressive legislation promised in biden's gnd. brought to you by the same people still profiting off the entire thing.

300bn going to deficit reduction is ridiculous given the circumstances. 400bn going to investment in renewable energy is better than nothing but remains to be seen if it gets passed and if passed what form it takes. the issue requires something much bigger than what they're doing.

Can’t believe we played a bit of politics on the offense here.
Going to post all of these as I think he cuts right to it. The rage is real and Stewart has been an advocate for military and first responder healthcare for years.

edit: Here is the whole thing.
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Going to post all of these as I think he cuts right to it. The rage is real and Stewart has been an advocate for military and first responder healthcare for years.

edit: Here is the whole thing.

I love that that’s on CSPAN
Jon Stewart is a true legend. I'm really glad there are people like him calling out the fact that first responders and veterans are being fecked over by Senate Tortoises.
Can’t believe we played a bit of politics on the offense here.
lots of caveats

The bill, named the Inflation Reduction Act, contains roughly $433 billion in new spending, $369 billion of which is for climate and energy proposals, according to a one page summary of the bill.

That there are climate provisions at all is an improvement over Manchin’s supposed opposition to any and all climate spending, which aides and staffers thought was his position two weeks ago. But the climate provisions could be severely undercut by new proposals put in on behalf of Manchin to expand oil and gas exploration on public lands.

Crucially, according to Bloomberg, the bill essentially locks the government into permitting new oil and gas leases for the next decade; any time the Interior Department wants to allow new wind and solar rights on federal lands, the bill mandates that the agency will have to hold oil and gas lease sales first.

This is a major caveat to the bill’s touted climate spending, undermining years of climate activists’ calls for President Joe Biden to end oil and gas lease sales and going against even conservative energy organizations’ recommendations for the country to stop all new fossil fuel projects or else completely miss the global goal of limiting global warming to under 1.5 degrees Celsius.

According to the bill’s summary, it would cut U.S. emissions by about 40 percent by 2030, though it’s unclear where that figure comes from. Still, it falls short of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-New York) promise of 45 percent reductions last year, and falls even further from the goal of cutting emissions in half by 2030 that Democrats promised last August.

It would achieve these reductions through electric vehicle and clean energy tax credits, as well as provisions to incentivize oil and gas companies to cut their methane emissions and consumer incentives for things like heat pumps and rooftop solar. Previous suggestions like the Clean Electricity Performance Program to punish utilities for failing to make certain clean energy shifts are out.

The bill also allocates $64 billion toward extending enhanced subsidies for the Affordable Care Act to lower premiums for low-income Americans. These proposals, as well as a $300 billion reduction in the deficit, are paid for by several revenue raising provisions.

The bill would raise roughly $388 billion from allowing Medicare to negotiate prices for a limited number of drugs and would cap annual out-of-pocket drug expenses for seniors at $2,000. The rest would be raised by tax reforms, including a 15 percent corporate minimum tax, an increase in funding for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to increase tax enforcement, and closing the carried interest loophole, which allows private equity managers and other wealthy taxpayers to dodge top tax rates.

Nearly all of these proposals are far smaller than the bill that Democrats and progressives had been fighting for last year, and provisions like paid family and medical leave, universal pre-kindergarten, a Civilian Climate Corps and Medicare expansion are left out completely.

There’s still no guarantee that the bill will pass. Climate advocates will surely take issue with the oil and gas leasing provisions, while conservative Democrats like Rep. Josh Gottheimer (New Jersey) and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (Arizona) may oppose proposals to tax corporations and the wealthy, drug pricing provisions and what climate spending is in the bill.

Gottheimer has already been rallying fellow conservatives to oppose any new taxes in the bill and was key last year in killing Democrats’ larger prescription drug pricing goals for the Build Back Better Act. Meanwhile, Sinema, who has yet to comment on the Inflation Reduction Act, dealt a major blow to the climate portion of Democrats’ reconciliation bill last year and ultimately played a large hand in killing the bill altogether

Jon Stewart and Paul Rieckhoff did not hold back on calling out specific US senators by name on Morning Joe as obstructionists blocking the PACT Act.

Pat Toomey is a cnut. I just cannot wait until John Fetterman picks up the seat in PA.
Maybe owning the libs on Twitter doesn't actually impress middle America.

Not to be pedantic (ok, I am) but PA is not Middle America or the Midwest. It literally has almost direct access to the Atlantic via the Delaware bay.

Not a shot at you, I just keep seeing people on Twitter refer to PA as an example of Midwestern States flipping. It is part of the rust belt, but it is not a Midwest state.