2021 American Civil War

The most unsurprising and yet interesting thing about this is how loads of the participants are wearing very expensive tactical gear (armour, boots, gloves, helmets etc), and yet they were so disorganised. Shows you the real hardliners who are training consistently haven't shown up yet, and also that the death of that woman is going to raise the stakes in the future.

Interesting times.

The real hardliners hate the US Government full stop and what party is in power does not matter.
If you are lone maybe. If you are part of a mob that had been allowed to enter till that far inside the building, you don't think it will happen...actually she was the only one

She didn't deserve it bc her age, what her parents deserve is directly proportional to their resposability in her radicalization and dumbfeckery
Unfortunately her parents or those who potentially moulded her views won’t soon face charges, if ever.
The real hardliners hate the US Government and what party is in power does not matter.

Very true. Someone needs to explain to me how thes crazies can afford to be decked out head to toe in crye tactical gear though. Easily a grand, and that's without including all the armour. Must be what all the stimulus cheques are being spent on.
"Antifa" is trending on twitter. Going through the tweets, this is quickly establishing itself as the go-to right wing explanation for all of this, with parts of the establishment right zooming in as well.
No, but she could very well be a part of a similar movement in my country.

Where do you live? Don’t think you live here, do you? Do you see the left doing shit like today? You have a somewhat skewed prism through which you are viewing the situation

These people operate in alternative fact land. This basically negates any ability to create a meaningful dialogue with them as there is no shared sense of reality.

This isn’t just a ‘Johnny Come Lately’ thing, this has existed for decades on the right. It’s started to boil over in recent decades due to the fusion of the delusion of evangelical religion with the abject racism & fascist creep. Stop trying to classify these people as rational or willing to compromise. We’ve seen this for decades. It’s nothing new. It’s just very acute now.
Well if it's been going on for decades when do you think it will end? How soon can you get started?

It probably won't begin to be fixed until you look at each other more positively, a bit more positively then by de-humanising each other. My country is just a little older than yours, it's got problems too but on the scale of America you are supposed to be the biggest and the best, the shining example for everyone else to follow.
"Antifa" is trending on twitter. Going through the tweets, this is quickly establishing itself as the go-to right wing explanation for all of this, with parts of the establishment right zooming in as well.
Some Capitol policeman who normally deals with dumb tourists going in the wrong door is tonight dealing with the fact that he shot and killed a 16 year-old kid.

Ted Cruz and co. have a lot to answer for.

Doubtful. This will have been armed security whose purpose is to protect the Representatives at all costs.
Very true. Someone needs to explain to me how thes crazies can afford to be decked out head to toe in crye tactical gear though. Easily a grand, and that's without including all the armour. Must be what all the stimulus cheques are being spent on.

nah that shit is sold in Walmart, Bass Pro Shops, in fact any sporting goods store. These gun-loving virgins go mad for it. I'm willing to bet Dwayne has got stacks of it too.
Very true. Someone needs to explain to me how thes crazies can afford to be decked out head to toe in crye tactical gear though. Easily a grand, and that's without including all the armour.

That stuff is not really that expensive. I'd wager most are wearing empty plate carriers to achieve a tacticool look.

Must be what all the stimulus cheques are being spent on.

Unfortunately her parents or those who potentially moulded her views won’t soon face charges, if ever.

The pain of losing her is enough frankly. none of those morons will face charges anywy
nah that shit is sold in Walmart, Bass Pro Shops, in fact any sporting goods store. These gun-loving virgins go mad for it. I'm willing to bet Dwayne has got stacks of it too.

Nah, I have some surplus Northern Irish Level IV body armour but I bought it for shits and giggles a number of years ago and it rarely comes out of the box. It's probably all mouldy now.
Well if it's been going on for decades when do you think it will end? How soon can you get started?

It probably won't begin to be fixed until you look at each other more positively, a bit more positively then by de-humanising each other. My country is just a little older than yours, it's got problems too but on the scale of America you are supposed to be the biggest and the best, the shining example for everyone else to follow.
The problems run deep in this country. Federalism has its limitations, we are seeing the acute nature of such now. Toss in the absurdity of two party rule when platforms can just be switched with no consequence to the party switching them.

Our exceptionalism mantra worked well when there was an ideological battle with another superpower. We could somewhat con people to the joys of America.

Now that we’re left to our own devices & cant rally our citizens internally to hate something externally, we find ourselves in the current morass.

And it seems that more hardline measures might be necessary to deal with those who engage in such actions as today in order to approach a critical mass that might result in some true change.
It can get a lot worse before that and it's very likely to get a lot worse if the situation is recklessly inflamed by unceremoniously removing the man they're willing to risk their lives for two weeks early.

Maybe so, but the potential consequences are far less than the potential consequences of whatever deranged act(s) that a clearly unhinged Trump might well take in the next 13 days - e.g. ordering a nuclear strike on Iran, or persuading a rogue military unit to advance on the capital with orders to detain everyone on Congress.

I wouldn't put anything past this man. He is desperate and crazy.

Moreover, the lesson of history is that you must face fascists down - so if his hardcore supporters react badly and resort to guns, then you send in the police and FBI to meet force with force. Once a few of them are shot dead, if needed, most of the rest will melt away like the pretend soldiers they are.
The pain of losing her is enough frankly. none of those morons will face charges anywy
Sadly, you’re probably right. Doubt Rittenhouse’s parents will ever see any criminal indictments either.
Pence looking like the republican who have gained most from today's shambles. 2024?
Ah her being 16 is quite sad, in fairness. A lot of teenagers are thick as shit, she would've been 12 when Trump was sworn in. Prime candidate for brainwashing by parents etc.
I've no idea what these people were thinking. Go in, stop the count and then what? Don't think this was thought out very well because they could have done some serious damage if they wanted to. And as someone mentioned spies or operatives from other enemy countries could just blended in with the crowd and made their way in, accessed the servers through Pelosi or anyone else's computers that were apparently logged in, planted Spyware, recording devices, planted a bomb or just killed someone to trigger a mass shooting. And after all that they could have just walked out of there. Why on earth did the cops just retreat all the way back to the chambers?
I'm really surprised that just one person was killed.
nah that shit is sold in Walmart, Bass Pro Shops, in fact any sporting goods store. These gun-loving virgins go mad for it. I'm willing to bet Dwayne has got stacks of it too.
That stuff is not really that expensive. I'd wager most are wearing empty plate carriers to achieve a tacticool look.


Fair enough. They must charge militaries extra because the genuine stuff is like £200-300 just for the trousers!

Yes, even more dangerous than Truman! Perspective. Trump is crazy and his supporters are idiots but most dangerous president in history? feckin hell Saunders losing his marbles.

To be fair, Truman didn't almost break the country in two.